Runtypes allow you to take values about which you have no assurances and check that they conform to some type A
This is done by means of composable type validators of primitives, literals, arrays, tuples, records, unions,
intersections and more.
npm install --save runtypes
Suppose you have objects which represent asteroids, planets, ships and crew members. In TypeScript, you might write their types like so:
type Vector = [number, number, number]
type Asteroid = {
type: 'asteroid'
location: Vector
mass: number
type Planet = {
type: 'planet'
location: Vector
mass: number
population: number
habitable: boolean
type Rank =
| 'captain'
| 'first mate'
| 'officer'
| 'ensign'
type CrewMember = {
name: string
age: number
rank: Rank
home: Planet
type Ship = {
type: 'ship'
location: Vector
mass: number
name: string
crew: CrewMember[]
type SpaceObject = Asteroid | Planet | Ship
If the objects which are supposed to have these shapes are loaded from some external source, perhaps a JSON file, we need to
validate that the objects conform to their specifications. We do so by building corresponding Runtype
s in a very straightforward
import { Boolean, Number, String, Literal, Array, Tuple, Record, Union } from 'runtypes'
const Vector = Tuple(Number, Number, Number)
const Asteroid = Record({
type: Literal('asteroid'),
location: Vector,
mass: Number,
const Planet = Record({
type: Literal('planet'),
location: Vector,
mass: Number,
population: Number,
habitable: Boolean,
const Rank = Union(
Literal('first mate'),
const CrewMember = Record({
name: String,
age: Number,
rank: Rank,
home: Planet,
const Ship = Record({
type: Literal('ship'),
location: Vector,
mass: Number,
name: String,
crew: Array(CrewMember),
const SpaceObject = Union(Asteroid, Planet, Ship)
(See the examples directory for an expanded version of this.)
Now if we are given a putative SpaceObject
we can validate it like so:
// spaceObject: SpaceObject
const spaceObject = SpaceObject.check(obj)
If the object doesn't conform to the type specification, check
will throw an exception.
In TypeScript, the inferred type of Asteroid
in the above example is
type: 'asteroid'
coordinates: [number, number, number]
mass: number
That is, it's a Runtype<Asteroid>
, and you could annotate it as such. But we don't really have to define the
type in TypeScript at all now, because the inferred type is correct. Defining each of your types
twice, once at the type level and then again at the value level, is a pain and not very DRY.
Fortunately you can define a static Asteroid
type which is an alias to the Runtype
-derived type like so:
import { Static } from 'runtypes'
type Asteroid = Static<typeof Asteroid>
which achieves the same result as
type Asteroid = {
type: 'asteroid'
coordinates: [number, number, number]
mass: number
In addition to providing a check
method, runtypes can be used as type guards:
function disembark(obj: {}) {
if (SpaceObject.guard(obj)) {
// obj: SpaceObject
if (obj.type === 'ship') {
// obj: Ship
obj.crew = []
Beyond mere type checking, we can add arbitrary runtime constraints to a Runtype
const Positive = Number.withConstraint(n => n > 0)
Positive.check(-3) // Throws error: Failed constraint check
You can provide more descriptive error messages for failed constraints by returning
a string instead of false
const Positive = Number.withConstraint(n => n > 0 || `${n} is not positive`)
Positive.check(-3) // Throws error: -3 is not positive
Runtypes along with constraint checking are a natural fit for enforcing function
contracts. You can construct a contract from Runtype
s for the parameters and
return type of the function:
const divide = Contract(
// Parameters:
Number.withConstraint(n => n !== 0 || 'division by zero'),
// Return type:
).enforce((n, m) => n / m)
divide(10, 2) // 5
divide(10, 0) // Throws error: division by zero