Falkonry Python Client to access Falkonry Condition Prediction APIs
$ pip install falkonryclient
* Create Datastream for narrow/historian style data from a single entity
* Create Datastream for narrow/historian style data from a multiple entities
* Create Datastream for wide style data from a single entity
* Create Datastream for wide style data from a multiple entities
* Create Datastream with microseconds precision
* Create Datastream for batch identifier
* Retrieve Datastreams
* Retrieve Datastream by Id
* Delete Datastream
* Add EntityMeta to a Datastream
* Get EntityMeta of a Datastream
* Add historical narrow input data (json format) to multi entity Datastream (Used for model revision)
* Add historical narrow input data (csv format) single entity to Datastream (Used for model revision)
* Add historical wide input data (json format) to single entity Datastream (Used for model revision)
* Add historical wide input data (csv format) to multi entity Datastream (Used for model revision)
* Add live input data (json format) to Datastream (Used for live monitoring)
* Add live input data (csv format) to Datastream (Used for live monitoring)
* Add live input data (json format) from a stream to Datastream (Used for live monitoring)
* Add live input data (csv format) from a stream to Datastream (Used for live monitoring)
* Add narrow input data (csv format) with batch identifier to multi thing Datastream
* Add narrow input data (json format) with batch identifier to single thing Datastream
* Add wide input data (csv format) with batch identifier to multi thing Datastream
* Add wide input data (json format) with batch identifier to single thing Datastream
* Create Assessment
* Retrieve Assessments
* Retrieve Assessment by Id
* Delete Assessment
* Get Condition List Of Assessment
* Add facts data (json format) to Assessment of single entity datastream
* Add facts data (json format) with addition tag to Assessment of multi entity datastream
* Add facts data (csv format) to Assessment of single entity datastream
* Add facts data (csv format) with tags Assessment of single entity datastream
* Add facts data (json format) from a stream to Assessment of multi entity datastream
* Add facts data (csv format) from a stream to Assessment of multi entity datastream
* Add wide input data (json format) with batch identifier to single thing Datastream
* Get Historian Output from Assessment
* Get Streaming Output
* Get Facts Data
* Get Input Data of Datastream
* Datastream On (Start live monitoring of datastream)
* Datastream Off (Stop live monitoring of datastream)
* Get auth token from Falkonry Service UI
* Read the examples provided for integration with various data formats
Data :
{"time" :"2016-03-01T01:01:01Z", "tag" : "signal1", "value" : 3.4}
{"time" :"2016-03-01T01:01:02Z", "tag" : "signal2", "value" : 9.3}
time, tag, value
2016-03-01T01:01:01Z, signal1, 3.4
2016-03-01T01:01:02Z, signal2, 9.3
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastream = Schemas.Datastream()
datasource = Schemas.Datasource()
field = Schemas.Field()
time = Schemas.Time()
signal = Schemas.Signal()
datastream.set_name('Motor Health' + str(random.random())) # set name of the Datastream
time.set_zone("GMT") # set timezone of the datastream
time.set_identifier("time") # set time identifier of the datastream
time.set_format("iso_8601") # set time format of the datastream
signal.set_valueIdentifier("value") # set value identifier
signal.set_signalIdentifier("signal") # set signal identifier
field.set_signal(signal) # set signal in field
datasource.set_type("STANDALONE") # set datastource type in datastream
#create Datastream
createdDatastream = fclient.create_datastream(datastream)
Data :
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:01", "signal" : "signal1", "entity" : "entity1", "value" : 3.4}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:02", "signal" : "signal2", "entity" : "entity2", "value" : 1.4}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:03", "signal" : "signal3", "entity" : "entity3", "value" : 9.3}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:04", "signal" : "signal2", "entity" : "entity2", "value" : 4.3}
