The only dependency is System.Drawing.Common.
It is very slow!
I use Parallel.ForEach to parallelize the rays, but ultimately we are doing billions of recursive vector operations on the CPU.
- Clone the repository.
- Open the Solution in Visual Studio 2019 or later with .Net 5 SDK installed.
- Set Raytracer.Wpf as the startup project.
- Run the project.
- Raytracer - Common library containing all of the math, scene descriptions, parsers, and utilities.
- Raytracer.Ascii - Renders scenes into a command line window in "realtime", looks kinda cool.
- Raytracer.Cmd - Renders scenes to bitmap file via command line.
- Raytracer.Wpf - Renders scenes to a window in "realtime".
- Raytracer.Tests - Minimal NUnit tests for Raytracer, helps verify 2 + 2 still equals 4.
- Cameras
- Orthographic
- Perspective
- Lights
- Ambient
- Directional
- Point
- Geometry
- Primitives
- Capsule
- Cube
- Cylinder
- Disc
- Plane
- Quad
- Sphere
- Triangle
- Models
- CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry)
- Difference
- Intersection
- Union
- Primitives
- Materials
- Emissive
- Lambert
- Layered
- Phong
- Reflective
- Refractive
- Textures
- Bitmap
- Checkerboard
- Noise
- Random
- Solid Color
- Texture Mapping
- Normal Mapping
- Anti-aliasing
- Global Illumination
- Ambient Occlusion
- Gamma correction
- Depth of Field
- Soft shadows
- Translucent shadows
- Subsurface Scattering
- Median Filtering
- Successive Refinement
- Bilinear Texture Filtering
- Bounding Volume Hierarchy
Translucent shadows, depth of field, subsurface scattering, normal mapping
Stacked CSG Union, Intersection, Difference operations
ASCII buffer - Translating light values to a mix of foreground and background terminal colours