This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.
Squashed 'lib3rd/nlohmann-json.git/' changes from 456478b3c5..972d6a3842
972d6a3842 1. 将CLIPS的代码(包含扩展)做成了CMakeLists.txt的模式:便于多项目之间自动管理依赖和链接:) 3c5a3237ad 1. 清理了xclips的冗余花括号;) b475573a4b 1. xclips的扩展zmq发送数据的长度不正确的BUG得到了修复:) 2. xclips的zmq扩展添加了一个zmq_close函数:) 0d06803c41 1. 补充了一个macos遗漏的xcconfig数据 b7884259b2 1. 将在xcode里面配置的各种项目属性拿到了独立的xcconfig文件中:这样后面类似的项目使用起来更方便:) 01b78370fc 1. 将CLIPS扩展里面的CLIPS协议更换为SEXP协议,同时将read-clips修改为read-sexp:这样,就可以用到CLIPS之外的LISP语言上:) 1d04fcff41 1. 完善了CLIPS的JSON扩展的value_for_path和set_value_for_path函数:) 6ccbcfcfe5 1. CLIPS的JSON扩展库,第一次编译测试通过了;) 187a3624a1 1. 给socket的扩展添加了block_reading的读取功能:实现【等待】能力;) 243f672a5d 1. 添加了zmq扩展的version函数;) a58373b275 1. 给zmq的扩展添加了RAW的protocol 5c8b442d8c 1. 删除router的回显显示:这是多余的操作,用户可以自己来操作 c0f2d17728 1. socket可以发送任意的子节序列了:将之前的protocol从socket里面剔除了;同时读取的时候,不会发生阻塞了;) 873e4d9283 1. 修正了uuidgen的编译错误:因为我clips.h头文件里面定义了太多的【短宏】和boost的uuid库里面的LHS和RHS冲突了! 8fcd588bf6 1. 给CLIPS的扩展添加了一系列的utility函数:) 5481c08a71 1. 添加了expand-for-eval和expand-and-eval两个函数:但是有些限制,暂时没用上:( 8607930317 1. 添加了read-until的CLIPS扩展函数:主要用于process的处理:) e6ca7a0ef3 1. 用宏的方式来简化了CLIPS扩展的代码量:主要是重复代码 9c0361dd82 1. 发现了一处zmq解析协议的BUG:需要同时支持CLIPS和JSON格式:) 0041fc0f82 1. 添加了process的terminal的支持:使得CLIPS可以直接利用第三方的命令行工具作为自己的子函数(微服务):O) 2. 结果process的system-output函数也做到process模块里面了;) 3. 修复了一个clips::boolean类型的一个bug 9037810238 1. 重命名read-system为system-output:语义更加明确 b0757bba84 1. 调整了CLIPS的扩展,使其能够在iOS下也能正常工作了;) 1b2f1be749 1. 添加了read-system的函数:能够从命令行的输出中返回结果了;) d5a4c88c4a 1. 添加了boost_1_73_0的代码:) dedb452bfd 1. 关闭了一处CLIPS扩展的日志输出 c08ab5dafd 1. 给CLIPS扩展添加了mustache_render_with_partials函数:用于使用mustache模版引擎的partials功能:) 2. 重命名test-bench-execute为:test-benchmark:) 6af0c40726 1. 添加了CLIPS扩展支持的协议:CLIPS和JSON两种协议:)并改善了错误报告:) bd391aa7c5 1. 修正了CLIPS的String扩展在输出给router时候的问题:之前只处理了输入,现在处理输出 71bfba3252 1. 将readcommand调整为read-command:这样就和CLIPS的read-number的习惯吻合了;) cfb3ad7811 1. 给CLIPS的扩展添加了readcommand命令:用于读取一个完整的command:在使用ZMQ和socket的时候很必要:) 487dabcb55 1. CLIPS的socket扩展也能够一次读取一个完整的命令了;) 8182908268 1. 现在ZMQ的CLIPS绑定已经可以按照CompleteCommand的方式来缓存一个完整的命令在发送出去了;) 51177fed47 1. 给CLIPS的String的词法在只有【双引号】的基础上添加了【反引号】【单引号】功能支持:尽量减少了使用【 斜杠\】转义的需求! a5c9065cbe 1. 给CLIPS扩展添加了mustache的模版引擎支持:) 84a678c09b 1. 成功的引入了ZMQ的功能到CLIPS扩展中:) fd2d7f74dc 1. 发现CLIPS的API里面的argumentCode和expectBits有关系,但是并不一样!!! 013f018f34 1. 发现了测试中的一些bug:对CLIPS的扩展的test_bench功能进行了测试:) 791cd81896 1. 重命名select_action为create_primitive_value:更加贴近具体的意义 f37bdc52fb 1. CLIPS的扩展终于完全正确了:(read)已经可以读取到正确的值了:)之前没有使用RouterUnreadFunction 9b102f94bb 1. 清理了clips扩展中的不需要的内容 8c5f26bb33 1. boost::asio的socket添加到了CLIPS中:也就是说,从今以后,xclips可以直接使用网络了;) d6fa51b303 1. 改写了clips.hpp和clips.cpp文件,首次支持了network的router功能:还未经过严格的测试! 9d31a33723 1. 添加了libzmq的ios版本的ignore描述 ed464d0dc0 1. 添加了mstch.git的submodule:git的submodule被提交了;) c0b533a865 Merge commit '7f82b73a2f035d403a7130fc1f24af8bdea2603d' as 'lib3rd/mstch.git' 7f82b73a2f Squashed 'lib3rd/mstch.git/' content from commit 0fde1cf94 774da9e0ef 1. 添加README的内容描述了mstch.git的subtree和submodule:) 77f83483f2 1. rpc.git子模块的路径错误:删除之! a6c208be67 1. 添加了rpclib.git的子模块:) 3859c03acd Merge commit '2c2a7ed46e66d3f950e8b6a7535a426d74e9ba05' as 'lib3rd/grpc.git' 2c2a7ed46e Squashed 'lib3rd/grpc.git/' content from commit c07ddb4504 8f9fb5bb54 1. 添加了grpc的子模块 2. 添加了备注到README e36912c152 1. 确保CLIPS_unicode的clips_core_6_40在macOS和iOS下都可用:主要区别是system函数,iOS下不可用 3424cfdfa5 Merge commit 'ddec83cd12c8291848d6f0fffffd2d6632d46f4c' as 'lib3rd/nlohmann-json.git' ddec83cd12 Squashed 'lib3rd/nlohmann-json.git/' content from commit 456478b3c 2e40a6d3ae 1. 忽略了libzmq.git和rttr.git的build文件:) 243f5ce3a3 1. 调整了yoga.git的编译选项:使得其能够在iOS和macOS下都能够使用:) 4144a547fa 1. nlohmann-json.git的subtree制作错误:需要修正! 56385dfb0c 1. 修正GraphViz的sincos链接的问题:系统的sincos是C++的Symbol,C暂时不能用!!! 5c752390a7 1. 调整GraphViz的plugin代码从【SHARED】改为【STATIC】形式:且在xcode的linker中添加【-all_load】链接选项;然后将union_find.c从libspine.a中剔除(和libcommon.a重复了),终于链接通过了:) 9fa0502000 1. 修改graphviz.git的subtree代码:使其能够在macOS和iOS下正常使用:) d22bbd6573 1. 添加了boost_1_72_0的源代码:) 6a1e39def2 Merge commit 'c599d74aa6c40018e53a4248c4df0ef3da4be3ac' as 'lib3rd/clips_uml.git' c599d74aa6 Squashed 'lib3rd/clips_uml.git/' content from commit 7bd70cb68 ab6550485e Merge commit 'b674b6386c63840269a33c3ae6c9ebdcad4499d0' as 'lib3rd/clips_core_6_40.git' b674b6386c Squashed 'lib3rd/clips_core_6_40.git/' content from commit 516c97053 eb2a817ed4 1. 更正了添加subtree的脚本:前面有错误! 772fdd4309 Merge commit '65f786ffecb67ad12562461c5004ae1243d3d1b8' as 'lib3rd/graphviz.git' 65f786ffec Squashed 'lib3rd/graphviz.git/' content from commit f8b9e0351 93e55cb88a Merge commit '958153ed0dc0c1eb8d56efddfff1b3b2eba06f91' as 'lib3rd/nlohmann-json.git' 958153ed0d Squashed 'lib3rd/nlohmann-json.git/' content from commit 6ad0a586e b00486b488 Merge commit '1bdf861f36fe2684a8a8c8ab33b2fef4c416234f' as 'lib3rd/rttr.git' 1bdf861f36 Squashed 'lib3rd/rttr.git/' content from commit b16fccf0f 5fc0beca1a Merge commit '3dff2711ebf2329c63a2321ec4f4e760e202cbfc' as 'lib3rd/cucumber-cpp.git' 3dff2711eb Squashed 'lib3rd/cucumber-cpp.git/' content from commit dd424c1a9 dd876f76fd Merge commit '67e0ed5d6c1dfdbe59205bf56afc354e54416261' as 'lib3rd/yoga.git' 67e0ed5d6c Squashed 'lib3rd/yoga.git/' content from commit a96a36ef5 e61dae7b09 Merge commit 'b2454f0c14c18e13cb71a8be0b25ec8d0c96591b' as 'lib3rd/fmt.git' b2454f0c14 Squashed 'lib3rd/fmt.git/' content from commit 5944fcad3 07d93fd16b Merge commit '6f6c4814e5c78cea60e31b9921ce50e8a8f86402' as 'lib3rd/rpclib.git' 6f6c4814e5 Squashed 'lib3rd/rpclib.git/' content from commit 3b00c4ccf 53274f487f Merge commit '1dd083468264c4604aee3ae024704ba5e4e973cf' as 'lib3rd/libzmq.git' 1dd0834682 Squashed 'lib3rd/libzmq.git/' content from commit f00f46456 2f22b31685 Merge commit 'aacec21578be08301d16795093d53773ac327f0d' as 'lib3rd/cppzmq.git' aacec21578 Squashed 'lib3rd/cppzmq.git/' content from commit a3e5b54c3 ee739256ef Merge commit '9f189958342e9b6a9d40afd6e455835953c86145' as 'lib3rd/cpplinq.git' 9f18995834 Squashed 'lib3rd/cpplinq.git/' content from commit 581f9a981 3b0c13428b Merge commit '802b64f830c24b12bab1877d888fc48ddf479f79' as 'lib3rd/cppcoro.git' 802b64f830 Squashed 'lib3rd/cppcoro.git/' content from commit 92892f31d 6034403f33 Merge commit '5ad8caf8f6a59fd769d6f71edd718ab594dccb07' as 'lib3rd/catch2.git' 5ad8caf8f6 Squashed 'lib3rd/catch2.git/' content from commit 37cbf4a4f ff27304c91 Merge commit 'a03ac0b68644c6e26c26d4a8134656bfb50bcf89' as 'lib3rd/rxcpp.git' a03ac0b686 Squashed 'lib3rd/rxcpp.git/' content from commit a71a89a27 6ad0a586e4 1. 添加了更新submodule的子子孙孙的README 07b5419f00 1. 添加完成了所有的submodule:) 1dc9e87948 1. 增加了subtree和submodule的说明文件 978b3336ff 1. 提交一个README来初始化git仓库 REVERT: 456478b3c5 Merge branch 'release/3.7.3' REVERT: c5eafe74e8 :bookmark: set version to 3.7.3 REVERT: c6e1e26018 Merge pull request #1838 from nickaein/fix-quadratic-destruction REVERT: efa13c663d Reserve stack only for top-level items REVERT: 948f98cf4a Cleanups REVERT: 0f3ec003bb Remove harmful vector::reserve during destruction (#1837) REVERT: be61ad1470 :art: fix inconsistent operator style REVERT: 411158d896 Merge branch 'release/3.7.2' into develop REVERT: 5f09b502b6 Merge branch 'release/3.7.2' REVERT: 56109eacd7 :bookmark: set version to 3.7.2 REVERT: 7b0c50b9a5 :hammer: add path REVERT: 0a513a35cb Merge pull request #1436 from nickaein/iterate-on-destruction REVERT: 7e2445a0f4 Move deep JSON test to a separate unit-test REVERT: 68d0a7b246 Reduce depth in unit-test to avoid choking valgrind REVERT: eec1974218 Merge remote-tracking branch 'nlohmann/develop' into iterate-on-destruction REVERT: 67259d698f Merge pull request #1830 from nlohmann/whitesource/configure REVERT: 760076abca Add .whitesource configuration file REVERT: 1a9de88117 :rotating_light: fix a linter warning REVERT: d98bf0278d Merge branch 'release/3.7.1' into develop REVERT: 43e4db6141 Merge branch 'release/3.7.1' REVERT: aacdc6bbe3 :bookmark: set version to 3.7.1 REVERT: 0f6a58eeaf :busts_in_silhouette: update contributors REVERT: 1e9f16dff0 :rotating_light: fix linter errors REVERT: c0ae88bf50 :rotating_light: fix linter errors REVERT: 62dada05ca :bug: fix conversion