2016-03-01 01:01:01,signal1,entity1,3.4
2016-03-01 01:01:01,signal2,entity2,1.4
2016-03-01 01:01:01,signal3,entity3,9.3
2016-03-01 01:01:01,signal4,entity4,4.3
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastream = Schemas.Datastream()
datasource = Schemas.Datasource()
field = Schemas.Field()
time = Schemas.Time()
signal = Schemas.Signal()
datastream.set_name('Motor Health' + str(random.random())) # set name of the Datastream
time.set_zone("GMT") # set timezone of the datastream
time.set_identifier("time") # set time identifier of the datastream
time.set_format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss") # set time format of the datastream
signal.set_valueIdentifier("value") # set value identifier
field.set_signal(signal) # set signal in field
datasource.set_type("STANDALONE") # set datastource type in datastream
#create Datastream
createdDatastream = fclient.create_datastream(datastream)
Data :
{"time":1467729675422, "signal1":41.11, "signal2":82.34, "signal3":74.63, "signal4":4.8}
{"time":1467729668919, "signal1":78.11, "signal2":2.33, "signal3":4.6, "signal4":9.8}
time, signal1, signal2, signal3, signal4
1467729675422, 41.11, 62.34, 77.63, 4.8
1467729675445, 43.91, 82.64, 73.63, 3.8
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastream = Schemas.Datastream()
datasource = Schemas.Datasource()
field = Schemas.Field()
time = Schemas.Time()
signal = Schemas.Signal()
input1 = Schemas.Input()
input2 = Schemas.Input()
input3 = Schemas.Input()
datastream.set_name('Motor Health' + str(random.random())) # set name of the Datastream
input1.set_name("Signal1") # set name of input signal
input1.set_value_type("Numeric") # set value type of input signal (Numeric for number, Categorical for string type)
input1.set_event_type("Samples") # set event type of input signal
input2.set_name("Signal2") # set name of input signal
input2.set_value_type("Numeric") # set value type of input signal (Numeric for number, Categorical for string type)
input2.set_event_type("Samples") # set event type of input signal
input3.set_name("Signal3") # set name of input signal
input3.set_value_type("Numeric") # set value type of input signal (Numeric for number, Categorical for string type)
input3.set_event_type("Samples") # set event type of input signal
inputs = []
time.set_zone("GMT") # set timezone of the datastream
time.set_identifier("time") # set time identifier of the datastream
time.set_format("millis") # set time format of the datastream
field.set_signal(signal) # set signal in field
datasource.set_type("STANDALONE") # set datastource type in datastream
#create Datastream
createdDatastream = falkonry.create_datastream(datastream)
Data :
{"time":1467729675422, "entity": "entity1", "signal1":41.11, "signal2":82.34, "signal3":74.63, "signal4":4.8}
{"time":1467729668919, "entity": "entity2", "signal1":78.11, "signal2":2.33, "signal3":4.6, "signal4":9.8}
time, entity, signal1, signal2, signal3, signal4
1467729675422, entity1, 41.11, 62.34, 77.63, 4.8
1467729675445, entity1, 43.91, 82.64, 73.63, 3.8
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastream = Schemas.Datastream()
datasource = Schemas.Datasource()
field = Schemas.Field()
time = Schemas.Time()
signal = Schemas.Signal()
input1 = Schemas.Input()
input2 = Schemas.Input()
input3 = Schemas.Input()
datastream.set_name('Motor Health' + str(random.random())) # set name of the Datastream
input1.set_name("Signal1") # set name of input signal
input1.set_value_type("Numeric") # set value type of input signal (Numeric for number, Categorical for string type)
input1.set_event_type("Samples") # set event type of input signal
input2.set_name("Signal2") # set name of input signal
input2.set_value_type("Numeric") # set value type of input signal (Numeric for number, Categorical for string type)
input2.set_event_type("Samples") # set event type of input signal
