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Djangolog application

  • Run makefile commands in the Docker container
export RUN_IN_DOCKER=true
make test

Install dependencies

uv init
uv pip install
# Install npm dependencies
npm install

Start project

  1. Create local certs to use server over HTTPS: mkcert -cert-file cert.pem -key-file key.pem localhost Put generated files into certs directory
  2. Start Docker and run docker-compose up -d from docker directory. Run local version of docker-compose: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml up
  3. Start Celery worker make worker
  4. Start Django app uv run python runserver or make dev.
  5. Visit https://localhost:8000/

Create superuser

Creates superuser with the following credentials

email: password: superPassword12

make create-superuser

Populate post table with some random data

DJANGO_ENV=local uv run python shell

from djangoblog.factory import AccountFactory

Swagger Docs

API documentation is available at: /api/docs

Load testing

For load testing we are using Locust uv run locust -f --host=http://localhost:9020

Run with entr to reload on changes Install: brew install entr Run: ls | entr -r uv run locust -f --host=http://localhost:9020

Launch Debugger

  • docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.debug.yml up


  1. terraform apply --parallelism=20 -auto-approve
  2. Create secret from file: kubectl create secret generic google-credentials --from-file=infra/terraform/gcp-creds.json -n default
  3. Create secrets from .env file: kubectl create secret generic app --from-env-file=<(env -i sh -c "set -a; . .env; printenv | grep -v '^PWD='")
  4. Apply kubernetes config kubernetes apply -f infra/k8

Install Kibana and Elasticsearch

  1. Clone repo
  2. docker compose up setup
  3. docker compose up
  4. Open Kibana: http://localhost:5601/
  5. Credentials:
  • username: elastic
  • password: changeme