A plugin-based service that allows issuers to render verifiable presentations from templates, and store it in a queryable database for holders to list/retrieve.
The detailed specification for this service can be found in the
This repository contains a barebones implementation of the specification mentioned above. The repository is structured as a monorepo:
- The
folder contains the four individual blocks that are a part of the service:generator
. - Each of these blocks is their own package, and are published as docker containers to GHCR.
- The
folder contains the files necessary to run the four building blocks together using Docker.
To follow the examples below, you will need to install Docker and HTTPie.
The four modules are published as containers on GHCR. To use them, docker pull
them from GHCR and then use docker run
to start them:
> docker pull ghcr.io/verifiable-presentation/registry:latest
> docker run -p 9267:9267 ghcr.io/verifiable-presentation/registry
> docker pull ghcr.io/verifiable-presentation/template-store:latest
> docker run -p 9277:9277 ghcr.io/verifiable-presentation/template-store
> docker pull ghcr.io/verifiable-presentation/renderer:latest
> docker run -p 9287:9287 ghcr.io/verifiable-presentation/renderer
> docker pull ghcr.io/verifiable-presentation/generator:latest
> docker run -p 9297:9297 --network host ghcr.io/verifiable-presentation/generator
# To create a template
echo '{
"template": "Hello <strong><%= data.name %></strong>",
"renderer": "ejs",
"schema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": { "type": "string" }
"required": ["name"],
"additionalProperties": false
}' | http post :9277/templates
# To retrieve a template
http get :9277/templates/{id}
# To create a new keypair to sign verifiable presentations
echo '{
"name": "Hello Certificate Signing Key",
"type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2020"
}' | http post :9297/keys
# To create an application, used to sign and create presentations.
echo '{
"name": "Happy Template Issuer",
"template": {
"id": "did:web:localhost%3A9277:templates:{template-id}"
"renderer": {
"api": "http://localhost:9287"
"registry": {
"api": "http://localhost:9267"
"keys": ["{key-id}"]
}' | http post :9297/applications
# To create and sign a verifiable presentation using the template and key
# we created
echo '{
"credentials": [
"@context": [
{ "name": "https://schema.org/name" }
"credentialSubject": { "name": "Ramesh" },
"id": "did:example:F4RGIuxcKIjygFThqsXW9GX6HocV",
"issuanceDate": "2010-01-01T19:23:24Z",
"issuer": "did:web:localhost%3A9267:entities:oLrLuxcK8nNupXoNsXW9G",
"type": ["VerifiableCredential", "IdentityCredential"],
"proof": {
"type": "Ed25519Signature2020",
"created": "2022-07-09T13:29:11Z",
"verificationMethod": "did:web:localhost%3A9267:keys:zF7T2UyK4dk0D1sJsHYuJ6gkmlhu",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"proofValue": "z5weBQmFAUeq8JVyfW5JuET89aBiK1HquiHCLv8yPAjYG91ohSLmetaddVdrhbWj71jKXg795Bapt5ba3dqwfTqzs"
"output": "htm",
"holder": "did:web:localhost%3A9267:entities:tpohz5uFEJFIteq3jY7vaG4gROLb"
}' | http post :9297/applications/{id}/issue
# To retrieve a presentation
http get :9267/presentations/{id}