input3.set_name("Signal3") # set name of input signal
input3.set_value_type("Numeric") # set value type of input signal (Numeric for number, Categorical for string type)
input3.set_event_type("Samples") # set event type of input signal
inputs = []
time.set_zone("GMT") # set timezone of the datastream
time.set_identifier("time") # set time identifier of the datastream
time.set_format("millis") # set time format of the datastream
field.set_signal(signal) # set signal in field
field.set_entityIdentifier("entity") # set entity identifier as "entity"
datasource.set_type("STANDALONE") # set datastource type in datastream
#create Datastream
createdDatastream = falkonry.create_datastream(datastream)
Data :
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:01", "signal" : "signal1", "value" : 3.4}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:02", "signal" : "signal2", "value" : 9.3}
2016-03-01 01:01:01,signal1,3.4
2016-03-01 01:01:02,signal2,9.3
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastream = Schemas.Datastream()
datasource = Schemas.Datasource()
field = Schemas.Field()
time = Schemas.Time()
signal = Schemas.Signal()
datastream.set_name('Motor Health' + str(random.random())) # set name of the Datastream
datastream.set_time_precision("micro") # this is use to store your data in different date time format. If input data precision is in micorseconds then set "micro" else "millis". If not sent then it will be "millis"
time.set_zone("GMT") # set timezone of the datastream
time.set_identifier("time") # set time identifier of the datastream
time.set_format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss") # set time format of the datastream
signal.set_valueIdentifier("value") # set value identifier
signal.set_signalIdentifier("signal") # set signal identifier
field.set_signal(signal) # set signal in field
datasource.set_type("STANDALONE") # set datastource type in datastream
#create Datastream
createdDatastream = fclient.create_datastream(datastream)
Data :
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:01", "signal1" : 3.4, "signal2" : 5.1, "signal3": 7.4, "batch": "batch_1"}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:02", "signal1" : 13.4, "signal2" : 15.1, "signal3": 17.4, "batch": "batch_1"}
time, signal1, signal2, signal3, batch
2016-03-01 01:01:01, 3.4, 5.1, 7.4, batch_1
2016-03-01 01:01:02, 13.4, 15.1, 17.4, batch_1
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastream = Schemas.Datastream()
datasource = Schemas.Datasource()
field = Schemas.Field()
time = Schemas.Time()
signal = Schemas.Signal()
input1 = Schemas.Input()
input2 = Schemas.Input()
input3 = Schemas.Input()
datastream.set_name('Motor Health' + str(random.random())) # set name of the Datastream
input1.set_name("Signal1") # set name of input signal
input1.set_value_type("Numeric") # set value type of input signal (Numeric for number, Categorical for string type)
input1.set_event_type("Samples") # set event type of input signal
input2.set_name("Signal2") # set name of input signal
input2.set_value_type("Numeric") # set value type of input signal (Numeric for number, Categorical for string type)
input2.set_event_type("Samples") # set event type of input signal
input3.set_name("Signal3") # set name of input signal
input3.set_value_type("Numeric") # set value type of input signal (Numeric for number, Categorical for string type)
input3.set_event_type("Samples") # set event type of input signal
inputs = []
time.set_zone("GMT") # set timezone of the datastream
time.set_identifier("time") # set time identifier of the datastream
time.set_format("iso_8601") # set time format of the datastream
field.set_signal(signal) # set signal in field
field.set_batchIdentifier("batch") # set batchIdentifier in field
datasource.set_type("STANDALONE") # set datastource type in datastream
#create Datastream
createdDatastream = fclient.create_datastream(datastream)
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
#return list of Datastreams
