TheTradeDesk Marketing API SDK for Ruby
This gem allows you to manage your TheTradeDesk Ads using a ruby interface. It allows you to list, create, update and destroy TheTradeDesk Ad objects (advertisers, campaigns, ad groups, etc) and get reports about the performance of TheTradeDesk Ads.
gem install the_trade_desk_ads
Or, add the following to your Gemfile:
gem 'the_trade_desk_ads', '~> 0.1'
Requires Ruby >= 2.0
You'll need a Login and a Password in order to use TheTradeDesk's Advertising API.
TheTradeDeskAds.login = '[YOUR_LOGIN]'
TheTradeDeskAds.password = '[YOUR_PASSWORD]'
This gem currently uses v3 of the Advertising API. You can change the version as desired with the following:
TheTradeDeskAds.base_uri = ''
This gem provides a console using Pry and AwesomePrint for you to test & debug. It reads the Login and Password from files called test_login and test_password.
echo [YOUR_LOGIN] > test_login
echo [YOUR_PASSWORD] > test_password
- Everything