Flask server microservice to return pilot flight time limits depending on starting time and number of flight legs.
- Deploy the project on Google App Engine.
- Then access the microservice by sending HTTP GET requests to the project at:
http://<GAE project domain name>/flight_time_limit?start_time=<time in 2400 format>&flight_legs=<number of flight legs between 1 and 4 inclusive>
For example:
The query parametersstart_time
are the input parameters. You may open the url on your web browser, which will return the flight time limit in the body of a HTTP response. - The HTTP response from the microservice will include the flight time limit in the response body. Units are hours.
A means of accessing the microservice in python is provided as follows:
import requests
def get_flight_time_limit(start_time: str, legs: str):
"""GET Request to username microservice."""
url = "http://<YOUR_PROJECT>.uw.r.appspot.com/flight_time_limit"
url += f"?start_time={start_time}&flight_legs={legs}"
response = requests.get(url, timeout=5)
except requests.ConnectionError as error:
return error
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as error:
return error
return response.text
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(get_flight_time_limit("1200", "2"))
# expected result "11"