datastreams = falkonry.get_datastreams()
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
#return sigle datastream
datastreams = falkonry.get_datastream(datastreamId)
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
Data :
[{"sourceId": "testId","label": "testName","path": "root/path"}]
Usage :
import os, sys
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
data = [{"sourceId": "testId","label": "testName","path": "root/path"}]
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
entityMetaResponse = fclient.add_entity_meta(datastreamId, {}, data)
Data :
[{"sourceId": "testId","label": "testName","path": "root/path"}]
Usage :
import os, sys
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
entityMetaResponse = fclient.get_entity_meta(datastreamId)
Data :
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:01", "signal" : "current", "value" : 12.4, "car" : "car1"}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:01", "signal" : "vibration", "value" : 3.4, "car" : "car1"}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:01", "signal" : "state", "value" : on, "car" : "car1"}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:01", "signal" : "current", "value" : 31.4, "car" : "car2"}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:01", "signal" : "vibration", "value" : 2.4, "car" : "car2"}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:01", "signal" : "state", "value" : off, "car" : "car2"}
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
#add data to Datastream
String data = "{\"time\" :\"2016-03-01 01:01:01\", \"signal\" : \"current\", \"value\" : 12.4, \"car\" : \"car1\"} + "\n"
+ "{\"time\" :\"2016-03-01 01:01:01\", \"signal\" : \"vibration\", \"value\" : 2.4, \"car\" : \"car1\"} + "\n"
+ "{\"time\" :\"2016-03-01 01:01:01\", \"signal\" : \"state\", \"value\" : on, \"car\" : \"car1\"} + "\n"
+ "{\"time\" :\"2016-03-01 01:01:01\", \"signal\" : \"current\", \"value\" : 22.4, \"car\" : \"car2\"} + "\n"
+ "{\"time\" :\"2016-03-01 01:01:01\", \"signal\" : \"vibration\", \"value\" : 3.4, \"car\" : \"car2\"} + "\n"
+ "{\"time\" :\"2016-03-01 01:01:01\", \"signal\" : \"state\", \"value\" : off, \"car\" : \"car2\"}";
# set hasMoreData to True if data is sent in batches. When the last batch is getting sent then set 'hasMoreData' to False. For single batch upload it shpuld always be set to False
options = {'streaming': False,
'hasMoreData': False,
'timeFormat': "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss",
'timeZone': "GMT",
'timeIdentifier': "time",
'signalIdentifier': 'signal',
'valueIdentifier': 'value',
'entityIdentifier': 'car'}
inputResponse = falkonry.add_input_data(datastreamId, 'json', options, data)
Data :
time, signal, value
2016-03-01 01:01:01, current, 3.4
2016-03-01 01:01:01, vibration, 1.4
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
#add data to Datastream
String data = "time,signal,value " + "\n"
+ "2016-03-01 01:01:01,current,3.4" + "\n"
+ "2016-03-01 01:01:01,vibration,1.4";
# set hasMoreData to True if data is sent in batches. When the last batch is getting sent then set 'hasMoreData' to False. For single batch upload it shpuld always be set to False
options = {'streaming': False,
'hasMoreData': False,
'timeFormat': "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss",
'timeZone': "GMT",
'timeIdentifier': "time"}
inputResponse = falkonry.add_input_data(datastreamId, 'csv', options, data)
Data :
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:01", "current" : 12.4, "vibration" : 3.4, "state" : "On"}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:02", "current" : 11.3, "vibration" : 2.2, "state" : "On"}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:03", "current" : 10.5, "vibration" : 3.8, "state" : "On"}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:02:03", "current" : 19.2, "vibration" : 3.8, "state" : "On"}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:02:03", "current" : 1.2, "vibration" : 0.8, "state" : "Off"}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:02:05", "current" : 0.2, "vibration" : 0.3, "state" : "Off"}
