Alzabo does a number of different tasks centered around a simple schema format for graph databases.
- Defines an .edn schema format, with semantics similar to RDF.
- Tool to convert the CANDEL schema into Alzabo format
- Tool to generate Datomic schemas from Alzabo format
- Tool to generate HTML documentation from Alzabo schemas
- A Clojurescript applet to do autocompletion over Alzabo schemas (appears as part of HTML doc)
Schemas are represented as EDN maps. See an example or the schema spec.
a string
a string
a map of kind names (keywords) to kind definitions (see below)
A map of enum names (keywords) to sequence of enum values (also keywords, generally namespaced)
A kind definition is a map with attributes:
: a map of field names (keywords) to field definitions
a string
a boolean indicating that this is a reference class (TODO rather too CANDEL specific, maybe generalize)
A field definition is a map with attributes:
can be:
- a keyword, either a kind name, a primitive
- a vector of types (defines a Datomic heterogenous tuple)
- a map of the form
{:* <type>}
(defines a Datomic homogenous tuple) Default is:string
a string:cardinality
(default) or:many
, see Datomic doc for details.:unique-id
means the same as:unique :identity
the datomic or sparql attribute corresponding to the field
The defined primitives are #{:string :boolean :float :double :long :bigint :bigdec :instant :keyword :uuid}
To generate documentation, you need graphviz installed. On the Mac, you can do this with
$ brew install graphviz
Pret installed as a sibling to Alzabo (TODO update to point to opensource version)
$ lein launch
Will compile the CANDEL schema to static files, compile the clojurescript code for autocomplete, and open the schema web page.
Or, to use a locally (but possibly out of date) version of the schema:
lein run test/resources/test-config.edn datomic
lein run test/resources/test-config.edn documentation
lein run test/resources/test-config.edn server
You can run these commands with lein run <config> <cmd>
$ lein run documentation
Generates documentation from the given Alzabo schema file.
$ lein run datomic
Generates a Datomic schema from the given Alzabo schema file.
$ lein run server
Opens the generated documentation in browser..
Add dependency [org.parkerici/alzabo "1.0.0"]
(or whatever the lastest version is)
(ns ...
(:require [org.parkerici.alzabo.schema :as schema]
[org.parkerici.alzabo.datomic :as datomic]
[org.parkerici.alzabo.html :as html]))
;; read in a schema file
(let [schema (schema/read-schema <schema.edn>)]
;; write out a Datomic schema
(datomic/write-schema schema "datomic-schema.edn")
;; generate documentation
(html/schema->html schema "public/schema" {}))