to std::valarray REVERT: 7bcaba0ca9 Merge pull request #1821 from AnthonyVH/develop REVERT: 1ca6f2901b Merge pull request #1826 from cbegue/develop REVERT: abccafa5c5 :arrow_up: upgrade Doctest to 2.3.5 REVERT: c4923e3d05 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/develop' into develop REVERT: ec9647ae63 Moved test for #1647 regression to regressions file. REVERT: 8b686b30eb Add restriction for tuple specialization of to_json REVERT: 3790bd9ae0 :construction_worker: add Xcode 10.2 REVERT: 42e9ad32c6 :hammer: remove full path REVERT: e779714dd8 :construction_worker: add Xcode 10.2 REVERT: bf2afaeee6 :loud_sound: add version output REVERT: 6a4cc29f01 :memo: update examples REVERT: dfe53c36da :rotating_light: fix UBSAN warnings REVERT: 0db1692f45 :busts_in_silhouette: update contributors REVERT: 1307862b1d Merge pull request #1694 from eli-schwartz/release-include-meson REVERT: 4d1e4c6d93 Merge pull request #1780 from t-b/add-msvc-16-2019 REVERT: a1828bbf57 Merge pull request #1806 from cbegue/develop REVERT: 794a3d411a Fix issue #1805 REVERT: ddda67a096 Don't capture json input by value (fixed #1822). REVERT: fb9a2643c8 Add test for #1647. REVERT: 27d0dfc17a Fix #1647: non-member operator== breaks enum (de)serialization. REVERT: f272ad533d :busts_in_silhouette: add CODEOWNERS file REVERT: f7e7a62358 :pencil: add comment on JSON_THROW_USER, JSON_TRY_USER, and JSON_CATCH_USER REVERT: 507d5676ad :rotating_light: fix warning REVERT: 00cb98a3d1 Merge pull request #1803 from flopp/spelling REVERT: b93d414a35 Fix some spelling errors - mostly in comments & documentation. REVERT: f4332d4097 README: describe how to use json as a meson subproject REVERT: 84faa36ec5 release: add singleinclude and to REVERT: 0245ae5157 Merge pull request #1797 from t-b/fix-integer-truncation REVERT: 4c06191836 Merge pull request #1799 from nemequ/develop REVERT: fbcbc76d10 Update Hedley to v11. REVERT: c6cbdf96a9 appveyor.yml: Add debug build on x64 and VS 2019 REVERT: 01e486bb55 appveyor.yml: Add MSVC 16 2019 support REVERT: 35b47c2793 iteration_proxy: Fix integer truncation from std::size_t to int REVERT: 5541a2bd25 test/cmake_import: Pass the generator platform required by MSVC 2019 REVERT: 7a521150aa appveyor: Pass the generator platform explicitly REVERT: ed5541440a Merge pull request #1779 from t-b/avoid-using-glob-in-cmake REVERT: eb6fe421ae test/CMakeLists.txt: Use an explicit list instead of GLOB REVERT: d187488e0d Merge pull request #1765 from crazyjul/fix/items-with-alt-string REVERT: dae0fe79af Merge pull request #1769 from chris0x44/json_pointer REVERT: d826282f53 Merge pull request #1767 from 0xflotus/patch-1 REVERT: 4615f5a980 Provide default implementation for int_to_string, but allow for overloaded function REVERT: 7476f5ee0c Make json_pointer::back const (resolves #1764) REVERT: d7579b8cbf did you mean 'serialization'? REVERT: 0f073e26eb Allow items() to be used with custom string REVERT: 99d7518d21 :memo: add OSS Fuzz status badge REVERT: e2c531a1f7 Merge pull request #1760 from Xav83/cppcheckFixes REVERT: 87afee1c39 Runs make amalgamate on the project. REVERT: 13a7c60257 Correct a warning from cppcheck: REVERT: b9dfdbe6be Correct a warning from cppcheck: REVERT: 771d5dadc6 Merge pull request #1741 from tete17/Fix-SFINAE REVERT: e26a2904fc Fix and add test's for SFINAE problem REVERT: 06ccd43a2a Merge pull request #1722 from t-b/fix-int64-min-issue REVERT: a6bd798bfa Merge pull request #1728 from t-b/fix-clang-sanitizer-invocation REVERT: 8067c3ca5b Add serialization unit tests for extreme integer values REVERT: 70aa8a31a2 Add regression test for dumping the minimum value of int64_t REVERT: 6ce2f35ba8 Fix outputting extreme integer values in edge cases REVERT: 6d701b29df .travis.yml: Increase the timeout to 45 minutes REVERT: d5c0d52f37 external_constructor<std::valarray>: Handle empty array properly REVERT: 61fe5f1eee input_buffer_adapter: Fix handling of nullptr input REVERT: 9ea3e19121 .travis/cmake: Rework clang sanitizer invocation REVERT: f0bff49ffd test/CMakeLists.txt: Remove trailing whitespace REVERT: eab68e7750 :construction_worker: add test step REVERT: 90c1c24ccb :construction_worker: try GitHub Actions REVERT: bf4156056b :pencil2: fix a typo REVERT: b6ee34cc99 Merge branch 'develop' of into develop REVERT: 7dccfa5355 Merge pull request #1724 from t-b/enhance-travis REVERT: a4eaaa56d1 .travis.yml: Add gcc 9 and compile with experimental C++20 support REVERT: fe618ac246 :construction_worker: adjust maintainer scripts REVERT: a015b78e81 :lock: add security policy REVERT: 6291803f59 :busts_in_silhouette: update contributors REVERT: 53c3eefa2c Merge branch 'release/3.7.0' into develop REVERT: ea60d40f4a Merge branch 'release/3.7.0' REVERT: d275d05514 :pencil: update documentation REVERT: ddb7f70a12 :pencil: update documentation REVERT: 48e1fe03b5 :bookmark: set version to 3.7.0 REVERT: 66d63abe6d Update Makefile REVERT: d4fd731f1f :hammer: fix release target REVERT: d80f8b09f5 :hammer: adjust version REVERT: 7bf8a86090 :hammer: adjust paths REVERT: 65e4b973bd :fire: remove leftover file REVERT: 323cf95d8c :rotating_light: fix linter warning REVERT: 3c4c69a24e :rotating_light: fix linter warning REVERT: ffe0e3d70f Merge pull request #1673 from remyabel/gnuinstalldirs REVERT: 3184e9bd8b Use GNUInstallDirs instead of hard-coded path. REVERT: cf8251eb54 :ambulance: fix compiler errors REVERT: 6c7cde181c Merge branch 'develop' of into develop REVERT: a501365ea2 Merge branch 'feature/hedley' into develop REVERT: 8d059b96a1 Merge pull request #1670 from podsvirov/readme-package-managers-msys2 REVERT: 6a3cdb281e Package Manager: MSYS2 (pacman) REVERT: b17440c12f :rotating_light: fix compiler warnings REVERT: 104c5c1996 Merge branch 'feature/json_pointer_contains' into develop REVERT: 7a23aa1c0d Merge branch 'feature/emplace_back' into develop REVERT: 24fa285edb :memo: remove HEDLEY annotation from documentation REVERT: 947656544d :rotating_light: fix warnings REVERT: 346e9813c5 :construction: add more annotations REVERT: 9289a23a76 Merge pull request #1643 from kevinlul/develop REVERT: 90798caa62 :truck: rename Hedley macros REVERT: 025f4cea42 :rotating_light: fix warning REVERT: 897362191d :hammer: add NLOHMANN_JSON prefix and undef macros REVERT: 1720bfedd1 :alembic: add Hedley annotations REVERT: e616d095ab Remove boolean regression test for #1642 REVERT: 1be63431f3 :sparkles: make emplace_back return a reference #1609 REVERT: 258fa798f1 :sparkles: add contains function for JSON pointers REVERT: 855156b5e8 Add regression tests for #1642 REVERT: 9a775bcb14 Merge pull request #1570 from nickaein/msvc-regression-tests REVERT: 5b2e2305a0 CI: Skip test-unit_all on MSVC Debug builds REVERT: 3db14cbfae :memo: Improve doc on const_inter constructor REVERT: 0a137b78ac Appveyor: Set timeout of unit-tests in appveyor.yml instead of CMake REVERT: f559142008 Appveyor: Set build mode explicitly REVERT: eba8244ead Avoid collision of ::max with windows.h macro REVERT: 798e83a038 Workaround msvc2015 bug with explicit copy-constructor for const_iterator REVERT: d28b4b900e Add a separate build with Windows.h included REVERT: 4ac0fe2628 Increase timeout of test-unicode_all in Debug build REVERT: ec43d27f9f Add Debug builds for AppVeyor REVERT: 39011a1759 :memo: mention json type in documentation start page #1616 REVERT: 3b82a350ed :memo: mention 302 exception in value() documentation #1601 REVERT: 13d4f8f5ad Merge pull request #1639 from taylorhoward92/develop REVERT: f4fca2d59a Fix #1642 REVERT: 2f389cdde7 Added explicit converstion to std::string_view. Fixes failing test with GCC 8.3 REVERT: 4fc98e0b34 Merge pull request #1625 from nickaein/fix-docs REVERT: 0c214949f5 :pencil2: Fix links to create an issue page REVERT: b22c577e83 :pencil2: Fix brew instructions in README REVERT: 0d55ddc5bf :pencil2: Fix a typo in README REVERT: 17c0849a63 Merge pull request #1585 from Macr0Nerd/iss916 REVERT: 9f2179deb1 Merge pull request #1598 from nickaein/patch-2 REVERT: 40c3d5024a Fix broken links to documentation REVERT: 26952500b8 Merge branch 'iss916' of into iss916 REVERT: aa4c45ee4d