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
#add data to Datastream
stream = io.open('./data.json')
# set hasMoreData to True if data is sent in batches. When the last batch is getting sent then set 'hasMoreData' to False. For single batch upload it shpuld always be set to False
options = {'streaming': False,
'hasMoreData': False,
'timeFormat': "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss",
'timeZone': "GMT",
'timeIdentifier': "time"}
inputResponse = falkonry.add_input_data(datastreamId, 'json', options, stream)
Data :
2016-03-01 01:01:01,current,3.4,car1
2016-03-01 01:01:02,current,2.2,car1
2016-03-01 01:01:03,vibration,3.8,car1
2016-03-01 01:02:03,vibration,3.8,car1
2016-03-01 01:02:03,state,on,car2
2016-03-01 01:02:05,state,off,car2
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
#add data to Datastream
stream = io.open('./dataMultientity.csv')
# set hasMoreData to True if data is sent in batches. When the last batch is getting sent then set 'hasMoreData' to False. For single batch upload it shpuld always be set to False
options = {'streaming': False,
'hasMoreData': False,
'timeFormat': "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss",
'timeZone': "GMT",
'timeIdentifier': "time"}
inputResponse = falkonry.add_input_data(datastreamId, 'csv', options, stream)
Data :
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:01", "signal" : "signal1", "entity" : "entity1", "value" : 3.4}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:02", "signal" : "signal2", "entity" : "entity2", "value" : 1.4}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:03", "signal" : "signal3", "entity" : "entity3", "value" : 9.3}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:04", "signal" : "signal2", "entity" : "entity2", "value" : 4.3}
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
#add data to Datastream
String data = "{\"time\" : \"2016-03-01 01:01:01\", \"signal\" : \"signal1\", \"entity\" : \"entity1\", \"value\" : 3.4}" + "\n"
+ "{\"time\" : \"2016-03-01 01:01:01\", \"signal\" : \"signal2\", \"entity\" : \"entity2\", \"value\" : 1.4}" + "\n"
+ "{\"time\" : \"2016-03-01 01:01:02\", \"signal\" : \"signal3\", \"entity\" : \"entity3\", \"value\" : 9.3}" + "\n"
+ "{\"time\" : \"2016-03-01 01:01:02\", \"signal\" : \"signal4\", \"entity\" : \"entity4\", \"value\" : 4.3}";
options = {'streaming': True,
'hasMoreData': True,
'timeFormat': "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss",
'timeZone': "GMT",
'timeIdentifier': "time",
'signalIdentifier': 'signal',
'entityIdentifier': 'entity',
'valueIdentifier': 'value'}
inputResponse = falkonry.add_input_data(datastreamId, 'json', options, data)
Data :
2016-03-01 01:01:01,signal1,entity1,3.4
2016-03-01 01:01:01,signal2,entity2,1.4
2016-03-01 01:01:01,signal3,entity3,9.3
2016-03-01 01:01:01,signal4,entity4,4.3
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
#add data to Datastream
String data = "time,signal,entity,value" + "\n"
+ "2016-03-01 01:01:01,signal1,entity1,3.4" + "\n"
+ "2016-03-01 01:01:01,signal2,entity1,1.4";
options = {'streaming': True,
'hasMoreData': False}
inputResponse = falkonry.add_input_data(datastreamId, 'csv', options, data)
Data :
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:01", "signal" : "signal1", "entity" : "entity1", "value" : 3.4}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:02", "signal" : "signal2", "entity" : "entity2", "value" : 1.4}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:03", "signal" : "signal3", "entity" : "entity3", "value" : 9.3}
{"time" :"2016-03-01 01:01:04", "signal" : "signal2", "entity" : "entity2", "value" : 4.3}
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
#add data to Datastream
stream = io.open('./data.json')
options = {'streaming': True,
'hasMoreData': False,
'timeFormat': "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss",
'timeZone': "GMT",
'timeIdentifier': "time",
'signalIdentifier': 'signal',
