Data Analysis and Data Visualization on a Coffee Sales Dataset
**Coffee Sales Analysis ** This portfolio project involves analyzing coffee sales data using various Excel functions, conditionals, and visualization techniques. The project includes the following steps:
Excel Functions: Utilize XLOOKUP and VLOOKUP functions for efficient data lookup. Learn about the key differences between XLOOKUP and VLOOKUP here. Conditionals (IF): Apply conditional statements using the IF function to set specific conditions and outcomes in the data analysis.
Index: Explore the use of the INDEX function to retrieve data from specific rows or columns in the dataset.
Formatting: Format the date column to display in the dd-mmm-yy format. Convert the size column to kilograms and represent unit price and sales in currency format. Check for Duplicates:
Identify and handle any duplicate entries in the dataset to maintain data integrity. Changing Table Design:
Optimize the design of tables for better data organization and analysis. Creating a Pivot Table: Generate a pivot table to analyze coffee sales trends over time, facilitating a comprehensive overview of the dataset.
Inserting Line Chart: Visualize sales trends over time by inserting a line chart to provide a clear representation of the data.
Inserting Orders Timeline: Enhance the analysis by incorporating an orders timeline, offering a visual representation of order occurrences.
Inserting Bar Charts (Top 5 Customers and Sales by Country): Use bar charts to highlight the top 5 customers and visualize sales distribution in each country.
Inserting Slicers: Implement slicers for easy filtering and interactive analysis, providing a user-friendly experience.
Making Connections in the Dashboard: Establish connections between different elements of the dashboard to ensure seamless interaction and a cohesive analytical experience.
Project Credits : Mo Chen (