This is a Golang script to create a windows virtual machine as well as a linux virtual machine.
Steps to run this script
- Set your azure subscription ID variable so the code runs. You can do this by running export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
If running the script for a windows virtual machine(windows.go):
- Run go run windows.go to run the script.
- To be able to SSH into the vm, we must enable it. To deploy the ssh extension into your windows vm, run az vm extension set --resource-group demo-group --vm-name demo-vm --name WindowsOpenSSH --publisher Microsoft.Azure.OpenSSH --version 3.0
- Next, we must ensure that the TCP port is open to allow connectivity. Run az vm extension set --resource-group demo-group --vm-name demo-vm --name WindowsOpenSSH --publisher Microsoft.Azure.OpenSSH --version 3.0
- Run az ssh vm -g demo-group -n demo-vm --local-user demo-user to ssh into your vm
If running the script for a linux virtual machine(linux.go):
- Change the sshPublicKeyPath variable to where your public ssh key is located(usually in the file).
- Next, run go run linux.go to run the script.
- You can get the IP address necessary to login by running az network public-ip list -g demo-group
- Run ssh demo-user@IPAddress to ssh into your vm