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Wallet Installation Windows 10

marpme edited this page Dec 24, 2019 · 2 revisions

1. Downloading the wallet:

Verge-QT Download: Latest Release


  • With the downloaded windows installer follow the given instructions
  • check in your start menu the newly installed Verge Wallet.

2. Blockchain Download:

  1. The big zip file will be named like: and it has to match your download version
  2. Go ahead and fire off a download of it since it will take a few minutes. We'll come back to this later in the guide.

3. Integrating Blockchain Download:

Create a folder under your installation location (Mostly: C:\users\%currentuser%\AppData\Roaming\Verge). Unzip the blockchain files you downloaded in Step 2 into this folder and re-launch your Verge Wallet and you will have minimal blocks to sync (est. ~ 10 mins of sync)

Upgrading the Wallet:

On the flip side, there's nothing to really "uninstall" either if you have older versions. If this is an "upgrade", just follow the install steps and create a new folder called like: C:\cryptowallets\Verge###
(where ### = version number) and unzip the new files to that directory.

It's perfectly acceptable to have multiple versions on your computer. Just don't run the older versions. There's no real need to keep the older versions after a certain point in time, and older versions eventually stop working outright.

Just make sure you don't confuse yourself if you do this. Make sure that no matter what versions you have on your hard drive, you are RUNNING the latest !

[Credits: XVGMonk - Updated by Swizzlesticks]

Reference Implementation

Bitcoin Developer Reference

Verge Codebase


  2. P2P API

Building Verge

Mining Verge

  1. Base Setup
  2. Mining Rules

Wallet Support

  1. Windows Installation
  2. Connection Problems
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