R based Illumina Infinium Epicarray analysis: Follow for detailed analysis out;ine
Genome-Wide methylation analyses between high and low PTSD groups.
Samples: Infant saliva samples and maternal saliva samples.
Cohort Size: 48 samples/condition/group. 96 samples for Mother and 96 samples for infants.
Assay Platform: Illumina Infinium Methylation EPIC BeadChip Kit. Manifest files can be found here
Illuminas Infinium MethylationEPIC arrays is a genome wide methylation analysis method which quantitaively detects methylation of over 850K methylation sites at single nucleotide resolution. The sites under investigation encompass CpG islands, open chromatin sites, enhancer regions and other regulatory regions of genome. A detailed account on arrays can be found here.
During the processing of the DNA sample under investigation is treated with bisulphite where unmethylated Cytosines, e.g 5mC and 5hmC, get converted to Uracil while methylated Cytosines remain unchanged. In the array technology site specific probes are used that can differentiate between methylated and unmethylated versions and final read out is relative fluorescent signals from the methylated vs. unmethylated sites. The outline of the process is illustrated below to demonstrate the concept.
It is crucial to understand the layout of the arrays as this information can help to identify and remove chip based confounding effects. The layout of the arrays may differ between what is showned here vs what you might be using, so be aware of it. Each chip has a uniquechipID number and there are 8 slots/assays (here) on each chip that allows assay for 8 samples. Each slot is labelled as R0NC01, where 0N is the row number, since there is only one column so it is always C01.
The scanner will produce .jpg image and .idat files. IDAT is Illumina's properietary format to store summary intensities for each probe. So for analysis we will be using IDAT files. The files are named as
204792210063_R01C01_Grn.idat -> Green Channel Intensities
204792210063_R01C01_Red.idat -> Red Channel Intensities
In order to do a complete analysis we will also need metadata of each sample. While processing samples for a case-control study of few laboratory samples, one may not have a metadata, thats fine, but use whatever information to its maximum. However in my case I have 192 human samples and I would like to estimate the changes in methylation so I am collecting as much metadata as I can including Gender, Age, Race, smokingStatus
other relevant information.
Cell type Deconvolution : If the samples have cells of mixed type e.g blood or saliva samples, one would like to apply deconvolution to account for cell types. My samples were Saliva samples so for EWAS I will be controling for Epithelial, Fibroblast, B, NK, CD4T, CD8T, Monocytes.
Ancestry(race): For methylation, principal components, Comp.2 and Comp.3 are more accurate in assessing ancestry. One can also test the correlation between self-reported race and mPCs to see which components are better predictors. One can also use a PC plot to visualize.
This step primarly collate all the datasets together, and then apply filters to identify bad samples and bad probes.
- The required packages are loaded and missing are installed installed using the
source("./install_needed_packages.R") # PATH TO SOURCE FILE, this is an example path, change accordingly
need_packages <- c("rlang", "stringi", "data.table", "purrr", "svd", "devtools","ewastools")
install_cran_pkgs(pkgs = need_packages)
check_installed(pkgs = need_packages)
- Read the metadata in
object and based on the information in metadata, the corresponding.idat
files are loaded inmeth object
pheno <- read.csv("samplesheet_metadata.csv")
Sample_Name Sample_Well Sample_Plate Sample_Group pool_ID SentrixID SentrixPosition MatID Ne0ID PTSD Mplate Mage Mrace Nsex LngthDeliv HeadCircum BirthHght Birthweight Gestation HeartRate
1 202908430099_R01C01 A01 plate1 PTSD_M NA 202908430099 R01C01 M004 N004 1 1 20 3 0 1.75 30.5 18.5 2664 39.57 130
2 202908430099_R02C01 B01 plate1 NOPTSD_M NA 202908430099 R02C01 M006 N006 0 1 20 3 0 11.00 33.0 19.0 3374 41.43 140
3 204920840025_R05C01 E11 plate2 PTSD_M NA 204920840025 R05C01 M013 N013 1 2 25 3 1 14.50 34.0 21.0 3515 39.43 158
4 204842600013_R05C01 E05 plate2 NOPTSD_M NA 204842600013 R05C01 M015 N015 0 2 24 3 0 5.75 32.5 20.0 2980 40.14 120
5 204792210005_R05C01 E07 plate2 NOPTSD_M NA 204792210005 R05C01 M017 N017 0 2 20 6 0 6.25 32.0 18.0 2410 36.86 138
6 202908430099_R03C01 C01 plate1 PTSD_M NA 202908430099 R03C01 M021 N021 1 1 34 3 1 3.00 33.0 19.5 3130 39.57 124
Reading idat files
meth <- read_idats(paths, quiet = FALSE)
- I prefer to keep plotting my data as I go along the analysis to get a feel about the dataset and to look for potential issues . Below is the violin plot of raw intensities (methylated probes) across the samples. I could spot that some samples(S25-S40) have unexpectadely low intensity values (same was true for unmethylated intensities) which made me suspect the quality of the Chip since all 16 samples belong to 2 distinct chips. Later on we will see that these 16 samples failed the QC and has to be dropped from analysis.