'entityIdentifier': 'entity',
'valueIdentifier': 'value'}
inputResponse = falkonry.add_input_data(datastreamId, 'json', options, stream)
Data :
2016-03-01 01:01:01,signal1,entity1,3.4
2016-03-01 01:01:01,signal2,entity2,1.4
2016-03-01 01:01:01,signal3,entity3,9.3
2016-03-01 01:01:01,signal4,entity4,4.3
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
#add data to Datastream
stream = io.open('./data.csv')
options = {'streaming': True}
inputResponse = falkonry.add_input_data(datastreamId, 'csv', options, stream)
Data :
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
#add data to Datastream
String data = 'time,batchId,unit,signal,value\n'
options = {
'streaming': False,
'hasMoreData': False
inputResponse = falkonry.add_input_data(datastreamId, 'csv', options, data)
Data :
{"time": 1467729675010,"batchId": "batch_1","signal": "signal1","value": 9.95}
{"time": 1467729675020,"batchId": "batch_1","signal": "signal1","value": 4.45}
{"time": 1467729675030,"batchId": "batch_2","signal": "signal1","value": 1.45}
{"time": 1467729675040,"batchId": "batch_2","signal": "signal1","value": 8.45}
{"time": 1467729675050,"batchId": "batch_2","signal": "signal1","value": 2.45}
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
#add data to Datastream
String data = '{"time": 1467729675010,"batchId": "batch_1","signal": "signal1","value": 9.95}\n'
+'{"time": 1467729675020,"batchId": "batch_1","signal": "signal1","value": 4.45}\n'
+'{"time": 1467729675030,"batchId": "batch_2","signal": "signal1","value": 1.45}\n'
+'{"time": 1467729675040,"batchId": "batch_2","signal": "signal1","value": 8.45}\n'
+'{"time": 1467729675050,"batchId": "batch_2","signal": "signal1","value": 2.45}'
options = {
'streaming': False,
'hasMoreData': False,
'timeFormat': time.get_format(),
'timeZone': time.get_zone(),
'timeIdentifier': time.get_identifier(),
'signalIdentifier': 'signal',
'valueIdentifier': 'value',
'batchIdentifier': 'batchId'
inputResponse = falkonry.add_input_data(datastreamId, 'json', options, data)
Data :
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
#add data to Datastream
String data = 'time,batchId,unit,signal1,signal2,signal3\n'+
options = {
'streaming': False,
'hasMoreData': False
inputResponse = falkonry.add_input_data(datastreamId, 'csv', options, data)
Data :
{"time": 1467729675010,"batchId": "batch_1","signal1": 9.95,"signal2": 19.95,"signal3": 39.95}
{"time": 1467729675020,"batchId": "batch_1","signal1": 4.45,"signal2": 14.45,"signal3": 34.45}
{"time": 1467729675030,"batchId": "batch_2","signal1": 1.45,"signal2": 10.45,"signal3": 30.45}
{"time": 1467729675040,"batchId": "batch_2","signal1": 8.45,"signal2": 18.45,"signal3": 38.45}
{"time": 1467729675050,"batchId": "batch_2","signal1": 2.45,"signal2": 12.45,"signal3": 32.45}
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
#add data to Datastream
String data = '{"time": 1467729675010,"batchId": "batch_1","signal1": 9.95,"signal2": 19.95,"signal3": 39.95}\n'
+'{"time": 1467729675020,"batchId": "batch_1","signal1": 4.45,"signal2": 14.45,"signal3": 34.45}\n'
+'{"time": 1467729675030,"batchId": "batch_2","signal1": 1.45,"signal2": 10.45,"signal3": 30.45}\n'
+'{"time": 1467729675040,"batchId": "batch_2","signal1": 8.45,"signal2": 18.45,"signal3": 38.45}\n'
+'{"time": 1467729675050,"batchId": "batch_2","signal1": 2.45,"signal2": 12.45,"signal3": 32.45}'
options = {
'streaming': False,
'hasMoreData': False,
'timeFormat': time.get_format(),
'timeZone': time.get_zone(),
'timeIdentifier': time.get_identifier(),
'batchIdentifier': 'batchId'
inputResponse = falkonry.add_input_data(datastreamId, 'json', options, data)
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
asmtRequest = Schemas.AssessmentRequest()
asmtRequest.set_name('Assessment Name')) # Set new assessment name
asmtRequest.set_datastream(response.get_id()) # Set datatsream id
asmtRequest.set_rate('PT0S') # Set assessment rate
# create new assessment
assessmentResponse = fclient.create_assessment(asmtRequest)
