- Install vault cli locally: https://www.vaultproject.io/downloads
- Start vault dev server
make start_dev
- In another terminal, expose Vault Env Variables (you can use something like https://direnv.net/):
export VAULT_ADDR=''
export VAULT_TOKEN=root-token
- Initialize the project
make init
NOTE: the
make init
will also remove the default secret backend that is activate by default using vault in dev mode, but the secret backend will be managed via terraform. If you are not using the vault in dev mode you can simply runterraform init
- Plan your changes
terraform plan
- Apply your change
terraform apply
- Navigate to Vault ui at (at first you can authenticate with the Vault Root Token
in the vault dev mode)
NOTE: this step is just for demo purposes, for real use don't store passwords in git.
export VAULT_ADDR=''
export VAULT_TOKEN=root-token
=> vault provider using env variable for configuration
=> enable kv2 secret backend undersecret/
=> create a base secret structure (secret/dev/
=> Create a RSA Root CA, with a role to generate servers certificates (with SAN restrictions), and a role for unrestricted client certificate. -
=> Create a EC Root CA, with a role to generate servers certificates (with SAN restrictions), and a role for unrestricted client certificate.
=> create global policiesglobal/backup
=> allowing access to the raft backup endpointglobal/automated-token-renew
=> for renewing tokens via accessorglobal/prometheus-metric-readonly
=> allow access to prometheus metricsglobal/user-management
=> allow to create userpass credentials, entities, groups, and manage group membershipglobal/user-selfservice-password-reset
=> allow user to reset their own userpass credentials and activate MFA TOTP.global/vault-admin
=> Vault admin policyglobal/pki-team
=> allow to issue certificates from the PKI backendglobal/mfa-users
=> group that can be used for an MFA enforcement.
=> create policies for each env DEV, ACC, PROD (viamodules/policies/common
=> read only secrets undersecret/[ENV]/
=> all permission on secrets undersecret/[ENV]/
=> enable userpass auth backend
NOTE: at the moment of writing the MFA configuration is not supported via terraform
Groups are used to map to a policies, so that group membership can be used to assign the corresponding policies to entities.
=> for global policiesglobal/user-selfservice-password-reset
=> for env policies[ENV]/readonly
are used in combination with variables defined invariables.tf
- Declare all vault entities, those will be member of
## ALL Vault Users
### NOTE: you must declare all users
### first in this list.
variable "vault_users" {
description = "All vault users"
type = list(string)
default = [
- Map userpass username to the corresponding entity
/**** userpass Entity Alias ****/
### the username/password will be created via the
### vault UI, but the mapping of username to a vault
### entity is managed via terraform
variable "vault_userpass_entity_aliases" {
description = "Mapping of vault users (entities) to userpass username alias"
type = map(string)
default = {
"alice@e-corp.com" = "alice"
"bob@e-corp.com" = "bob"
"charlie@e-corp.com" = "charlie"
"david@e-corp.com" = "david"
"eve@e-corp.com" = "eve"
"fred@e-corp.com" = "fred"
- Assign vault entity to the vault admin group
## Vault Admin Users
variable "vault_admin_users" {
description = "Vault Admin users"
type = list(string)
default = [
NOTE: see
for all groups assignment example.
- create token (or use generated file in
vault token create -policy=transit/demo/decrypt -policy=transit/demo/encrypt
- encrypt data
vault write transit/encrypt/demo plaintext=$(base64 <<< "hello world")
- decrypt data
vault write transit/decrypt/demo ciphertext=vault:v1:RlW+DVRaky3xX9M4ZlGc4pIVgrj1wJ7nkjDa3lVNMTHmmDoBHi2PBg== -format=json | jq '.data.plaintext' -r | base64 -d
- rotate keys (as admin)
vault write -f transit/keys/demo/rotate
In this tutorial, we have generated 2 non exportable private key pairs inside vault transit backend, and we request transit to sign a JWT payload.
