Shortest code to make a Too-low — Too-high game
#Game rules:
- Computer will choose a random number out of integer range (-32768..32767).
- Now you will think of a number and input it.
- The computer will tell if your number is lower (TOO LOW) or higher (TOO HIGH) than the chosen number.
- When you guess the number, the computer should display Congrats! You found the number!.
#Code rules:
- Do not use the characters T, O, L, W, H, I and G (neither lowercase nor uppercase) in string or character literals.
- Remove 300 bytes if your code can display the game rules before starting the game.
- Remove 50 bytes if your code can count number of turns and display number of turns taken in the end of game.
- Remove 25 bytes from your score if your code can tell user that the number you input is out of integer range.
- Remove 25 bytes If your code takes the random number not from any built-in random function.
- Remove 10 bytes If your code display "congrats" in color (pick any color except default white).
- CHECK, -300
- CHECK, -50
232 - 300 - 50 = -118 (without new line)
237 - 300 - 50 = -113 (with new line)