The microservice API accepts a request that includes a list of flights and returns the total flight path with origin and destination airports. The list of flights defined by a source and destination airport code and may not be listed in order.
[["SFO", "EWR"]] => ["SFO", "EWR"]
[["ATL", "EWR"], ["SFO", "ATL"]] => ["SFO", "EWR"]
[["IND", "EWR"], ["SFO", "ATL"], ["GSO", "IND"], ["ATL", "GSO"]] => ["SFO", "EWR"]
- Makefile
- Docker
- go to the project root
make docker-build
make docker-run
curl http://localhost:8080/get-flight-path -d '[["IND", "EWR"], ["SFO", "ATL"], ["GSO", "IND"], ["ATL", "GSO"]]'
The response should be next:
I used clean architecture approach and below you can find actual project structure:
internal: is for modules that is not likely to be used in other projects
└── service: wrapper around modules following Clean Architecture approach
└── transport - transport layer
└── usecase - business logic layer
└── repo - repository layer(currently is absent)
pkg: is for modules that can be used in other projects, in future we can move them to separate library
For unit tests run next command:
make test-unit
For integration tests run next command:
make test-integration
To run linter run make lint
We use golangci linter, that aggregates all available linters.
Linter's configuration is located in .golangci.yml
You can set your log leve and port(don't forget to change docker run command as well) as environment variables and service will use them.
Pipeline include next steps:
- Linter
- Unit tests
- Integration tests(depends on Linter and Unit tests)