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Fredrick Brennan edited this page Apr 18, 2019 · 4 revisions

Configuration Basics

It’s important that you read this page and don’t just assume it’s okay to make changes to inc/config.php; it’s not. inc/config.php is used only to hold default values. It’s updated very frequently, so placing your local configuration there would make upgrading a very complicated process.

Instead, edit inc/instance-config.php.

Config files

Tinyboard is made up of multiple configuration files:

  • inc/config.php — These are the defaults. Do not edit this file or you will have a very hard time upgrading in the future.
  • inc/instance-config.php — Make all your site-wide changes here. This file is generated upon installation.
  • <board>/config.php — Optional board-specific configuration files can also be made. These files don’t exist by default.

The syntax for inc/instance-config.php and <board>/config.php is exactly the same to that of inc/config.php. You can copy lines from config.php and place them in either one of these config files. That is what config.php is for.

The configuration variable ($config) is just one huge associative array, occasionally split into “sections”.

Loading order

It’s important to understand how the configuration files work to get the most out of Tinyboard.

  • inc/config.php$config is reset with the defaults.
  • inc/instance-config.php — Some $config values are overwritten or changed.
  • <board>/config.php — If it exists, some more $config values are overwritten.


The comments in inc/config.php are probably the greatest source of documentation. It is filled with descriptions for specific config variables as well as examples, for you to copy into inc/instance-config.php and modify.

See also