Add new functionality to your API with just a few lines of code
It comes with a proxy that forwards clients to backend services and a transformation engine with which you can alter the response data.
Alternea helps solve problems when a task requires providing data in a certain form for an already existing API. For example, to generate various statements, export data, reports, and more.
During initialization, the service loads a configuration file.
By default, it is the alternea.hcl
file, which is located in the same directory as the executable.
In order to specify another configuration file, you can define the ALTERNEA_CONFIG environment variable in which to
specify the path to the file.
The configuration structure consists of blocks and attributes. Blocks are containers for defining related entities.
// block
server "arbitrary name" {
// attribute
listen = ""
// nested block
service_proxy "/some/path" {
// ...
Parses a duration string such as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
Retrieves the value of the environment variable named by the key. If the variable is not present then optional default value is returned.
Reads the named file and returns the contents.
Parses the given JSON string and, if it is valid, returns the value it represents.
Produces a string representation of zero or more values using format string similar to the "printf" function in C.
Follow the link for more details.
Alias name: printf
The root block is an area of the configuration file that is not nested within other blocks.
// determines the verbosity level of logging
// possible values from the most verbose to the quietest: debug, info, warn, error
log_level = "warn" // optional, default is "info"
Defines a set of parameters and services to serve HTTP requests.
server "main" {
// specifies the TCP address for the server to listen on in the form "host:port".
listen = "" // required
// read_timeout is the maximum duration for reading the entire
// request, including the body.
read_timeout = duration("1m") // optional, default is infinite
// is the maximum duration before timing out
// It is reset whenever a new request's header is read.
write_timeout = duration("30s") // optional, default is infinite
// idle_timeout is the maximum amount of time to wait for the
// next request when keep-alives are enabled. If idle_timeout
// is not set, the value of read_timeout is used. If both are
// not set, there is no timeout.
idle_timeout = duration("30s") // optional
Defines a proxy service.
// ...
server "main" {
// ...
// for routing details see *Routes Matching Rules* section below
proxy_service "/pdf/author/:id/books" {
// defines endpoint settings (required)
backend {
// specifies endpoint url
target_url = "https://example.com/author/:id/books" // required
// determines which codes to consider successful, if the end server responds with one of the listed codes,
// then alternea continues processing the response data, otherwise the original response is
// transmitted to the client
success_http_status_codes = [200, 206] // optional, default [200]
// defines the HTTP method by which the client should request this service (involved in route matching)
method = "GET" // optional, default "GET", available methods are: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
// set_header allows to set HTTP headers
set_header = {
// optional
Content-Type = "application/pdf"
Content-Disposition = "attachment; filename=books.pdf"
// flush_interval specifies the flush interval
// to flush to the client while copying the
// response body.
// If zero, no periodic flushing is done.
// A negative value means to flush immediately
flush_interval = duration("500ms") // optional
// defines the transformations to be applied to the response data
// available transformers are described below
transformer "{transformer name}" {
// required
// ...
// ...
Generates a PDF file from an HTML template using response data.
To use this transformer, it is required that wkhtmltopdf "full" be installed.
// ...
server "main" {
// ...
proxy_service "/pdf/author/:id/books" {
// defines the transformations to be applied to the response data
transformer "pdf" {
// template is processed by [Golang template engine](https://pkg.go.dev/html/template)
// the response data is available in the template under the .Data property
template = fromFile("my-template.html") // required
// before passing the data to the template, they can be preprocessed
// by optionally defining "remapper"
remapper = {
// available remappers are described below
name = "{remapper name}"
// ...
// ...
- parses the value intotime.Time
and returns a formatted string. Usage:{{fdate "inputFormat" "outputFormat" .yourValue}}
. Example:{{fdate "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" "02/01/2006 15:04" .yourValue}}
Transforms data to CSV
This transformer expects data in the form of a JSON object in which property names are interpreted as column names object property values must be an array in which each element is interpreted as a cell value.
"first name": [
"second name": [
(first line the "header" is optional, determined by the use_header setting)
first name, second name
Alan, Turing
Tim, Berners-Lee
Linus, Torvalds
Use "remapper" to bring the data into the required form.
// ...
server "main" {
// ...
proxy_service "/csv/author/:id/books" {
// this transformer expects data in the form of a JSON object
// in which property names are interpreted as column names
// the object property values must be an array in which each element is interpreted as a cell value
transformer "csv" {
// use_header set to true to use header as a first line (column names)
use_header = true // optional, default false
// delimiter specifies delimiter character
delimiter = ";" // optional, default ","
// use_crlf set to true to use \r\n as the line terminator
use_crlf = true // optional, default false
// tablifier transforms incoming data into a tabular form ([][]string)
// required by the "csv" transformer
tablifier = {
name = "json" // the only available tablifier for now is json
// columns - optionally specifies which columns to include in the result
// columns will be selected in the order in which they are specified
columns = ["id", "title", "body"] // optional, default all
// before passing the data to the tablifier, they can be preprocessed
// by optionally defining "remapper"
remapper = {
// available remappers are described below
name = "{remapper name}"
// ...
// ...
Remapper allows alternea to prepare data (change the structure, rename, etc.) before using it in a transformer.
Based on the https://github.com/qntfy/kazaam
Kazaam was created with the goal of supporting easy and fast transformations of JSON data
// ...
remapper = {
name = "kazaam"
// heredoc syntax of HCL
spec = <<-SPEC
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"id": "data[*].id",
"title": "data[*].title"
// ...
Please follow the link for information regarding the specs.
Static service provides functionality for serving static content.
// ...
server "main" {
// ...
static_service "/health-check" {
// defines the HTTP method by which the client should request this service (involved in route matching)
method = "GET" // optional, default "GET", available methods are: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
// response_code sets HTTP response status code
response_code = 200 // required
// set_header allows to set HTTP headers, optional
set_header = {
X-My-Custom-Header = "custom header"
// content specifies response content
content = "Hello!" // optional
Routes are matched according to the following rules:
The request path is first checked for identity "/some/path" == "/some/path". If the paths do not match then the segments are checked (content between the path separator characters '/' is called a segment)
- * - matches anything in the segment "/some/*/path"
- | - a separator to indicate one of the possible options "/book/authors|comments" means that the match will be in 2 cases "/book/authors" or "/book/comments"
- :arbitraryName - named segment, behaves the same as a wildcard, but allows you to substitute the content of the segment in the target url using the same name.
- ** - skipping the rest, for example "/api/v1/**" will match any path that starts with "/api/v1/". Named segments cannot be used after this entry.
Building image:
docker build . -t alternea
Run with sample configuration:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd)/alternea.sample.hcl:/app/alternea.hcl -v $(pwd)/shift.sample.spec.json:/app/shift.sample.spec.json alternea
2 endpoints should be available on port localhost:8080
- Control over requests
- More options
- Docs