It's recommended you take a backup of .dizquetv or .pseudotv folder (or your docker volume) before trying a new version. Just in case so that you can revert back with no issue. dizqueTV will attempt to migrate your folder to the new version. pseudoTV users please rename the folder to .dizqueTV before running this.
Changes in 1.1.2:
1.1.x versions greater than 1.1.1 are considered stable versions. Which means that the only changes they'll receive is bug fixes. If you are looking for an edge version, check the Versions page at the wiki.
The main feature of 1.1.2 over the previous stable version (1.0.2) is the Filler Lists feature introduced in 1.1.0: More detail at 1.1.0's release notes
The only change in 1.1.2 versus 1.1.1 is that the fav icon was changed so that it (hopefully) looks less similar to a certain services' colorful shopping bag of an icon.
Note about a Plex DVR bug
There's currently a bug in Plex DVR that makes it repeat videos instead of advancing to the next episode. Please read this Plex bug report for more info: https://forums.plex.tv/t/live-tv-restarts-show-after-completion-in-web-player/634004
For more details, check the Wiki
Docker users go here: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/vexorian/dizquetv/tags
For native executable files look below: