vedro-valera-validator is a plugin for the Vedro framework that utilizes the valera validator, a package designed for data validation based on d42 (district42) schemas. Valera validator provides a simple yet powerful approach to ensure your data aligns perfectly with your expectations.
For a quick installation, you can use a plugin manager as follows:
$ vedro plugin install vedro-valera-validator
To install manually, follow these steps:
- Install the package using pip:
$ pip3 install vedro-valera-validator
- Next, activate the plugin in your
configuration file:
# ./
import vedro
import vedro_valera_validator
class Config(vedro.Config):
class Plugins(vedro.Config.Plugins):
class ValeraValidator(vedro_valera_validator.ValeraValidator):
enabled = True
Here is an example scenario demonstrating how to decode a base64 encoded string:
# ./scenarios/
import vedro
from base64 import b64decode
from d42 import schema
class Scenario(vedro.Scenario):
subject = "decode base64 encoded string"
def given(self):
self.encoded = "Y3VjdW1iZXI="
def when(self):
self.result = {
"result": b64decode(self.encoded)
def then(self):
assert self.result == schema.dict({
"result": schema.bytes(b"banana")
Run the test using the command:
$ vedro run
If the expected and actual results don't match, a ValidationException
will be raised, as illustrated below:
- Value <class 'bytes'> at _['result'] must be equal to b'banana', but b'cucumber' given
For a detailed guide and further information, check out the documentation.