This repository contains code for the web development projects that i have done as part of CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript. The search project uses only Html and CSS, wiki and commerce projects use only Django and remaining projects use both Django and JavaScript.
Here are brief descriptions for each CS50W project.
Search: The search project is First project, where you have to recreate Google search, Google Image Search and Advanced Search pages only using Html and CSS.
Wiki: A Wikipedia-like online encyclopedia built with Django. Users can create, edit, and search for entries, all written in Markdown.
Commerce: An e-commerce platform where users can list products for auction, place bids, comment on listings, and mark items as watched. Built with Django.
Mail: A single-page email client that interacts with an API to send, receive, and organize emails. Built with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
Network: A social media platform where users can post, follow others, and like posts. Features include user profiles, pagination, and editing posts.
Capstone: The final project, where you independently create a web application of your choosing, demonstrating the concepts learned throughout the course. I have created a Task Management app called "Tasker" using Django and Javascript