The following repo shows how to embed an Angular application into a go server.
The ui directory was bootstrapped with the Angular CLI, ng new ui
from root directory.
In order to serve the Angular build, the embed.go
file was added to the ui directory to use the Go embed feature to bundle the static files into the Go binary. Then the files can be served directly using the http.FileServer
package ui
import "embed"
//go:embed dist/*
var UI embed.FS
One caveat to allowing this to work without breaking on page reload/redirects, is to use a hash based router with Angular routing. To do this, the useHash: true
option needs passed to the Angular router
imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes, { useHash: true })],
exports: [RouterModule],
export class AppRoutingModule {}
Two consoles be can run to start the go server and the Angular development server to facilitate the frontend to server integration. Using the ui/src/proxy.conf.json
file, all requests will be proxied from the localhost:4200/api domain to the localhost:8080 server to simulate a local devlopment service. This will allow hot reloading of the frontend application while having the existing backend services exposed.
# console 1
go run cmd/server/main.go
# console 2
cd ui && npm start
Use the following commands to package this app into a Docker container and run locally:
docker build -t angular-go:latest .
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080/tcp angular-go:latest