Hi, I'm Vasu, a Full stack web developer & NetSuite Application Engineer from Hyderabad, India. A well-versed NetSuite professional who's passionate about developing websites and doing incredible things with the cloud. Crazy about web performance and system design.
- 💼 any queries? do reach, email :)
- 💬 ask me about anything, i am happy to help;
const vasu = {
pronouns: "he" | "him",
code: [NetSuite, Suitescript, Javascript, Typescript, React JS, Node JS, Backbone JS, GraphQL],
tools: [Visual Studio, Github, Sourcetree, Jest],
architecture: ["Single page applications", "Progressive web applications", "System Design pattern"],
funFact: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works"
📈 my github stats