RoAn-Presentation is a Freeplane add-on for Prezi-like presentation of mindmaps.
This add-on was written by Jodi Krol for Freeplane 1.2 and 1.3 and has been adapted to Freeplane 1.5 by Volker Boerchers.
RoAn-Presentation supports step by step and continuous animation of using and traversing a mind map, taking over abundant clicking from the user. It provides for a combination of mind mapping with Powerpoint- and Prezi like presentation. The included Help file contains a full example which can be played or stepped. Menu RoAn-Presentation can be found in Tools. To use the addon, in the Freeplane preferences a path must be set to "lib".
The build requires Gradle and the built Freeplane 1.5 projects in a sibling "freeplane" folder.