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PREVAIL - A new eBPF verifier

a Polynomial-Runtime EBPF Verifier using an Abstract Interpretation Layer

The version discussed in the PLDI paper is available here.

Getting Started


git clone --recurse-submodules
cd ebpf-verifier


🐧 Linux

Dependencies (Ubuntu)

sudo apt install build-essential git cmake libboost-dev libyaml-cpp-dev
sudo apt install libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev


cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build
πŸͺŸ Windows


  • Install git
  • Install Visual Studio Build Tools 2022 and:
    • Choose the "C++ build tools" workload (Visual Studio Build Tools 2022 has support for CMake Version 3.25)
    • Under Individual Components, select:
      • "C++ Clang Compiler"
      • "MSBuild support for LLVM"
  • Install nuget.exe

Make on Windows (which uses a multi-configuration generator)

cmake -B build
cmake --build build --config Release
🍏 macOS


brew install llvm cmake boost yaml-cpp

The system llvm currently comes with Clang 15, which isn't enough to compile the ebpf-verifier, as it depends on C++20. Brew's llvm comes with Clang 17.


export CPATH=$(brew --prefix)/include LIBRARY_PATH=$(brew --prefix)/lib CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(brew --prefix)
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin/clang++
cmake --build build
πŸ‹ Docker

Build and run

docker build -t verifier .
docker run -it verifier ebpf-samples/cilium/bpf_lxc.o 2/1
# To run the Linux verifier you'll need a privileged container:
docker run --privileged -it verifier ebpf-samples/linux/cpustat_kern.o --domain=linux


ebpf-verifier$ ./check ebpf-samples/cilium/bpf_lxc.o 2/1

The output is three comma-separated values:

  • 1 or 0, for "pass" and "fail" respectively
  • The runtime of the fixpoint algorithm (in seconds)
  • The peak memory consumption, in kb, as reflected by the resident-set size (rss)
PREVAIL is a new eBPF verifier based on abstract interpretation.
Usage: ./check [OPTIONS] path [section] [function]

  path TEXT:FILE REQUIRED     Elf file to analyze
  section SECTION             Section to analyze
  function FUNCTION           Function to analyze

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  --section SECTION           Section to analyze
  --function FUNCTION         Function to analyze
  -l                          List programs
  --domain DOMAIN:{stats,linux,zoneCrab,cfg} [zoneCrab]
                              Abstract domain

                              Verify termination. Default: ignore
                              Handling potential division by zero. Default: allow
  -s,--strict                 Apply additional checks that would cause runtime failures
  --include_groups GROUPS:{atomic32,atomic64,base32,base64,callx,divmul32,divmul64,packet}
                              Include conformance groups
  --exclude_groups GROUPS:{atomic32,atomic64,base32,base64,callx,divmul32,divmul64,packet}
                              Exclude conformance groups

                              Simplify the CFG before analysis by merging chains of instructions into a single basic block. Default: enabled
  --line-info                 Print line information
  --print-btf-types           Print BTF types
                              Assume assertions (useful for debugging verification failures). Default: disabled
  -i                          Print invariants
  -f                          Print verifier's failure logs
  -v                          Print both invariants and failures

CFG output:
  --asm FILE                  Print disassembly to FILE
  --dot FILE                  Export control-flow graph to dot FILE

A standard alternative to the --asm flag is llvm-objdump -S FILE.

The cfg can be viewed using dot and the standard PDF viewer:

sudo apt install graphviz
./check ebpf-samples/cilium/bpf_lxc.o 2/1 --dot --domain=stats
dot -Tpdf > cfg.pdf

Testing the Linux verifier

To run the Linux verifier, you must use sudo:

sudo ./check ebpf-samples/linux/cpustat_kern.o tracepoint/power/cpu_idle --domain=linux