Added to_string (with ugly macro) and tests REVERT: 293cd6b794 Added to_string and added basic tests REVERT: ee4028b8e4 Merge branch 'feature/fastcov' into develop REVERT: cf6b6692aa Merge branch 'develop' into feature/fastcov REVERT: f0bc16d899 :hammer: overworked coverage targets REVERT: b4b06d89b5 :arrow_up: updated fastcov REVERT: e65cff2a8f :hammer: small cleanup REVERT: 63fe1cbbcf :memo: updated README REVERT: 0bdadb12c7 Merge branch 'feature/circleci' into develop REVERT: 0a1ddd6882 :arrow_up: updated fastcov REVERT: 4676f759e8 :arrow_up: updated fastcov REVERT: da279234d5 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/fastcov REVERT: f05614b240 :building_construction: adding anonymous namespace REVERT: 0da99027b7 :rotating_light: silenced a warning REVERT: 1f03395e2c Merge branch 'develop' of into develop REVERT: 2f9095ddab :hammer: relaxed requirements to coverage REVERT: ee8732c359 Merge pull request #1555 from theodelrieu/fix/1511 REVERT: d1ef75316e Merge pull request #1439 from onqtam/doctest REVERT: d66abda4ee tests: fix coverage REVERT: e6e6805c6c add built-in array support in get_to REVERT: 2806b201a8 make sure values are overwritten in from_json overloads REVERT: da5b7833a0 fixing the remaining of the pedantic gcc/clang target warnings REVERT: 64873fb5b8 Merge branch 'develop' into doctest REVERT: 80daa19331 :construction_worker: Ninja seems not to work REVERT: 0a57c51a69 :construction_worker: adding concurrency REVERT: a5e00f2cf7 :construction_worker: fixed path REVERT: 5ebe722045 :construction_worker: full workflow REVERT: ecf4d5e91d :construction_worker: trying CircleCI REVERT: 53001414c7 :hammer: using --exclude-gcov to exclude files REVERT: b12287b362 :alembic: trying fastcov REVERT: b21c04c938 :fire: removed unsupported flag REVERT: c7878173f9 :hammer: minor changes to maintainer targets REVERT: b52c3638f5 Merge pull request #1551 from heavywatal/fix-1535-nodiscard-clang REVERT: d21d298397 :art: fixed indentation REVERT: 23635704c3 :arrow_up: added script to update cpplint REVERT: 191aa0fd6f :wrench: overworked maintaner targets REVERT: 5ccdaf643f Remove C++17 extension warning from clang; #1535 REVERT: b4def6dcba tabs instead of spaces... REVERT: a0000c3235 finished the last of the warnings REVERT: 5d511a6e96 fixed a bunch of warnings from the Makefile from the root of the repo REVERT: 82af0ecdc1 Merge branch 'develop' into doctest REVERT: d79c16801a Merge branch 'feature/doozer' into develop REVERT: 24d91cf36f :memo: added Doozer to README REVERT: 0991824584 :construction_worker: version output REVERT: 0caf986505 reverted the removal of this if/else branching - this is the easiest way to get -std=c++0x support REVERT: 9d2f0391e0 :construction_worker: fixed timeout REVERT: af9da22b87 :construction_worker: adding xenial-armhf REVERT: 0a67b51fce :construction_worker: forgot path to ctest REVERT: e27b282033 :construction_worker: skip certificate check REVERT: cde0b24389 :construction_worker: fixed required packages REVERT: f091fe31bc :construction_worker: increased timeout REVERT: 28dfbedda7 :construction_worker: fixed timeout REVERT: ff51a32be1 updated doctest to version 2.3.1 released today REVERT: 2b346099df Merge branch 'develop' of into doctest REVERT: dcbc028b5b :construction_worker: fixed syntax REVERT: 842d42b135 :construction_worker: unified paths REVERT: 1e86976cfe :construction_worker: fixed paths REVERT: 30211477b7 :construction_worker: fixed package name REVERT: 5e1cae0a7d :construction_worker: install g++ REVERT: c871c9a01c :construction_worker: install correct g++ REVERT: 63d619e21f :construction_worker: need to install g++ REVERT: c94b764a6e :construction_worker: fixed installation REVERT: 65cdccfa8a :construction_worker: fixed syntax error REVERT: a72ac18514 :construction_worker: use recent cmake REVERT: 4327ae0bef :construction_worker: need more recent cmake for CentOS REVERT: fabf953305 :construction_worker: fixed a typo REVERT: 6e3e2ee2e4 :construction_worker: fixed buildenv values REVERT: bc5089e803 :construction_worker: add test output to avoid timeout REVERT: 7dd3e6384b :construction_worker: added Fedora and CentOS REVERT: 490c6e926e :construction_worker: using raspbian REVERT: 2fcca259b0 :construction_worker: added cmake REVERT: 72dd6f349e :construction_worker: trying doozer REVERT: baaa2a4d0f :checkered_flag: trying to use constructors from std::allocator #1536 REVERT: 1126c9ca74 Merge branch 'release/3.6.1' into develop REVERT: 295732a817 Merge branch 'release/3.6.1' REVERT: efa1b9a7bb :bookmark: set version to 3.6.1 REVERT: b33093d610 :bug: fixed regression #1530 REVERT: 9d6ab9014f :checkered_flag: fixed a compilation error in MSVC #1531 REVERT: c790b9f8c0 :bug: fixed regression #1530 REVERT: 483a086562 :alembic: added funding link REVERT: d2a08ddafd Merge branch 'develop' of into develop REVERT: 7c55510f76 :rotating_light: fixed some warnings #1527 REVERT: 3ac5fa31c5 :speech_balloon: update issue templates REVERT: 51e1564c9e Merge branch 'release/3.6.0' into develop REVERT: 944267f522 Merge branch 'release/3.6.0' REVERT: 0abf0f80c9 :bookmark: set version to 3.6.0 REVERT: b37392b7ac :bookmark: set version to 3.6.0 REVERT: 002addabd8 :rotating_light: fixed a warning REVERT: a6f9b4e36d :busts_in_silhouette: added contributors REVERT: 18cc7ddd62 :memo: completed documentation index page REVERT: e07e8e7912 :memo: updated documentation REVERT: 710f26f95c :memo: added documentation REVERT: b224c52376 :art: cleanup REVERT: 37a72dac48 :green_heart: forgot two semicolons REVERT: 155d196bfa Update CMakeLists.txt REVERT: 365944b0bc Merge branch 'develop' into doctest REVERT: 8d3f4f21bc :hammer: clean up REVERT: 9fc093c9e0 :construction_worker: added targets for infer and oclint REVERT: 22c733e6fe :memo: added documentation REVERT: 56f6d1d68e :green_heart: fix CI and #1521 REVERT: df0f7f2b5d :construction_worker: overworked clang-tidy target REVERT: 9f26dac9b3 :arrow_up: updated Doxyfile REVERT: b8451c236f :rotating_light: fixed warnings REVERT: d6c4cd3b6d :rotating_light: adding targets for static analyzers REVERT: baf8b4be7c :heavy_plus_sign: adding cpplint REVERT: 34f8b4f711 :rotating_light: fixed more warnings REVERT: 02b3494711 :fire: removing unstable macOS builds on Traivs REVERT: b02ee16721 :rotating_light: fixed warnings REVERT: 8d6c033f80 Merge branch 'develop' of into develop REVERT: 27011e3718 :rotating_light: fixed warnings REVERT: 9dc3552931 Merge pull request #1514 from naszta/macrofix REVERT: 0067ea8f9e Change macros to numeric_limits #1483 REVERT: 0c65ba960e Merge branch 'develop' of into develop REVERT: 546e2cbf5e :rotating_light: fixed some warnings REVERT: c6fc902184 Merge pull request #1489 from andreas-schwab/develop REVERT: d39842e68f Merge pull request #1330 from ax3l/topic-installEmbed REVERT: 670f42b561 :fire: removing Xcode 6.4 builder REVERT: c983b67112 Merge pull request #1469 from garethsb-sony/json_pointer-append REVERT: c11bead2ae :construction_worker: removing more retired Travis images REVERT: 3cd1dac653 :rotating_light: fix MSVC warning #1502 REVERT: cabe2357b8 Merge pull request #1492 from stac47/fix_gcc9_allocator REVERT: 16d9cdce45 :memo: updated documentation of CI REVERT: e3729ba0a5 :green_heart: fix compiler selection REVERT: e5c7fd488d :construction_worker: trying new Travis workers REVERT: 5047c7a217 :bug: added missing include #1500 REVERT: 8eb7db7277 Merge pull request #1441 from iwanders/support-cmake-older-than-3-8-with-if REVERT: 393410e61a Merge pull request #1495 from njlr/patch-1 REVERT: 30edcaab3a Merge pull request #1496 from lieff/develop REVERT: 7b31e56fbf fix GCC 7.1.1 - 7.2.1 on CentOS closes REVERT: bb22b1003f Do proper endian conversions REVERT: 8aeee4f7e3 Update REVERT: d183bd0456 Tests for json_pointer::empty and json_pointer::parent_pointer REVERT: 08de9eeaca Add json_pointer::parent_pointer (cf. std::filesystem::path::parent_path) REVERT: 164e0e54d9 Rename private json_pointer::is_root as public json_pointer::empty for consistency with std::filesystem::path REVERT: ddc9f201f4 Fix gcc9 build error test/src/unit-allocator.cpp (Issue #1472) REVERT: 21516f2bae