- Laravel migrations - v8
docker run -v "/your/path/to/migrations:/migrations" -e "DB_HOST=host" -e "DB_PORT=3306" -e "DB_DATABASE=example" -e "DB_USERNAME=root" -e "DB_PASSWORD=secret" --rm velmie/laravel-migrate:1.1.0
Bind mount a volume-v "/your/path/to/migrations:/migrations"
Set environment variables-e "DB_HOST=host"
Specify DB host-e "DB_PORT=3306"
Specify DB port-e "DB_DATABASE=example"
Specify DB name-e "DB_USERNAME=root"
Specify DB username-e "DB_PASSWORD=secret"
Specify DB password
Docker image to use--rm
Automatically remove the container when it exits
By default, it uses mysql connection. You may also specify connection by adding -e "DB_CONNECTION=mysql"
If you need to run migrations on your host machine then simply add --network="host"
and specify -e "DB_HOST="
Note that exactly "" not "localhost" (otherwise it may try to connect via socket file).