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
assessmentResponse = fclient.get_assessments()
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
assessmentId = 'id of the assessment'
assessmentResponse = fclient.get_assessment(assessmentId)
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
assessmentId = 'id of the assessment'
assessmentResponse = fclient.delete_assessment(assessmentId)
Usage :
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
assessmentId = 'id of the assessment'
assessmentResponse = fclient.get_assessment(assessmentId)
// aprioriConditionList
conditionList = assessment.get_aprioriConditionList()
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
assessmentId = 'id of the assessment'
data = '{"time" : "2011-03-26T12:00:00.000Z", "car" : "HI3821", "end" : "2012-06-01T00:00:00.000Z", "Health" : "Normal"}'
options = {
'startTimeIdentifier': "time",
'endTimeIdentifier': "end",
'timeFormat': "iso_8601",
'timeZone': time.get_zone(),
'entityIdentifier': "car",
'valueIdentifier': "Health"
inputResponse = falkonry.add_facts(assessmentId, 'json', options, data)
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
assessmentId = 'id of the assessment'
data = '{"time" : "2011-03-26T12:00:00.000Z", "end" : "2012-06-01T00:00:00.000Z", "Health" : "Normal"}'
options = {
'startTimeIdentifier': "time",
'endTimeIdentifier': "end",
'timeFormat': "iso_8601",
'timeZone': time.get_zone(),
'valueIdentifier': "Health"
inputResponse = falkonry.add_facts(assessmentId, 'json', options, data)
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
assessmentId = 'id of the assessment'
data = '{"time" : "2011-03-26T12:00:00.000Z", "car" : "HI3821", "end" : "2012-06-01T00:00:00.000Z", "Health" : "Normal"}'
options = {
'startTimeIdentifier': "time",
'endTimeIdentifier': "end",
'timeFormat': "iso_8601",
'timeZone': time.get_zone(),
'entityIdentifier': "car",
'valueIdentifier': "Health",
'additionalTag': "testTag"
inputResponse = falkonry.add_facts(assessmentId, 'json', options, data)
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
assessmentId = 'id of the assessment'
data = 'time,end,Health' + "\n"
+ '2011-03-26T12:00:00.000Z,2012-06-01T00:00:00.000Z,Normal' + "\n"
+ '2014-02-10T23:00:00.000Z,2014-03-20T12:00:00.000Z,Spalling';
options = {
'startTimeIdentifier': "time",
'endTimeIdentifier': "end",
'timeFormat': "iso_8601",
'timeZone': time.get_zone(),
'valueIdentifier': "Health"
inputResponse = falkonry.add_facts(assessmentId, 'csv', options, data)
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
assessmentId = 'id of the assessment'
data = 'time,car,end,Health,Tag' + "\n"
+ '2011-03-26T12:00:00.000Z,HI3821,2012-06-01T00:00:00.000Z,Normal,testTag1' + "\n"
+ '2014-02-10T23:00:00.000Z,HI3821,2014-03-20T12:00:00.000Z,Spalling,testTag2';
options = {
'startTimeIdentifier': "time",
'endTimeIdentifier': "end",
'timeFormat': "iso_8601",
'timeZone': time.get_zone(),
'entityIdentifier': "car",
'valueIdentifier': "Health",
'tagIdentifier': 'Tag'
inputResponse = falkonry.add_facts(assessmentId, 'csv', options, data)
Sample file:
{"time" : "2011-03-26T12:00:00.000Z", "car" : "HI3821", "end" : "2012-06-01T00:00:00.000Z", "Health" : "Normal"}
{"time" : "2014-02-10T23:00:00.000Z", "car" : "HI3821", "end" : "2014-03-20T12:00:00.000Z", "Health" : "Spalling"}
import os, sys
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
assessmentId = 'id of the assessment'
stream = io.open('./factsData.json')
options = {
'startTimeIdentifier': "time",
'endTimeIdentifier': "end",
'timeFormat': "iso_8601",
'timeZone': time.get_zone(),
'entityIdentifier': "car",
'valueIdentifier': "Health"
response = falkonry.add_facts_stream(assessmentId, 'json', options, stream)
Sample File
import os, sys
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
assessmentId = 'id of the assessment'
stream = io.open('./factsData.csv')
options = {
'startTimeIdentifier': "time",
'endTimeIdentifier': "end",
'timeFormat': "iso_8601",
'timeZone': time.get_zone(),
'entityIdentifier': "car",
'valueIdentifier': "Health"