Merge pull request #1491 from nickaein/patch-1 REVERT: 088a245218 Fix typo in README.ME REVERT: e326df211b Merge pull request #1474 from nickaein/develop REVERT: c55cacee1e Merge pull request #1477 from nickaein/fix-doc REVERT: e93f305494 Add unit-test for contains() member function REVERT: 6a5db00951 Implement contains() to check existence of a key REVERT: fb5ceb26ac Fix documentation REVERT: 46ff13d39e Merge pull request #1468 from past-due/disable_Wmismatched_tags_on_tuple REVERT: eee3bc0c79 Merge pull request #1464 from elvisoric/update_meson_install_step REVERT: 5da757bbb3 Attempt to satisfy Coveralls by adding a test for (unchanged) operator std::string REVERT: c850e9d82d Add operator/= and operator/ to construct a JSON pointer by appending two JSON pointers, as well as convenience op/= and op= to append a single unescaped token or array index; inspired by std::filesystem::path REVERT: 45819dce54 Disable -Wmismatched-tags warning on tuple_size / tuple_element REVERT: 77d1d37290 Disable installation when used as meson subproject. #1463 REVERT: 372c4d2125 Merge branch 'develop' into iterate-on-destruction REVERT: 68ec3eb8d6 Merge pull request #1451 from Afforix/Afforix-fix-extra-semicolon REVERT: de14b5ee2f Merge pull request #1455 from wythe/patch-2 REVERT: cca6d0dbae docs: README type REVERT: a06e7f5d80 JSON-pointer: add operator+() returning a new json_pointer REVERT: dc21cbb751 remove extra semicolon REVERT: e89c946451 Merge branch 'feature/nodiscard' into develop REVERT: 6de4df23e4 :bug: fixed integer overflow in dump function #1447 REVERT: e17e0d031f Merge pull request #1446 from scinart/develop REVERT: e36593e960 :hammer: trying code from REVERT: 20db020c1f move newly-added tests in unit-regression.cpp REVERT: d359fd3a8d :construction: trying nodiscard attribute #1433 REVERT: b9a39b38bf Merge pull request #1434 from pboettch/develop REVERT: 83e84446d6 fix typo REVERT: 899bd94b43 flush buffer in serializer::dump_escaped case UTF8_REJECT REVERT: 4fd9b52fc2 Use C++11 features supported by CMake 3.1. REVERT: dffae1082f Merge pull request #1435 from pboettch/warning-fix REVERT: 851fe8a5ef Merge pull request #1430 from nicoddemus/conda-docs REVERT: a2c074fd4d this should really fix the XCode 6/7 builds REVERT: 3340162efd fixing osx builds - had forgotten to define this for the object file where the test runner is compiled REVERT: 2f44ac1def moved from Catch to doctest for unit tests REVERT: f0883dda8f During destruction, flatten children of objects to avoid recursion REVERT: 47fe4b9cee Add unit test for parsing deeply-nested array REVERT: d0c0d16110 :rotating_light: fixed unused variable warning REVERT: 9225cf2f57 allow push_back() and pop_back() calls on json_pointer REVERT: b025d66eb5 Add instructions about using nlohmann/json with the conda package manager REVERT: e5753b14a8 :rotating_light: fixed another linter warning #1400 REVERT: 5c04cc1009 :hammer: fixed includes REVERT: 8e9ad346d9 :rotating_light: fixed another linter warning REVERT: ad01736d55 :bulb: improved documentation for parsing without exceptions #1405 REVERT: 06731b14d7 :arrow_up: upgraded Catch and Google Benchmark REVERT: daeb48b01a Merge pull request #1411 from nickaein/develop REVERT: 29a03f465e Merge pull request #1414 from nickaein/mydevel-appveyor-x64 REVERT: c9dd260a4c Add unit tests for dump_integer REVERT: be9b4cbd60 Add benchmark for small integers REVERT: 6503e83e74 Improve dump_integer performance by implementing a more efficient int2ascii REVERT: f16432832c Increase stack size for VS2017 Win x64 on Appveyor REVERT: b39f34e046 Merge pull request #1425 from hijxf/patch-1 REVERT: 7f73915d4f Updated year in REVERT: df460c96cf Merge pull request #1423 from skypjack/patch-1 REVERT: 6546cad7bf Fixed broken links in the README file REVERT: 847dd2a954 Merge pull request #1420 from skypjack/patch-1 REVERT: 937b642e0e :memo: added description on how to use NuGet package #1132 REVERT: 975dc970d1 Merge pull request #1417 from wythe/patch-1 REVERT: b8be0f64ae Fixed broken links to operator[]() and at() REVERT: 619bf9c20d Fixed broke links to RFC7159 REVERT: a559ff8fc6 typo in README REVERT: 2c0c2ca698 Specify target platform in generator name REVERT: 676c847c55 Merge pull request #1409 from yann-morin-1998/yem/cmake-version REVERT: e8b6b7adc1 buildsystem: relax requirement on cmake version REVERT: c682b9879b :rotating_light: fixed PVS V567 warning REVERT: 6f89613acd :rotating_light: fixed some warnings REVERT: db53bdac19 Merge branch 'release/3.5.0' into develop REVERT: cebb4e052a Merge branch 'release/3.5.0' REVERT: 78348afeb6 :bookmark: set version to 3.5.0 REVERT: 1107f8cd82 :memo: updated documentation for items() function REVERT: 98f4e31c3e :memo: formatted picture REVERT: 58c269b039 :memo: updated documentation REVERT: 2182157dc1 :memo: update documentation REVERT: 45f5611d9b :rotating_light: fixed two warnings REVERT: 117c1d14fb :memo: added contributors to 3.5.0 REVERT: d584ab269a :art: fixed header REVERT: 45a8a093d7 :rotating_light: fixed a warning REVERT: 85849940ba Merge pull request #1391 from pratikpc/develop REVERT: ebd3f45808 Added Support for Structured Bindings REVERT: 4f270e38cc Merge pull request #1342 from davedissian/bugfix/sfinae-iterator-traits REVERT: f1080d7c39 Code review. REVERT: 5d390e91ff Merge pull request #1392 from mtalliance/feature/addFileInputAdapter REVERT: c1c85b025c Forget one std::FILE REVERT: 635a4fc344 use namespace std when possible. Change the name of private variable. REVERT: cf31193de2 create single json.hpp file REVERT: a794cfdba3 refactor unit test in case of throw, the fclose will not be called. using unique_ptr with custom destructor will ensure that REVERT: 91ff96a737 remove the const attribute REVERT: b7a2642fba remove comment REVERT: fa7f1a524e new unified json.hpp generated with make amalgamate REVERT: ef283e0cf8 add tests to cover the new input adapter REVERT: 3335da622a remove non usefull code. REVERT: ae48acbb23 remove non usefull code. Add small description REVERT: 52f6fd1d91 Add the possibility of using FILE * from cstdio library to read a file. This enable the possibility of using low eand device with this library. REVERT: 67b0daf27b Add the possibility of using FILE * from cstdio library to read a file. This enable the possibility of using low eand device with this library. REVERT: 2c23f0a346 Changes requested from code review. REVERT: e73dfef6e5 Merge pull request #1382 from kjpus/patch-1 REVERT: 767a3a327d Link to issue #958 broken REVERT: d53873a251 Merge pull request #1363 from theodelrieu/doc/implicit_conversions REVERT: 7a56f5a42b Merge pull request #1380 from manu-chroma/patch-1 REVERT: 5de184b8fb readme: fix typo REVERT: ef90d62ddf :rotating_light: fixed warning #1364 REVERT: 7b961368d5 recommend using explicit from JSON conversions REVERT: da81e7be22 :checkered_flag: adding parentheses around std::snprintf calls #1337 REVERT: f80efd3954 :lipstick: cleanup REVERT: 35829928da Merge pull request #1343 from mefyl/develop REVERT: f86090aafc Merge pull request #1345 from mpoquet/feature/meson-install-pkgconfig REVERT: 30e1cbb0df Merge pull request #1346 from ax3l/fix-mergePatchShadowParam REVERT: aa10382629 Set eofbit on exhausted input stream. REVERT: 798754dfb6 Amalgamate Headers REVERT: 97b81da840 merge_patch: rename parameter REVERT: ffe08983dd :meson: install headers + pkg-config REVERT: f665a92330 Implement SFINAE friendly iterator_traits and use that instead. REVERT: d2e6e1bf58 Merge pull request #1329 from ax3l/fix-typosWhitespaces REVERT: a7567bc596 Remove EOL whitespaces in natvis REVERT: f049836d68 CMake: Optional Install if Embedded REVERT: 689382a722 Fix EOL Whitespaces & CMake Spelling REVERT: 2f73a4d1f3 :rotating_light: fixed a linter warning REVERT: e3c28afb61 Merge branch 'release/3.4.0' into develop REVERT: 6708f22cd4 Merge branch 'release/3.4.0' REVERT: 0f3c74d821 :bookmark: set version to 3.4.0 REVERT: 7b2f8cce03 :bookmark: set version to 3.4.0 REVERT: 8cee0e38d9 :ambulance: fixed #1319 REVERT: 856fc31d0a :lipstick: fixed indentation REVERT: 39419cd5c4 :rotating_light: fixed another linter warning REVERT: 