This is a general framework for legged robots - ros_gazebo simulation (taking the unitree gol for example)
Putting "unitree_ros" under your catkin workspace "src/" dir, then "catkin_make" will work ....
Already tested on Ros Moledic
(1) Add catkin dependency, please make sure you already have successfully tested the "unitree_ros" repo from "".
(2) Install C++ optimization library "Mosek" (academic license), following a guide from "".
----- Mosek 9.0.XX or a newer version should work (downloaded from "")
Note!!!! replace the mosek library directory in "unitree_ros/mosek_nlp_kmp/CMakeLists.txt" by your own location.
(3) Install c++ matrix armadillo:
sudo apt-get install liblapack-dev
sudo apt-get install libblas-dev
sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
sudo apt-get install libarmadillo-dev
(1) 'caktin_make'
(2) 'source devel/setup.bash'
(3) load gazebo simulator using GO1 desription: 'roslaunch unitree_gazebo normal.launch rname:=go1 wname:=empty' (Motion planning nodes also start at the same time)
(4) test the locomotion: 'rosrun rosrun go1_rt_control go1_servo'
---------change 'gait_mode' to be 101 or 102 (defined in " unitree_ros/go1_rt_control/src/servo_control/servo.cpp"), to see what will happen.
Good luck.