- Generate a signed (
) JWT with Transit RSA key
bash tutorial/transit-jwt-signing/rs256_jwt.sh
Validated the signature via https://jwt.io (copy the JWT and the Public Key)
Generate a signed (
) JWT with Transit EC P-521 DSA with SHA-512 key
bash tutorial/transit-jwt-signing/es512_jwt.sh
- Validated the signature via https://jwt.io (copy the JWT and the Public Key)
The tutorial in tutorial/oidc-server-integration/README.md shows how Vault transit backend has been integrated with oidc-server Mock server.
The tutorial in tutorial/transit-import-key/README.md shows how you can import existing private key into transit backend using https://github.com/vdbulcke/hc-vault-util.
The tutorial in tutorial/transit-gencsr/README.md shows how you can generate Certificate Signing Request from private key in transit backend using hc-vault-util.
- authenticate as "alice"
vault login -method=userpass username=alice
- Generate an OIDC token for that user identity
vault read identity/oidc/token/role
Key Value
--- -----
client_id 6a1wS2Td8Xk06yJ6oJJEFnnbOA
token eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImJjZTIwYjBjLWRjZTAtN2Q2Ny00MzBjLWZjYWZkMDQ2ZjI0MCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiI2YTF3UzJUZDhYazA2eUo2b0pKRUZubmJPQSIsImV4cCI6MTY2NjY4MTg5MywiaWF0IjoxNjY2NTk1NDkzLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOi8vMTI3LjAuMC4xOjgyMDAvdjEvaWRlbnRpdHkvb2lkYyIsIm5hbWVzcGFjZSI6InJvb3QiLCJuYmYiOjE2NjY1OTU0OTMsInN1YiI6ImU0YzE0MjE2LTBhYTgtZDE1My1mMTVjLTVhYzQxOTZkNWFiZCIsInVzZXJpZCI6ImFsaWNlQGUtY29ycC5jb20iLCJ1c2VyaW5mbyI6eyJncm91cHMiOlsiZ2xvYmFsL3VzZXItc2VsZnNlcnZpY2UtcGFzc3dvcmQtcmVzZXQiLCJnbG9iYWwvdmF1bHQtYWRtaW4iXX19.ZTpcgkWb_2qppROF56TYw3FnFt9m4ycd5OmNdJ3ESztRAAc3MtFPx7AqHrFbWW_9kVCcvWzPddxYTj_P7OGWByYozQGWqRW7cN8kAbemBBHoQ35XMl7JJ37iI8FdHgJN8p8ZttukDfg67rK9bQRzjxDDdxx7CPWaeqq-bbGAD1pDCMd2-M1cMrHLzG-ddLMnAiY-_yar0yzcHoQzqoesJb2Unz85RAlVMuAUSP2UKmq1dCPAwuTqiRJWyJ1Lbeyn4mh6EESMaSUZyDcY9krI35nRIwp1YclXokRSO_eJD-LgL2DK3FzqcHdGTvG36dT0wQPn3PkDHruqj-A7YCuhZQ
ttl 24h
- you can decode with https://jwt.io/, and see the payload
"aud": "6a1wS2Td8Xk06yJ6oJJEFnnbOA",
"exp": 1666681893,
"iat": 1666595493,
"iss": "",
"namespace": "root",
"nbf": 1666595493,
"sub": "e4c14216-0aa8-d153-f15c-5ac4196d5abd",
"userid": "alice@e-corp.com",
"userinfo": {
"groups": [
- The JWT payload can be templated
resource "vault_identity_oidc_role" "role" {
name = "role"
key = vault_identity_oidc_key.key.name
template = "{\"userinfo\": {\"groups\": {{identity.entity.groups.names}} },\"nbf\": {{time.now}},\"userid\": {{identity.entity.name}} }"
- see inside oidc.tf for more details about configuration
- https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/docs/secrets/identity/identity-token
For example you need to generate token for performing backup:
vault token create -period=10m -display-name=backup -policy=global/backup -no-default-policy -orphan
WARNING: By default (without
) tokens created withvault token create
inherit the identity policies of token creator (in our demo will be the vault-admin). In most cases, this is not the desired behavior. If you only want to create a token without inheriting policies from its parent you MUST pass the-orphan