86b5ce953a :memo: added examples for BSON functions REVERT: d2e4f0b0d9 :pencil2: fixed some typos REVERT: f0c1459554 :bug: fixed a bug parsing BSON strings #1320 REVERT: 24946f67f1 :rotating_light: fixed some more linter warnings REVERT: 7d0dc10169 :rotating_light: fixed a linter warning REVERT: 45a761bd60 Merge branch 'develop' of into develop REVERT: 4e765596f7 :hammer: small improvements REVERT: 1308ea055d Merge pull request #1315 from nlohmann/feature/convert_char REVERT: 0e7be06bef Merge pull request #1323 from nlohmann/feature/enum_json_mapping REVERT: 85aaf91b85 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/enum_json_mapping REVERT: 5a6bdf5934 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/convert_char REVERT: 037e93f5c0 Merge pull request #1320 from nlohmann/julian-becker-feature/bson REVERT: 9f48bb6937 :zap: replaced vector by array #1323 REVERT: 6384fe28db :rotating_light: fixed another linter warning REVERT: ad639ad5e6 :sparkles: added NLOHMANN_JSON_SERIALIZE_ENUM marco #1208 REVERT: 544150d5a5 :rotating_light: fixed another linter warning REVERT: c2e175763c :ok_hand: added another conversion function #1315 REVERT: d97fa30795 :ok_hand: fixed comment #1320 REVERT: 7ce720b700 :rotating_light: fixed coverage REVERT: 19647e083c :rotating_light: fixed compiler warnings REVERT: 62126278a6 :hammer: added fix for arrays REVERT: 1968e5c793 :art: clean up binary formats REVERT: 4d1eaace8c :hammer: fixed fuzz code to avoid false positives in case of discarded values REVERT: e2c5913a50 :construction: some changes to the BSON code REVERT: bba159121f Merge branch 'feature/bson' of into julian-becker-feature/bson REVERT: f102df3cba :memo: updated documentation #1314 REVERT: 7b501de054 Merge pull request #1314 from nlohmann/feature/codec_errors REVERT: 20038e2703 :memo: added a note to the discussion #1286 REVERT: 87ef3f25f2 :pencil2: fixed a typo #1314 REVERT: b49f76931f :ok_hand: replaced static_cast to CharType by conversion function #1286 REVERT: 2343d9caeb :green_heart: additional tests from the Unicode spec #1198 REVERT: 951a7a6455 :construction: fixed test cases #1198 REVERT: c51b1e6fab :construction: fixed an issue with ensure_ascii #1198 REVERT: c7af027cbb :construction: respect ensure_ascii parameter #1198 REVERT: e5dce64115 :green_heart: added tests #1198 REVERT: c5821d91e5 :construction: overworked error handlers #1198 REVERT: ad11b6c35e BSON: Improved exception-related tests and report location of U+0000 in the key-string as part of `out_of_range.409`-message REVERT: 9294e25c98 Merge pull request #1301 from theodelrieu/fix/1299 REVERT: b553a8a93c Merge pull request #1305 from koponomarenko/add-meson-info REVERT: 5ba812d518 BSON: fixed incorrect casting in unit-bson.cpp REVERT: 8de10c518b BSON: Hopefully fixing ambiguity (on some compilers) to call to string::find() REVERT: f0c55ce0e0 Add Meson related info to README REVERT: 2a63869159 Merge branch 'develop' of into feature/bson REVERT: 4b2a00641c Merge pull request #1303 from nlohmann/feature/binary_errors REVERT: dbb0b63187 :wheelchair: improved error messages for binary formats #1288 REVERT: a946dfc19c add a note to maintainers in type_traits.hpp REVERT: 978c3c4116 BSON: throw `json.exception.out_of_range.409` in case a key to be serialized to BSON contains a U+0000 REVERT: 0671e92ced :construction: proposal for different error handlers #1198 REVERT: daa3ca8a2e BSON: Adjusted documentation of `binary_writer::to_bson()` REVERT: 5bccacda30 BSON: throw json.exception.out_of_range.407 in case a value of type `std::uint64_t` is serialized to BSON. Also, added a missing EOF-check to binary_reader. REVERT: 45c8af2c46 add new is_constructible_* traits used in from_json REVERT: dd672939a0 Merge pull request #1294 from theodelrieu/fix/json_ref_ctor REVERT: 11fecc25af add constraints for variadic json_ref constructors REVERT: e426219256 Merge pull request #1282 from nlohmann/feature/lines_columns REVERT: adfa961ed0 Merge pull request #1280 from nlohmann/feature/linter REVERT: 6d34d64bfd :ambulance: fixed compilation error REVERT: 74a31075e3 :wheelchair: improved parse error messages REVERT: 6e49d9f5ff :ambulance: fixed compilation error REVERT: f8158997b5 :memo: fixed documentation REVERT: df0f612d1b BSON: allow and discard values and object entries of type `value_t::discarded` REVERT: 3abb788139 :rotating_light: fixed some more clang-tidy warnings REVERT: 858e75c4df :rotating_light: fixed some clang-tidy warnings REVERT: 062aeaf7b6 BSON: Reworked the `binary_writer` such that it precomputes the size of the BSON-output. This way, the output_adapter can work on simple output iterators and no longer requires random access iterators. REVERT: 6d09cdec34 :bug: fixed a bug in the unget function REVERT: 011b15dd08 :wheelchair: added line positions to error messages REVERT: 81f4b34e06 BSON: Improved documentation and error handling/reporting REVERT: ac38e95780 Merge pull request #1277 from performous/fix-clang-detection REVERT: fa722d5ac3 :rotating_light: fixed another linter warning REVERT: ec95438a59 :rotating_light: fixed some linter warnings REVERT: f1768a540a Merge branch 'release/3.3.0' into develop REVERT: aafad2be1f Merge branch 'release/3.3.0' REVERT: cdfe6ceda6 :bookmark: set version to 3.3.0 REVERT: b968faa882 :bookmark: set version to 3.3.0 REVERT: cd518fbbab :memo: small update to pass test suite REVERT: e8427061a0 Thirdparty benchmark: Fix Clang detection. REVERT: b911654857 :memo: updated contributor list REVERT: bb55885215 :lipstick: cleaned code REVERT: 5c7d27c338 Merge pull request #1272 from antonioborondo/fix_warning REVERT: b6fdad9acd Remove anonymous namespace REVERT: 7c385a4844 Fix error: 'wide_string_input_helper' was not declared in this scope REVERT: 9ba3f79667 Fix error: explicit specialization in non-namespace scope REVERT: 8d1585f065 Change implementation to use templates REVERT: ad3c216bb5 Generate header REVERT: 0231059290 Fix warning REVERT: 9f18e17063 Merge pull request #1270 from chuckatkins/add-more-cmake-docs REVERT: 53ec0a16f3 Merge pull request #1271 from chuckatkins/cleanup-deprecated-warnings REVERT: 4c617611e2 docs: Add additional CMake documentation REVERT: 829571ab5c Turn off additional deprecation warnings for GCC. REVERT: c8231eff75 Merge pull request #1260 from chuckatkins/fix-cmake-target-alias REVERT: 02e653bdf7 docs: add a note in the readme about using the CMake imported target REVERT: 564506a885 cmake: add import config tests REVERT: 1729db85c1 cmake: fix package config to deal with versioning and namespaces REVERT: 910a895027 Merge pull request #1238 from theodelrieu/fix/1237 REVERT: 1fae82b7a7 Merge branch 'develop' into fix/1237 REVERT: 22e55349a6 :memo: added Wandbox link #1227 REVERT: 70e587c3da :memo: added Wandbox link #1227 REVERT: d26f39466e Merge pull request #1231 from theodelrieu/feature/get_with_parameter REVERT: c61a9071ae :rotating_light: fixed a compilation issue with ICPC #755 REVERT: e8730e5e82 BSON: Reworked `binary_reader::get_bson_cstr()` REVERT: b59a58406e Merge branch 'develop' of into develop REVERT: 4e54c9a13d :rotating_light: fixed a compilation issue with ICPC #755 REVERT: 0a09db9cc2 BSON: Extend `binary_reader::get_number` to be able to hanlde little endian input to get rid of `binary_reader::get_number_little_endian` REVERT: 95432c34f9 Merge pull request #1262 from knilch0r/patch-1 REVERT: 8c1387cfb3 unit-testsuites.cpp: fix hangup if file not found REVERT: 521fe49fec Add basic_json::get_to function. REVERT: 680a4ab672 Merge pull request #1257 from henryiii/gcc48 REVERT: 7a37ba0c02 Adding 4.8 test to travis REVERT: ef358ae695 BSON: Fixed hangup in case of incomplete bson input and improved test coverage REVERT: 99b7c7c8ef Patch nlohmann/json for GCC 4.8 REVERT: bce4816275 BSON: Added test case for the different input/output_adapters REVERT: 763705c2a7 Fix: Add missing `begin()` and `end()` member functions to `alt_string` REVERT: e184b6ecf2 Merge pull request #1252 from koponomarenko/fix-meson-build REVERT: 88b055c2df Merge pull request #1249 from LEgregius/clang-3.4.2-crash-workaround REVERT: 8799759b85 Add version and license