Vether Burn Contracts will allow members to deposit Ether, then for other people to automate the daily burning process.
Simply call deposit(days)
with an attached amount of Ether, and the number of days to burn over.
In order to claim the fee of 1%, call burn()
on the contract. This will
- Burn for everyone on the current day
- If vether is available for yesterday, it will withdraw it
- Pay out everyone who burnt yesterday
- Pay you the 1% fee
Note: burn()
can only be called once a day, so it's a race once a new day starts.
Vether Burn has the following intended design:
- Deposit Ether to burn over several days
- Burn and Withdraw on behalf of other people for a fee
There is a maxEther
to limit liability on the contract initially.
address payable public vetherAddress;
uint public _1 = 10**18;
uint public burnerShare = 9900;
uint public maxMembers;
uint public maxEther;
uint public maxDays;
uint public day;
uint public etherPooled;
uint public memberCount;
address[] public arrayMembers;
mapping(address => MemberData) public mapMemberData;
struct MemberData {
uint etherToBurn;
uint daysToBurn;
mapping(uint => mapping(uint => uint)) public mapEraDay_TotalBurnt;
mapping(uint => mapping(uint => bool)) public mapEraDay_Burnt;
function deposit(uint dayCount) public payable returns (bool success)
function burn() public returns (bool sucess)
maxMembers = 10;
maxEther = _1;
maxDays = 2;
maxMembers = 2;
maxEther = _1;
maxDays = 2;
maxMembers = 10;
maxEther = 10;
maxDays = 10;
The test suite uses Buidler as the preferred testing suite, since it compiles and tests faster. The test suite implements 7 routines that can be tested individually.
npx buidler compile
Execute all at once:
npx builder test
Or execute individually:
npx builder test/1_coin.js
Truffle testing can also be done:
truffle compile && truffle migrate --reset
Execute all at once:
truffle test
Or execute individually:
truffle test test/1_burn.js