To run the example commands below:
- Place the oracle_cache folder into the root directory (same as this file); download the compressed file under "Code and data --> Cached emulator data for our datasets [required]" towards the bottom of this post
- Install the following python packages: numpy, scipy, keras, tensorflow, shapely, numba, and parmap
- Add the cognitive_programs directory to your PYTHONPATH
python cognitive_programs/program_induction/ --arg_prediction_type mix_fixation_provided_and_cnn_arg_predictor --n_progs 500000
python cognitive_programs/program_induction/ --arg_prediction_type mix_fixation_provided_and_cnn_arg_predictor --n_progs 3000000
python cognitive_programs/program_induction/ --arg_prediction_type cnn_arg_predictor --n_progs 1000000
python cognitive_programs/program_induction/ --arg_prediction_type uniform_arg --n_progs 1000000