to REVERT: 4e52277b70 Fix issue #1237 REVERT: e4bc98d036 Merge pull request #1245 from chuckatkins/fix-target-namespace-backward-compatibility REVERT: 4d780b091b Reordered the code. It seems to stop clang 3.4.2 in RHEL 7 from crashing intermittently. REVERT: 3b1a5cafad Use a version check to provide backwards comatible imported target names. REVERT: 99939d6340 :memo: added badge REVERT: 4e2f35d4c2 :construction_worker: adding Xcode 10 worker REVERT: 7fa3b8865c Merge pull request #1221 from rivertam/better-error-305 REVERT: 8f07ab6392 Replace "key-style argument" with "string argument" REVERT: df33a90774 BSON: Bugfix for non-empty arrays REVERT: cf485c2907 BSON: Support for arrays REVERT: 120d1d77d4 BSON: test case for a more complex document REVERT: 5ce7d6bdd7 BSON: support objects with objects as members REVERT: 83b427ad67 BSON: unsigned integers REVERT: c0d8921a67 BSON: support objects with int64 members REVERT: 7ee361f7ad BSON: support objects with int32 members REVERT: c5ef023171 BSON: support objects with null members REVERT: 6c447de076 BSON: Support objects with string members REVERT: 0c0f2e44b5 BSON: support doubles REVERT: 9a0dddc5d2 BSON: Object with single boolean REVERT: 5f5836ce1c BSON: Support empty objects REVERT: f06c8fd8e3 BSON: serialization of non-objects is not supported REVERT: 186c747a19 Merge pull request #1230 from mandreyel/lambda-unevaluated-context-fix REVERT: 6b5334c167 Move lambda out of unevaluated context REVERT: ebb3c03293 :art: cleanup after #1228 REVERT: d3428b35c5 Merge pull request #1228 from theodelrieu/remove_static_asserts REVERT: aea648bb7a remove now-useless traits. check for is_basic_json where needed REVERT: 4b4bbceebf make from_json SFINAE-correct REVERT: f7971f04a5 make to_json SFINAE-correct REVERT: f7c8a2145a refactor from/to_json(CompatibleArrayType) REVERT: 628f76729e do not check for compatible_object_type in compatible_array_type REVERT: 29f72966c3 refactor is_compatible_type, remove conjunction & co REVERT: 77967e6548 refactor is_compatible_integer_type REVERT: 13760857ff refactor is_compatible_array_type REVERT: 924e95c6e8 refactor is_compatible_string_type REVERT: e84195ab7b refactor is_compatible_object_type REVERT: b59c3367c9 use detected instead of has_* traits REVERT: 1ea8cd128c fix void_t for older compilers REVERT: eb30ff0615 :rotating_light: fixed a compiler warning #1224 REVERT: ad053ef09c Fix tests for improved error 305(hopefully) REVERT: bbdfe7dea6 Improve error messages for error 305 REVERT: d713727f22 Merge pull request #1202 from dennisfischer/develop REVERT: 04597c3a66 Merge pull request #1214 from devsisters/fix-1213 REVERT: aada309f61 Fix #1213 REVERT: 359f98d140 Merge branch 'release/3.2.0' into develop REVERT: 8c20571136 Merge branch 'release/3.2.0' REVERT: dfe607c6ff Export package to allow builds without installing REVERT: 9f3857ef6f :bookmark: set version to 3.2.0 REVERT: 7608a64e1e :hammer: fixed amalgamation REVERT: a7b02bdce0 :bookmark: preparing 3.2.0 release REVERT: c6a482b16c :memo: added example for sax_parse REVERT: 5ad52f4167 :arrow_up: Catch 1.12.0 REVERT: 3811daa8a3 :memo: release preparation REVERT: 6899fa304c Merge branch 'develop' of into develop REVERT: 57faaf42ca :rotating_light: fixed a compiler warning REVERT: f78ac4fbd3 Merge pull request #1200 from thyu/develop REVERT: 3004a73951 Fix -Wno-sometimes-uninitialized by initializing "result" in parse_sax REVERT: e33b31e6aa :bug: fixed callback-related issue ( REVERT: b5c54b41fd :memo: overworked documentation REVERT: 07494e06d7 :rotating_light: fixed some compiler warnings REVERT: d5b21b051c Merge pull request #1153 from theodelrieu/refactor/no_virtual_sax REVERT: 0cc3db4f15 add static_asserts on SAX interface REVERT: 38f8a51a8f use abstract sax class in parser tests REVERT: 9bbb133094 remove no_limit constant and default values REVERT: 442886d040 use templates in the sax interface instead of virtuals REVERT: f6febbe359 split meta.hpp, add detected_t (used to define concepts) REVERT: 3ac2d81a95 :hammer: fixed a MinGW error #1193 REVERT: be2065dce9 :rotating_light: fixing a MinGW warning #1192 REVERT: fed70f6bff :art: reindented code REVERT: 0e748f2f8c Merge pull request #1187 from devsisters/json-internal-catch REVERT: 861ee400cc Merge pull request #1176 from grembo/develop REVERT: 3ce4325350 :memo: updated documentation of used compilers REVERT: ba4a19d4af :construction_worker: added more CI workers REVERT: 043eff5ba8 :construction_worker: added more CI workers REVERT: 05b27e83b7 Exclude bytewise comparison in certain tests. These tests never worked - they weren't run before d5aaeb4. REVERT: d5aaeb4cce Make section names unique in loops, as catch doesn't support duplicate sections, see also REVERT: 3760a38b7e :checkered_flag: implicit conversion is not allowed with MSVC REVERT: 5b14411669 :checkered_flag: trying to fix C2440 error REVERT: 347e77bdc1 :ambulance: fix for #1169 REVERT: 04372a8c56 :checkered_flag: fix for #1168 REVERT: d0e60de433 Add new JSON_INTERNAL_CATCH macro function REVERT: 7bfc406ded :memo: added note about CocoaPods #1148 REVERT: d456a2d777 Merge pull request #1151 from sonulohani/bigObjFix REVERT: b8ad3388ec Fixed compiler error in VS 2015 for debug mode REVERT: 39dd775e38 :hammer: cleanup after #1134 REVERT: 86a96b059d Merge pull request #1134 from Daniel599/feature/items_iterator REVERT: 396a914f9e :hammer: added macro to disable compiler check #1128 REVERT: bab5826504 Merge pull request #1144 from jrakow/cppreference-link-fix REVERT: 515cfc2d89 Merge pull request #1142 from jrakow/develop REVERT: 963d06a13c :memo: fix links to cppreference named requirements REVERT: 9f00db48d9 :memo: link to cppreference via HTTPS REVERT: ec2ebd5ec9 meson: add multiple headers target REVERT: 0bb36bb140 meson: fix include directory REVERT: 62457729e8 :memo: mentioned MinGW in README REVERT: 09c0df4a21 :construction_worker: choosing correct image REVERT: 1bbc4a0859 :construction_worker: using Ninja to speed up build REVERT: d8fe13fc83 :hammer: fixed escaping for MinGW REVERT: e59b930927 :construction_worker: trying a more recent compiler REVERT: 937d68e2e5 :construction_worker: forgot old PATH REVERT: 989ad9b759 :construction_worker: using help from REVERT: 067e288289 :construction_worker: set build type REVERT: 7bbc06b487 :construction_worker: forgot quotes REVERT: 441e5d87e6 :construction_worker: experimenting with AppVeyor and MinGW REVERT: 7fa4ddf93e :lipstick: fixed indentation REVERT: bf348ca8a4 Merge pull request #1028 from gracicot/develop REVERT: ed6a0686df :hammer: small refactoring to improve branch coverage REVERT: c8bfdfd961 :construction_worker: tryping different platforms for AppVeyor REVERT: c02de445bf :rotating_light: fixed more compiler warnings REVERT: 66dd1a846d :rotating_light: fixed more compiler warnings REVERT: 850922269d :rotating_light: removed compiler warnings REVERT: 0460b90977 :memo: fix for #1052 #1139 REVERT: 85f35a1d59 :memo: documentation fix REVERT: e7c1638d11 :lipstick: cleanup REVERT: 1c81e9f5ae Merge pull request #1130 from agrianius/develop REVERT: d505ed7b31 Merge pull request #1138 from theodelrieu/feature/unordered_map_conversion REVERT: 2c920a1032 run make amalgamate REVERT: 2b37d7ed86 from_json: add overload for std::unordered_map REVERT: 299469cfd5 from_json: add missing template arguments for std::map REVERT: 1566ad4053 fixed compile error for #1045; to_json for iternation_proxy_internal was needed REVERT: f574d7e084 simplify templates for operators, add more checks REVERT: cd28d872e7 forward declarations to make new compilers happy REVERT: 3d3055909c define global operator< for const char* and alt_string REVERT: 4feb8211ca test (non)equality for alt_string implementation REVERT: 14e6278c2f Merge branch 'develop' of into develop REVERT: 7acd90b651 Fixed check for compatible string type REVERT: 5676a2a076 Aligned template declaration REVERT: e0e7fa39e7 Re-added external_constructor with string compatible types REVERT: 4778c02ab5 Set MSVC version from 1514 and older REVERT: 714c592680 Disabled implicit conversion to string_view on MSVC 15.13 and older REVERT: e830bc502f Merge