STILL IN PoC STAGE. Based on Ledger boilerplate, cleaning in progress.
Ledger application aiming to manage your Nostr key in a secure way.
Combined with the Chrome extension using NIP-07, you can use your favoti Nostr web client.
- Ledger Nano S - USB - Tested
- Ledger Nano X - USB - Not tested
Due to device memory limits, the app can only manage
- Key generation, based on BIP-44 & SLIP-44
- Event signing with hash verification (optional)
- Direct message with NIP-04 (see limitations)
- Test with Ledger Nano X on USB
- Nano X bluethooth support
- Slax support
sudo docker run --rm -ti -v "$(realpath .):/app" --user $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER)
python3 -m ledgerblue.loadApp --curve secp256k1 --appFlags 0x000 --path "44'/1237'" --tlv --targetId 0x31100004 --targetVersion="2.1.0" --delete --fileName bin/app.hex --appName "Ledgstr" --appVersion "1.0.1" --dataSize $((0x`cat debug/ |grep _envram_data | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' '|cut -f2 -d'x'` - 0x`cat debug/ |grep _nvram_data | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' '|cut -f2 -d'x'`)) `ICONHEX=\`python3 /opt/nanos-secure-sdk/ --hexbitmaponly icons/nanos_app_boilerplate.gif 2>/dev/null\` ; [ ! -z "$ICONHEX" ] && echo "--icon $ICONHEX"`
Vincent Bouzon - @vincent
Project Link:
- Ledger boilerplate
- My wife for the beautiful logo and her eternal support.