Qiskit is an excellent educational tool. In addition to the built-in simulators that allow students to test quantum computation, they can upload their requests to a real IBM quantum computer and obtain some intution about the performance of their computations in a real system.
Following the discussions with representatives from various academic institutions, one of the key lessons that we learned was that various version changes in Qiskit result in old notebooks breaking, such that course material which worked in the past no longer works at present.
Motivated by this, and also inspired to make life easier for educators using Qiskit, we are creating a wrapper around Qiskit that makes programming simpler for first-time users.
Qiskit Eductation Community Members
We are curretly trying to organize teaching material in a curriculum structure to make it easier for educators to build their own course syllabus. Simultneously, we are building the beta version of "Educator's Qiskit," a stable instance of Qiskit that makes programming simpler for first-time users.
Qiskit Education invites educators and students in the field for input and guidance We will be providing contribution guidelines soon.