pull request #1117 from TinyTinni/develop REVERT: ecadcdb593 added char cast REVERT: 48656a49f5 typo REVERT: 64acb42aa7 remove stringstream dependency REVERT: 8efbf8d7bb :memo: documentation to avoid future issues like #1108 REVERT: e5a67fc3f8 Merge branch 'develop' of into develop REVERT: a49644ab74 :ambulance: adjusted Fuzzer to new parser REVERT: 0efaf891e5 Merge pull request #1089 from theodelrieu/feature/map_conversion REVERT: c5e63fd684 Provide a from_json overload for std::map REVERT: db03d09312 Merge branch 'feature/key_ref' into develop (fixes #1098) REVERT: cf9299d222 Merge branch 'feature/sax2' into develop #971 REVERT: 3cdc4d784b :memo: added documentation REVERT: adf09726b0 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/sax2 REVERT: 481ace65c4 :hammer: only calculate array index string when needed #1098 REVERT: 1c6b332dcd :ok_hand: mitigating cppcheck bug #1101 REVERT: 90eb0a91e0 :zap: keys are now returned as const reference #1098 REVERT: 1f84cc2c88 :white_check_mark: adjusted test cases REVERT: 717301d1bc Merge branch 'testsuite' into feature/sax2 REVERT: 4639bb2c8f :white_check_mark: added more tests from recent nst's JSONTestSuite REVERT: e94862a649 :ambulance: fixed error in callback logic REVERT: ae213721b1 :hammer: removed unget function for wstring parsers REVERT: 5ff2abb90d Merge branch 'develop' into feature/sax2 REVERT: 567fe9b7a0 Merge pull request #1078 from martin-mfg/patch-1 REVERT: 377e956655 fix typo in readme REVERT: 5da596385b Update issue templates REVERT: 7bbe7bb98f :fire: removed old issue template REVERT: 14f01e1981 :wrench: update issue templates REVERT: 86b0732a10 :memo: added public key used for commits and releases REVERT: ed69e50ad2 :page_facing_up: added SPDX-License-Identifier REVERT: 5bc4ff9da3 Merge branch 'feature/wstring' into develop REVERT: fa3e42f826 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/wstring REVERT: b5d1755dfb :fire: removed commented-out test cases #1060 REVERT: 0ab8fab338 Merge pull request #1058 from dns13/patch-1 REVERT: 65b4d8251b Fix typo in single_include, too REVERT: 53fb230098 Fix typo REVERT: 46ec2fddf8 :memo: updated THANKS list REVERT: b8bfd1140d Merge pull request #1048 from chuckatkins/misc-cmake-packaging-enhancements REVERT: 33a2154f8d Enable target namespaces and build dir project config REVERT: 29362c6ace Merge pull request #1047 from jammehcow/patch-1 REVERT: c02a3155d4 :construction_worker: added Xcode 9.3 builder REVERT: 8d8f890771 :hankey: first try on #1045 REVERT: 7f20e9ddc7 Fixed incorrect version number in README REVERT: 031b88d315 Make the CMake install dir user-configurable REVERT: aaee18ce90 Added test for string conversion with string_view REVERT: 7c503c64b7 Merge pull request #1043 from coryan/patch-1 REVERT: 4286b16b71 Fix trivial typo in comment. REVERT: cf91b4f2bb Merge branch 'develop' into feature/wstring REVERT: f924df1835 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/sax2 REVERT: acf10d9af7 Merge pull request #1041 from ax3l/topic-spack REVERT: e1ea8369ad Merge branch 'develop' into feature/sax2 REVERT: 40f279c59d Merge branch 'feature/issue1021' into develop REVERT: 18a0271a95 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/issue1021 REVERT: 1ae9896387 Package Manager: Spack REVERT: 83b143382e Merge pull request #1040 from ax3l/topic-debugViewMSVCcmakeMin REVERT: e439a1a9a7 CMake: 3.8+ is Sufficient REVERT: 495436a5d5 Merge pull request #1026 from ktonon/develop REVERT: a35d414c39 Update CMake to latest on Travis REVERT: 08a7233d1b :ambulance: fixed commit 1e08654 REVERT: 1e08654f99 :hammer: cleanup REVERT: aa89c5e048 :hammer: removing unget_character() function from input adapters #834 REVERT: 6678eb2b4a :white_check_mark: improved test coverage #1031 REVERT: 16c5bfeaad :ok_hand: fixed compiler warnings #1031 REVERT: 727dd4664b :hammer: trying to make tests run with MSVC #1031 REVERT: ab89ae4e50 :hammer: trying to make tests run with MSVC #1031 REVERT: eb06d0531a :construction: added input adapter for wide strings #1031 REVERT: ba6edd5634 :hammer: cleanup REVERT: 850671b9f1 :hammer: using a vector<bool> for the parser hierarchy REVERT: 4efa8cdb4c :green_heart: fixed Valgrind options #1030 REVERT: 830c93fd09 :memo: fixed example for operator> #1029 REVERT: c78dbc366c Added test for conversion to string_view REVERT: 53d8d57921 Amalgamate single include REVERT: 5f723bbec6 :hammer: realized callback parser wirh SAX interface #971 REVERT: 896a9db461 :hammer: improved code #1021 REVERT: 73cc5089e3 Using target_compile_features to specify C++ 11 standard REVERT: a9baab76c2 :ambulance: fix for #1021 REVERT: 4f6b2b6429 :hammer: changed SAX interface REVERT: 2537677e4c :white_check_mark: improved test coverage REVERT: 9e1abb4842 :white_check_mark: improved coverage REVERT: 1e38ffc014 :white_check_mark: more tests REVERT: 25f56ff207 :memo: updated documentation REVERT: 99ecca55c4 :white_check_mark: improved test coverage REVERT: 9e07e9b4ec :sparkles: implemented non-throwing binary reader REVERT: a271ee5f16 :recycle: proper use of SAX parser for binary formats REVERT: 943d641054 :hammer: some refactoring REVERT: 22929fe189 :construction: started a SAX/DOM/callback parser REVERT: 375b05a17d :hammer: cleanup REVERT: 606a25195f :white_check_mark: improved test coverage REVERT: c87ffad45c :recycle: implemented a non-recursive parser REVERT: 2a5506ed98 Amalgamated headers REVERT: 8165707990 basic_json now supports getting many type of strings REVERT: 27cf05af8d Merge branch 'develop' into feature/sax2 REVERT: d2dd27dc3b Merge branch 'release/3.1.2' into develop REVERT: 183390c10b Merge branch 'release/3.1.2' REVERT: 8a6c8cb0f7 :bookmark: set version to 3.1.2 REVERT: afef474c0d :bookmark: set version to 3.1.2 REVERT: a52e8355b8 :rewind: oops REVERT: 21410d50af :checkered_flag: moved /Wall to CMake REVERT: 829ed74d66 :checkered_flag: experimenting with /Wall REVERT: 1262d474eb :checkered_flag: fixed an MSVC warning REVERT: 282bafae4f :hammer: fixed compilation error REVERT: abac6a0e84 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/sax2 REVERT: 919d1fef8f Merge pull request #1009 from nlohmann/user_string_parser REVERT: 8557151d90 :recycle: adjusting lexer/parser in symmetry to #1006 REVERT: b56ac86471 :memo: thanks for #1006 REVERT: 0cab3b2c8e Merge pull request #1006 from agrianius/dump-template REVERT: 3d4f6a2940 :hammer: cleaner exception interface REVERT: ad47b0fbde :recycle: refactored binary readers to use a SAX parser REVERT: 392c033805 test refactoring REVERT: 51349537fc add unit test: checking dump to alternative string type REVERT: 830f3e5290 forward alternative string class from output_adapter to output_string_adapter REVERT: ed6b1464f9 dump to alternate implementation of string, as defined in basic_json template (changes to amalgamated code) REVERT: faccc37d0d dump to alternate implementation of string, as defined in basic_json template REVERT: 149d2fd09c :green_heart: improved test coverage REVERT: 6399cd3039 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/sax2 REVERT: 6151dfaed7 :ok_hand: made changes proposed in #1001 REVERT: 35e43df625 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/sax2 REVERT: 9918523077 :memo: cleanup after #1001 REVERT: e737de8941 Merge pull request #1001 from nlohmann/leak REVERT: aa8fc2a41c :ambulance: hopefully fixed the memory leak REVERT: 7c1a788893 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/sax2 REVERT: cf60e18c89 :fire: removing failing test (work on this in branch "leak") REVERT: 97559bb1b2 :hammer: trying to fix the leak REVERT: 38345fd06c :ok_hand: fixed some more warnings REVERT: 8b379948d0 :fire: replaced acceptor with SAX parser REVERT: 303a0c5843 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/sax2 REVERT: d183d34b96 :green_heart: added another test case REVERT: d2d65bb25b :recycle: refined SFINAE to fix some warnings REVERT: 476b2e09be :green_heart: added regression tests for #972 and #977 REVERT: 62030615a0 Merge pull request #986 from theodelrieu/fix/basic_json_conversion REVERT: 5beab80553 :hammer: using the SAX-DOM parser REVERT: faf2546a15 :hammer: simplified