Supported architectures:
(Linux and possibly WSL2 on Windows)x86_64-darwin
You will need a working installation of Nix which can be obtained here (few additional options available).
An optional step is to enable the binary cache for this overlay:
nix-shell -p cachix --run "cachix use epic-eic"
A quick way to start using the packages is to clone the repository and invoke a nix-shell, which will start a shell with environment that includes all the EIC packages:
git clone
cd epic-nix
Depending on the version of Nix that you have, you may have to first enable the following features:
echo "experimental-features = nix-command flakes" >> ~/.config/nix/nix.conf
Similar to the nix-shell approach above, one can invoke the environment without cloning the repository:
nix develop github:veprbl/epic-nix
or with cloning:
git clone
cd epic-nix
nix develop