df.m <- reshape2::melt(df, id.vars = NULL)
ggplot(df.m, aes(x = variable, y = log10(value))) + geom_violin()
function evaluates 17 control metrics that is calculated using control probes available in each assay. These 17 control metrics are helpful in identifying problemetic arrays or samples. The details of these metrics is provided in the BeadArray Controls Reporter Software Guide available from the Illumina support website. The control metrics are then translated in TRUE and FALSE answering question "Did sample in question failed based on the 17 metrics". The status of the samples is updated under column failed inpheno
dataframe whereTRUE
indicate failed samples andFALSE
are the good samples.
ctrls <- control_metrics(meth)
pheno$failed = sample_failure(ctrls)
- Quick pre processing, calculating beta values for QC purpose.
compute detection p-values. p-values are based on the distribution of the intensities of the negative control probes or the U (M) intensities observed for completely methylated (unmethylated) probes, respectively (Heiss and Just, 2019).mask
is masking all probes with detection p-values below the specified threshold (here 0.01). Matrix with dye-bias corrected intensities using RELICcorrect_dye_bias
. A matrix of non-normalized beta-values is generated usingdont_normalize
beta <- meth %>% detectionP %>% mask(0.01) %>% correct_dye_bias %>% dont_normalize
Same code as above is used for Violin plots.
- There are about 59 known SNP probes with name starting with rs in each assay. Ideally in a random population we expect 25 % presence of each hoimozygous allele (AA or aa) and 50% of heterozygous alleles (Aa ,aA). These SNP's will help us identify the distribution and help identifying any anomolies. In order to achieve this we will use beta-distributed mixture models. The method will estimates the parameters of a mixture model consisting of three Beta distributions representing the two heterozygous and homozygous genotypes,and a fourth component, a uniform distribution, representing outliers.
snps <- meth$manifest[probe_type == "rs", index]
snps <- beta[snps, ]
genotypes <- call_genotypes(snps, learn = FALSE)
- An outlier score is calculated by
function based on thegenotype
object. Samples with value greater than -4 are recommended to be excluded from analysis. The outlier status of each sample is updated in pheno table.
pheno$outlier <- snp_outliers(genotypes)
pheno <- data.table(pheno)
pheno[outlier > -4, .(SampleID,outlier)]
### SampleID outlier
### 1: 204680140009_R07C01 -3.925083
### 2: 204813560056_R05C01 -0.726977
The outlier score is plotted below with 2 samples having score greater than -4.
OutlierScore_df<-data.frame("sample"=rep("Samples",96), "sample_Name"=dimnames(genotypes$snps)[[2]],"Outlier_Score"=snp_outliers(genotypes))
geom_text(data=subset(OutlierScore_df,Outlier_Score > -4.0),aes(label=sample_Name,y=Outlier_Score+0.06),size=3,col="red",position = position_dodge(width=3))+
geom_jitter(data=subset(OutlierScore_df,Outlier_Score < (-4.1)),shape=16, position=position_jitter(0.2))
- Finally, we check if any of the samples are duplicates using
returns for each sample the donor IDs. If 2 samples are identical based on the genotypes, same ID is returned by the function.
# List duplicates
pheno[, n:=.N, by = donor_id]
# Check to see if there are any duplicates, and remove idats of the one from the folder
pheno[n > 1, .(SampleID,donor_id)]
Save the modified
object so that it can be used in subsequent steps of analysis. -
OPTIONAL : Before saving the pheno table, the metadata can be scaled for using them in models.
phenoScaled$HeadCircum <-scale(phenoScaled$HeadCircum)
phenoScaled$BirthHght <-scale(phenoScaled$BirthHght)
phenoScaled$Birthweight <-scale(phenoScaled$Birthweight)
phenoScaled$Gestation <-scale(phenoScaled$Gestation)
phenoScaled$HeartRate <-scale(phenoScaled$HeartRate)