SAX-DOM parser REVERT: 5b9d03cfdb :hammer: added SAX-DOM-Parser REVERT: 9d27429527 :hammer: added error messages to SAX interface REVERT: 86991d5204 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/sax2 REVERT: fdecbf6e1e Merge pull request #992 from bogemic/pvs_studio_fix_misprinted_condition REVERT: fd30ad8a14 did make amalgamate REVERT: 2a2ed799b1 pvs_studio fix. misprinted condition REVERT: 8d104e6fe3 :green_heart: fixed test case REVERT: 5773e164bb :rotating_light: fixed a linter warning REVERT: 8711ec6034 support construction from other basic_json types REVERT: c22f2d41f3 missing CHECK_NOTHROW in unit-udt REVERT: 3ff9455332 :hammer: added a SAX-DOM-Parser REVERT: 21352c4d8e :recycle: refactored SAX parser REVERT: 981e226ca2 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/sax2 REVERT: 1f3d2a3be7 :memo: overworked README REVERT: 13ca723c38 Merge pull request #981 from wla80/develop REVERT: 05d3bf1699 Make integration section concise REVERT: 8d6b3d44d6 :ok_hand: fixed some compiler warnings REVERT: 8c7f46f7d0 :hammer: removed a logic error and improved coverage REVERT: 922f7a3d0e :white_check_mark: added more tests for SAX parsing REVERT: ac230e8b4b :hammer: fixed test cases to be more robust REVERT: 374ebacc51 :sparkles: added a SAX parser #971 REVERT: 8968adcd53 Merge branch 'release/3.1.1' into develop REVERT: c8ea63a31b Merge branch 'release/3.1.1' REVERT: 8424d10e45 :bookmark: set version to 3.1.1 REVERT: 938c861a09 :bookmark: set version to 3.1.1 REVERT: 94b7a8da66 :lipstick: fixed indentation REVERT: 20b5f4d89c Merge pull request #969 from theodelrieu/fix/924 REVERT: 01d6118828 Fix constraints on from_json(CompatibleArrayType) REVERT: b02e3bb0b6 Merge pull request #957 from theodelrieu/fix_coveralls REVERT: 41db7cd818 Make the coveralls job use the multiple header version REVERT: 447f5421eb :hammer: overworked release target REVERT: 61f0bfb15c :hammer: enforce using Python 2 for the wandbox script REVERT: 548f488941 :hammer: overworked Makefile REVERT: 865ff00de0 :memo: updated documentation wrt. objects #963 REVERT: addbbbe136 Merge branch 'develop' of into develop REVERT: 0a64982e86 :memo: cleanup after #954 REVERT: e5d538c5ea Merge pull request #954 from pfultz2/patch-1 REVERT: 2dda87c3b7 Merge branch 'feature/coverage_multi' into develop REVERT: 5731695d7b Clarify dev version and add space after the word flag. REVERT: 74675dd69c :rewind: back to the original version REVERT: 50863c5a09 Latest updates based on feedback REVERT: ab05df3a48 :hammer: another try REVERT: b455154cc9 :hammer: another try REVERT: 1e8f4d6ab3 :hammer: more trying REVERT: 316634e129 :hammer: added quotes around parameters REVERT: 0111f3187e :hammer: working on #953 REVERT: 83db7876c5 :checkered_flag: removing test case that fails on MSVC #962 REVERT: 33a9b00ce6 :bug: fix for #962 REVERT: 8b457ace25 :bug: fixing CBOR's indefinity length strings #961 REVERT: 556e30f759 Merge pull request #955 from patrikhuber/patch-1 REVERT: ee76436592 Change to angle brackets REVERT: 737cffe0cb :hammer: fixed directory for lcov coverage REVERT: ae688016f6 Changed links from master to develop branch REVERT: 2b7b39c72d :rocket: added release target #956 REVERT: 44b40d7c6a Fix links in REVERT: 3402260983 Add a note about installing the library with cget REVERT: 3a887dc9fe :construction_worker: fixed coveralls REVERT: 5c2a0a511e :construction_worker: fixed coveralls REVERT: b779666916 :construction_worker: re-added homebrew tests REVERT: 97309f0da9 Merge branch 'release/3.1.0' into develop REVERT: 15acf260ca Merge branch 'release/3.1.0' REVERT: a8fcfd9880 :construction_worker: fixed travis file REVERT: f5c03999d0 :hammer: fixed benchmark compilation REVERT: 0258484626 :bookmark: set version to 3.1.0 REVERT: ce7d0ebf5d Merge pull request #944 from theodelrieu/fix/cmake_install REVERT: 14cd019861 fix cmake install directory (for real this time) REVERT: 9958dde3da Merge pull request #950 from kaidokert/develop REVERT: aed4a080bf Templatize std::string in binary_reader #941 REVERT: e8bf1f62f7 :sparkles: added define for library version #948 #943 REVERT: 552d153842 :memo: added more statistics on binary formats REVERT: 60e2d28eb7 :bug: fix for #947 REVERT: 51c774f208 :memo: added documentation for binary formats REVERT: 57e6fddd90 :rotating_light: fixed warnings REVERT: f7131715b1 Merge branch 'develop' of into develop REVERT: ce273af9b6 :memo: added documentation for binary formats REVERT: ae235139b9 Merge pull request #940 from kaidokert/develop REVERT: 8049442c2a :hammer: rename yytext to token_buffer (fixes #933) REVERT: d0c9e5fffc Allow overriding THROW/CATCH/TRY macros with no-exceptions (redo) #938 REVERT: b3bd3b726b :memo: added link to OSS-Fuzz project repository REVERT: 52e9449563 :memo: added more functions to overview REVERT: cb4a9c85cb :hammer: excluded code from coverage REVERT: 1483d39c91 :hammer: moved class json_pointer into separate file #920 REVERT: e95578f884 :memo: documented JSON Merge Patch (RFC 7386) REVERT: 102c474397 :hammer: clean up REVERT: 6855bbb902 :hammer: split "parsing" directory to "input" and "output" REVERT: 05f49fa401 :white_check_mark: added roundtrip tests for UBJSON REVERT: f0b26c8f38 :white_check_mark: added fuzzer for UBJSON input REVERT: b0a68f540f :white_check_mark: added roundtrip tests for UBJSON REVERT: 1be3935e9d :memo: cleanup after #936 REVERT: 7aace7c976 Merge pull request #936 from zerodefect/improvement/fix_kmin_compiler_warning REVERT: 0e2211df0e Merge pull request #925 from zerodefect/improvement/improve_readme_json_fwd REVERT: 95cf1fefaa Removed compiler warning about unused variable 'kMinExp'. REVERT: 355c1e946b :construction_worker: added task to check amalgamation #906 REVERT: dbfd7e532b Merge branch 'develop' of into develop REVERT: 3c68a796df :fire: deprecated iterator_wrapper #874 REVERT: f05c3edc21 Merge pull request #930 from Pipeliner/develop REVERT: f5c4e9f3a1 Merge pull request #919 from theodelrieu/fix/sfinae_for_incomplete_types REVERT: 7eabb6ba36 :memo: updated documentation for UBJSON functions REVERT: fc32b8a9bc Fix a typo in REVERT: 3cca630836 :hammer: cleanup after #915 REVERT: 010e596001 Merge pull request #915 from abolz/dtoa REVERT: 3d776b0582 :memo: updated README REVERT: 9e5d901f55 Merge branch 'feature/ubjson' into develop REVERT: 327b8bb09e Merge branch 'feature/strings' into develop REVERT: d2b3fd156e Updated to explain how installation of json_fwd.hpp can be achieved as part of install step. REVERT: b406e3704b :heavy_plus_sign: using Google Benchmark #921 REVERT: a8f711a2f1 :heavy_plus_sign: using Google Benchmark #921 REVERT: 6402077ac2 Merge pull request #876 from nlohmann/feature/rfc7396 REVERT: dcee778c1e fix sfinae on basic_json UDT constructor REVERT: 7456f1d87b :recycle: re-used existing UTF-8 decoder to simplfy string serialization REVERT: afe4571309 :hammer: cleanup + some noexcept REVERT: b182308eff :hammer: cleanup REVERT: 9b9919d460 Use max_digits10 in dump_float for float->text->float round-trip REVERT: 810f81bbd9 Regenerate src/json.hpp REVERT: 787204f076 Add unit-tests for detail::to_chars REVERT: 9f7c2c04c8 Use the Grisu2 algorithm for formatting 'float's and 'double's REVERT: 332f352033 Add an implementation of the Grisu2 algorithm for binary to decimal floating-point conversion REVERT: 0695ac4001 Add tests for #360 REVERT: 68a9736738 Tests: Re-enable some round-trip tests REVERT: 6e2e466c27 Tests: Don't rely on the format used for floating-point formatting REVERT: 107c21a488 Tests: Exponents are formatted with a leading '+' sign REVERT: 3ae82d91a2 Tests: Floating-point formatting uses lower case 'e' REVERT: 92f7295063 :hammer: cleanup REVERT: 3ac674562f :hammer: clean up REVERT: d9446b0e6e Merge pull request #911 from theodelrieu/fix/cmake_install REVERT: 9d6b3731b9 :white_check_mark: improved test coverage REVERT: 06cddd371b :hammer: removed failing amalgamation test REVERT: f85f4967fe :white_check_mark: improved test coverage REVERT: 6965ff00c8 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ubjson REVERT: 411c16cbb2 :memo: overworked documentation wrt.…
- Loading branch information