Deprecation Warning: A fork of this project is under active development here: .The future of pani itself is undecided at this time.
A convenience library to access Firebase from Clojurescript.
The goal of this library is not to provide access to the entire functionality offered by Firebase, but to make it convenient to use Firebase as a data store from within Clojurescript.
The library is in its infancy. The current version is 0.0.3
Pani offers several benefits over raw JS interop:
- Idiomatic constructs
- Async channels or callbacks for change notifications
- Javascript objects abstraction
This library, for now, is entirely based on how I intend to use this library (may be with Om etc.) and would grow as I discover more things I'd like it to do. Pull requests welcome!
Require pani
(:require [pani.cljs.core :as p]) ; for clojurescript
(:require [pani.clojure.core :as p]) ; for clojure
Create a root object:
(def r (p/root ""))
Bind a callback to recieve callback notifications when a value
notification occurs:
(p/bind r :value :age #(log %1))
The bind
call accepts either a key or a seq of keys (get-in
(p/bind r :value [:info :world] #(log %1))
You can also bind to other Firebase notification events, e.g. the child_added
(p/bind r :child_added :messages #(log %1))
If no callback is specified, the bind
call returns an async channel:
(let [c (p/bind r :child_added :messages)]
(go-loop [msg (<! c)]
(.log js/console "New message (go-loop):" (:message msg))
(recur (<! c))))
Use the set!
call to set a value, like bind
this function accepts either a single key or a seq of keys:
(p/set! r [:info :world] "welcome")
(p/set! r :age 100)
Use the push!
function to push values into a collection:
(p/push! r :messages {:message "hello"})
Finally, use the walk-root
function to get a new child node:
(def messages-root (p/walk-root r :messages))
(p/bind messages-root :child_added [] #(log %1))
Note that, most examples will require you to add your Firebase app url to the example. You'd most likely have to edit a line like the following in one of the source files (most likely core.cljs
;; TODO: Set this to a firebase app URL
(def firebase-app-url "")
All examples are available under the examples
directory. To run a Clojurescript example just run the respective lein
command to build it:
lein cljsbuild once <example-name>
This should build and place a main.js
file along with an out
directory in the example's directory. You should now be able to go to the example's directory and open the index.html
file in a web-browser.
Copyright © 2014 Uday Verma
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.