Web application for booking tickets in a multiplex cinema
To start the program you must first of all have the database available and functional. To avoid having to modify parameters within the code, create the db via MySQL Workbench with the same parameters present within the project's "IMapper" interface. Then create a new scheme and set it as the default scheme. To create the tables run the MySQL script contained in the "DBCinema.sql" file.
JAVA JDK (tested on version 11)
JDBC - version 8.0.20
Jetty - version 9.4.30.v20200611
Gradle - version 6.0
JavaMail - version 1.4.7
iTextPDF - version 7.1.11
SLF4J API - version 1.7.30
JQuery Plugin For Gradle - version 4.0.3
Starting the server via terminal: the server port number can be configured via the command line (if not specified, the program uses port 8080)
- move to the main folder of the project and compile the project by downloading all the dependencies using the command:
$ ./gradlew clean build
- run the project using the default port:
$ ./gradlew run
- to execute the project by specifying a different port:
$ ./gradlew run --args='portNumber'
where portNumber is the desired port number.
In general, if addressOfMyServer is the address of the server and ServerPort is the port of the latter dedicated to the service, connect via the address http://addressOfMyServer:ServerPort
Assuming that the connection is made from the same machine on which the server is active, connect to the server on the page: http://localhost:8080
Assuming that the connection is made from the same machine on which the server is active, connect to the server on the page:
http: // localhost: 8080 / administrator
The default password is password