For example, we created a token role dev-impersonation
that allows a Vault admin to create a token for another identity
- login as Vault admin
vault login -method=userpass username=alice
- Create a token for
eve´ using this
dev-impersonation` role
vault token create -role=dev-impersonation -entity-alias=eve -ttl=12h
Key Value
--- -----
token hvs.CAESIADTP3owDRhe2Br5_s6cI_LR0XUF6KQuPEfPV7yrf5C6Gh4KHGh2cy43cng0YWR4NDlHWGU1eDIxMno0RWl5akk
token_accessor 6YNkERf1WmX9EOlcRYepTfXD
token_duration 12h
token_renewable true
token_policies ["global/automated-token-renew" "global/oidc-token"]
identity_policies ["dev/admin" "global/user-selfservice-password-reset"]
policies ["dev/admin" "global/automated-token-renew" "global/oidc-token" "global/user-selfservice-password-reset"]
- Lookup this token to confirm this is for eve
vault token lookup -accessor 6YNkERf1WmX9EOlcRYepTfXD
Key Value
--- -----
accessor 6YNkERf1WmX9EOlcRYepTfXD
creation_time 1666596304
creation_ttl 12h
display_name token
entity_id b78f9b1b-194c-a0b3-09e0-79ebd40ef80d
expire_time 2022-10-24T21:25:04.097814809+02:00
explicit_max_ttl 0s
external_namespace_policies map[]
id n/a
identity_policies [dev/admin global/user-selfservice-password-reset]
issue_time 2022-10-24T09:25:04.097820264+02:00
meta <nil>
num_uses 0
orphan true
path auth/token/create/dev-impersonation
policies [global/automated-token-renew global/oidc-token]
renewable true
role dev-impersonation
ttl 11h59m43s
type service
- Lookup this identity
vault write identity/lookup/entity id=b78f9b1b-194c-a0b3-09e0-79ebd40ef80d
Key Value
--- -----
aliases [map[canonical_id:b78f9b1b-194c-a0b3-09e0-79ebd40ef80d creation_time:2022-10-24T07:07:35.804094348Z custom_metadata:<nil> id:a7873666-5a06-dafa-4556-8e5c59c205d3 last_update_time:2022-10-24T07:07:35.804094348Z local:false merged_from_canonical_ids:<nil> metadata:<nil> mount_accessor:auth_token_f244c3bf mount_path:auth/token/ mount_type:token name:eve] map[canonical_id:b78f9b1b-194c-a0b3-09e0-79ebd40ef80d creation_time:2022-10-24T07:07:36.014257325Z custom_metadata:map[] id:fc1f5816-2f83-5623-2641-39fbec136938 last_update_time:2022-10-24T07:07:36.014257325Z local:false merged_from_canonical_ids:<nil> metadata:<nil> mount_accessor:auth_userpass_1fad22e9 mount_path:auth/userpass/ mount_type:userpass name:eve]]
creation_time 2022-10-24T07:07:35.687744425Z
direct_group_ids [8d54ef54-bcd0-dca8-5d16-dfedfa86affb 524fc5b6-bbb6-203a-61ce-e586e3c5fdc1]
disabled false
group_ids [8d54ef54-bcd0-dca8-5d16-dfedfa86affb 524fc5b6-bbb6-203a-61ce-e586e3c5fdc1]
id b78f9b1b-194c-a0b3-09e0-79ebd40ef80d
inherited_group_ids []
last_update_time 2022-10-24T07:07:35.687744425Z
merged_entity_ids <nil>
metadata <nil>
name eve@e-corp.com
namespace_id root
policies []
See https://github.com/vdbulcke/vault-token-monitor.
- Role configuration can be found in token_role.tf and link between token alias and entity in identities_userpass_alias.tf
- https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/api-docs/secret/identity/lookup
- https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/docs/concepts/tokens
- https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/api-docs/auth/token#create-update-token-role