gulp plugin for adding generated assets to a manifest file
We needed to make hashed asset filenames available in a common format that a webserver (Django) could load into the templates. This plugin can easily be modified to suit your own purposes.
It works great with gulp-rev by Sindre Sorhus.
adds hashes to the filename, gulp-asset-manifest
adds the hashed filenames to the manifest.
The plugin takes generated or processed asset files (CSS, JS, whatever) and adds them to a JSON manifest file. It separates the files by bundles, so you can have one for CSS, one for JS and your other needs. These bundles can then be read from the manifest file into your templates.
Install with npm:
npm install gulp-asset-manifest --save
See examples below on how to add it to your gulpfile.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var assetManifest = require('gulp-asset-manifest');
gulp.task('default', function () {
.pipe(assetManifest({bundleName: 'app_scripts'}))
The use of gulp-rev is completely optional, but recommended for cache-busting etc.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var assetManifest = require('gulp-asset-manifest');
var rev = require('gulp-rev'); // Optional
gulp.task('default', function () {
.pipe(rev()) // Optional
.pipe(assetManifest({bundleName: 'app_scripts', log: true}))
To have multiple bundles in the same manifest, add different bundleName
parameters to the tasks.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var assetManifest = require('gulp-asset-manifest');
gulp.task('scripts', function () {
.pipe(assetManifest({bundleName: 'app_scripts'}))
gulp.task('styles', function () {
.pipe(assetManifest({bundleName: 'app_styles'}))
We haven't gotten around to open sourcing our implementation of the Django manifest loader.
But @Xowap has created his own version which can be found here:
Type: String
Required: Yes
Name of the bundle for this task. E.g. if the tasks handles JS libraries, the bundle name could be 'js_libs'. If the gulp task processes all Sass files, it could be 'main_css'.
Type: String
Default: asset_manifest.json
Required: No
Path of the manifest file which plugin reads from and writes to.
Type: String
Default: None
Required: No
Prepend a path to the filename. Eg. 'assets/build/'.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: No
Will include the relative path of the file(s).
Type: String
Default: The default path separator for the current environment
Required: No
Override the environment's default path separator. Can be used to convert MSDOS paths (\
) to *nix paths ('/').
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: No
If true, the plugin will output filenames to the console.
MIT © Vanja Cosic