Waste Segregation Project to classify waste into different classes.
Kaggle Kernel Dataset: Trashnet
Categories |
Cardboard |
Glass |
Paper |
Metal |
Trash |
- Training on GrayScale images
- Validation Accuracy 42%
- Loss function : Sparse Categorical Loss function
- Overfitting High
- Image Augmentation
- Training on Colored images
- Validation Accuracy 80%
- Loss function : Categorical Loss function
- Added 1 more 32 filters Convolution block with default stride
- 2 Dense layers with dropouts
- Image, Fit, Predict Generators, Flow from directory.
- Difference between SpatialDropout2D and Dropout Regularization.
- Number of filters and dense perceptrons to build a model.
- Callbacks : Early Stopping and Model Checkpoints to save perfect model on Hierarchical Data Format HDF5 (.h5)
- Visualizations by Matplotlib
Udacity Intro To Tensorflow
- Further Regularization -
- Batch Normalization
- L1 & L2 error
- intialization of weights
- Transfer learning -
- MobileNet
- Saving & Deploying of TFLite
- VGGNet
- ResNet
- MobileNet
- Collect Preprocess my own Training Dataset.
- Object Detection Localization
- YOLO v2/v3
- Trash, Instance Segmentation