Multidimensional iterative proportional fitting in Julia.
ProportionalFitting implements a multidimensional version of the factor estimation method for performing iterative proportional fitting (also called RAS algorithm, raking, matrix scaling)
Before version
, this package was calledItPropFit.jl
See the full documentation and getting started here.
using ProportionalFitting
# matrix to be adjusted
X = [40 30 20 10; 35 50 100 75; 30 80 70 120; 20 30 40 50]
# target margins
u = [150, 300, 400, 150]
v = [200, 300, 400, 100]
# Perform iterative proportional fitting
fac = ipf(X, [u, v])
[ Info: Converged in 8 iterations.
Factors for 2D array:
[1]: [0.9986403503185242, 0.8833622306385376, 1.1698911437112522, 0.8895042701910321]
[2]: [1.616160156063788, 1.5431801747375655, 1.771623700829941, 0.38299396265192226]
# compute adjusted matrix
Z = Array(fac) .* X
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
64.5585 46.2325 35.3843 3.82473
49.9679 68.1594 156.499 25.3742
56.7219 144.428 145.082 53.7673
28.7516 41.18 63.0347 17.0337
# check that the margins are indeed [u, v]
Margins of 2D array:
[1]: [150.0000000009452, 299.99999999962523, 399.99999999949796, 149.99999999993148]
[2]: [200.0, 299.99999999999994, 399.99999999999994, 99.99999999999997]