Vether Pools is a liquidity pool protocol that allows asset-agnostic provision of liquidity. Traders can swap between assets at arbitrarily low fees, but a liquidity-sensitive fee maximises revenue for stakers during periods of high demand.
Vether Pools has the following intended design:
- Stake any asset into any pool
- Move capital between pools (unstake and stake in a single transaction)
- Withdraw partial or full capital from any pool to any asset
- Swap from any asset to any asset
Base Run plan:
Deploy Base Deploy Utils(base.address) Deploy Dao(base.address, util.address) Deploy router(base.address, util.address) Set Genesis DAO base.changeDAO(Dao.address) Set Genesis Router Dao.setGenesisRouter(router.address)
Vether Nuances
- Does not have DAO address, cannot change DAO.
- POOL and ROUTER has DAO address
- Modify DAO to not ask Vether for DAO address
- TransferOver Method
- Dao_Vether, Router_Vether, Pool_Vether, Utils_Vether
Deploy Vether Deploy Utils(vether.address) Deploy Dao(vether.address) Deploy router(vether.address)
Utils Genesis DAO utils.setGenesisDao(Dao.address) Dao Genesis Router Dao.setGenesisAddresses(router.address, utils.address) Router Genesis DAO router.setGenesisDao(Dao.address)
Deploy new Dao(vether.address, util.address) Set Genesis DAO utils.setGenesisDao(Dao.address) Deploy new router(vether.address, Dao.address, util.address) Migrate Data to new Router Set Genesis Router Dao.setGenesisRouter(router.address) Vote for new DAO: *
- Deploy Router
- Migrate Data
- Vote Router
- Move Router
0xdA9e97139937BaD5e6d1d1aBB4C9Ab937a432B7C vether 0x3CF73D6E97cB3A8EA3aEd66E0AE22e0257CD1100 USDT
0xc93c4a2D15815843fB4cC7b3bD0bec5135c31245 utils 0x5D63b1e364473cDe7bf5Ff13673F0CE8BeaA8de3 Dao 0x252704c3bb1eB9EE3505Bee6985e2935e406fd7d router 0x30925908521cE64FEa1C0371BC7C8535091fF9e1 router2
0xA490d3ba44b0058FfE3AB6Ff3e262D281c1D8abB utils 0xcB841b295fe7B151AeD65359D2B7BD120f2E1371 Dao 0xBc6f2527B99D26263122cb08Df275954f799347C router 0x9298319b33204655d7c0badd989b857ebb95b5c4 router2
0xf4C5e6046fC4394C26D9C6fE37dF0fF5969F6BF1 vpt-usdt 0xE563Ecdc4c62389A4790106C2C43F1Df2568F9d9 vpt-eth
0xA490d3ba44b0058FfE3AB6Ff3e262D281c1D8abB utils 0xce25e8C1262f29D72D687F67AeD9A8620d8758FA Dao 0xc490DAdA24D628c5A6a476f00dFef3528D7df434 router
0xEc6e21fdF4D9F660fa4e91ae164d25413B577325 Dao2 0xAc3277BCe7b1f74abC42ce3E8302b62931864bC1 router2
0x25c778E8b62C15Df6586e66f0AC69775199fa5d9 vpt-usdt 0x63933653d869099d5d282f76d6b23692c7d2c32c vpt-eth
0xec2fA91989e335F616177e4F3A233a69755a5f80 utils 0xCc44719a8bB550505E51BfB38387766eb8fbf16D dao 0xDFBB81D71d5237c17257827e6e62F9764843a462 router
0x4Ba6dDd7b89ed838FEd25d208D4f644106E34279 vether 0x0f216323076dfe029f01B3DeB3bC1682B1ea8A37 utils 0xBDeeE633ABC60660d29a5dA7AD414D6A75754d12 dao 0xe16e64Da1338d8E56dFd8355Ba7642D0A79e253c router
0x2E74525c491954BE67E8847B087ed1c3C988635d utils2 0xAa5CCD27Aba925F6885D7A9AdeB54dFf22185d1C router2
- amount in swap
- checkApprovals()
1000000000000000000 // 10**18
1000000000000000000000000 //1m
0x95D0C08e59bbC354eE2218Da9F82A04D7cdB6fDF //veth
0x75572098dc462f976127f59f8c97dfa291f81d8b // tkn
0x476B05e742Bd0Eed4C7cba11A8dDA72BE592B549 // math
0xCFE254e64Bb766bDb0998801F7b9F2E6762a92DB // vetherPools-2
function calcSwapOutput(uint x, uint X, uint Y) public pure returns (uint output){
// y = (x * Y * X)/(x + X)^2
uint numerator = x.mul(Y.mul(X));
uint denominator = (x.add(X)).mul(x.add(X));
return numerator.div(denominator);
function calcSwapFee(uint x, uint X, uint Y) public pure returns (uint output){
// y = (x * Y * x) / (x + X)^2
uint numerator = x.mul(Y.mul(x));
uint denominator = (x.add(X)).mul(x.add(X));
return numerator.div(denominator);
function calcStakeUnits(uint a, uint A, uint v, uint V) public pure returns (uint units){
// units = ((V + A) * (v * A + V * a))/(4 * V * A)
// (part1 * (part2 + part3)) / part4
uint part1 = V.add(A);
uint part2 = v.mul(A);
uint part3 = V.mul(a);
uint numerator = part1.mul((part2.add(part3)));
uint part4 = 4 * (V.mul(A));
return numerator.div(part4);
function calcAsymmetricShare(uint s, uint T, uint A) public pure returns (uint share){
// share = (s * A * (2 * T^2 - 2 * T * s + s^2))/T^3
// (part1 * (part2 - part3 + part4)) / part5
uint part1 = s.mul(A);
uint part2 = T.mul(T).mul(2);
uint part3 = T.mul(s).mul(2);
uint part4 = s.mul(s);
uint numerator = part1.mul(part2.sub(part3).add(part4));
uint part5 = T.mul(T).mul(T);
return numerator.div(part5);
The test suite uses Buidler as the preferred testing suite, since it compiles and tests faster. The test suite implements 7 routines that can be tested individually.
npx buidler compile
Execute all at once:
npx builder test
Or execute individually:
npx builder test/1_coin.js