response = falkonry.add_facts_stream(assessmentId, 'csv', options, stream)
Sample File
{"time": 1,"batchId": "batch_1","signal1": 9.95,"signal2": 19.95,"signal3": 39.95}
{"time": 2,"batchId": "batch_1","signal1": 4.45,"signal2": 14.45,"signal3": 34.45}
{"time": 3,"batchId": "batch_2","signal1": 1.45,"signal2": 10.45,"signal3": 30.45}
{"time": 4,"batchId": "batch_2","signal1": 8.45,"signal2": 18.45,"signal3": 38.45}
{"time": 5,"batchId": "batch_2","signal1": 2.45,"signal2": 12.45,"signal3": 32.45}
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
#instantiate Falkonry
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
assessmentId = 'id of the assessment'
data = '{"time": 1,"batchId": "batch_1","signal1": 9.95,"signal2": 19.95,"signal3": 39.95}\n{"time": 2,"batchId": "batch_1","signal1": 4.45,"signal2": 14.45,"signal3": 34.45}\n{"time": 3,"batchId": "batch_2","signal1": 1.45,"signal2": 10.45,"signal3": 30.45}\n{"time": 4,"batchId": "batch_2","signal1": 8.45,"signal2": 18.45,"signal3": 38.45}\n{"time": 5,"batchId": "batch_2","signal1": 2.45,"signal2": 12.45,"signal3": 32.45}'
options = {
'streaming': False,
'hasMoreData': False,
'timeFormat': time.get_format(),
'timeZone': time.get_zone(),
'timeIdentifier': time.get_identifier(),
'batchIdentifier': 'batchId'
inputResponse = falkonry.add_facts(assessmentId, 'json', options, data)
import os, sys
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
assessmentId = 'id of the assessment'
options = {'startTime':'2011-01-01T01:00:00.000Z','endTime':'2011-06-01T01:00:00.000Z','format':'application/json'}
response = fclient.get_historical_output(assessment, options)
'''If data is not readily available then, a tracker id will be sent with 202 status code. While falkonry will generate output data
Client should do timely pooling on the using same method, sending tracker id (__id) in the query params
Once data is available server will response with 200 status code and data in json/csv format.'''
if response.status_code is 202:
trackerResponse = Schemas.Tracker(tracker=response._content)
#get id from the tracker
trackerId = trackerResponse.get_id()
#use this tracker for checking the status of the process.
options = {"tarckerId": trackerId, "format":"application/json"}
newResponse = fclient.get_historical_output(assessment, options)
'''if status is 202 call the same request again
if status is 200, output data will be present in httpResponse.response field'''
import os, sys
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
assessmentId = 'id of the assessment'
options = {"format":"text/csv"}
stream = falkonry.get_output(assessmentId, options)
for event in stream.events():
import os, sys
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
assessmentId = 'id of the assessment'
options = {'startTime':'2011-01-01T01:00:00.000Z','endTime':'2011-06-01T01:00:00.000Z','format':'application/json',}
response = falkonry.get_facts(assessmentId, options)
import os, sys
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
options = {'format':"application/json"}
response = fclient.get_datastream_data(datastream, options)
import os, sys
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
options = {'format':"text/csv"}
response = fclient.get_datastream_data(datastream, options)
import os, sys
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
# Starts live monitoring of datastream. For live monitoring, datastream must have at least one assessment with an active model.
response = falkonry.on_datastream(datastreamId)
import os, sys
from falkonryclient import client as Falkonry
from falkonryclient import schemas as Schemas
falkonry = Falkonry('http://localhost:8080', 'auth-token')
datastreamId = 'id of the datastream'
# Stops live monitoring of datastream.
response = falkonry.off_datastream(datastreamId)
To run the test suite, first install the dependencies, then run Test.sh
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python test/*.py
##Run test cases from test directory
Available under MIT License