tl;dr This project is me documenting my attempts to make Pokemon Go on the web platform, mostly to see if a) it's possible and b) I'm able to do it.
I'll prefer building out features by hand where possible, and try to switch to libraries to help me only when I already understand the underlying tech or I need help. As an example, I'll probs use three.js instead of raw webgl because I pretty much get how webgl works already (at a simplistic level) so I don't need to learn that, and webgl can be cumbersome to write by hand. On the other hand, I'll try to do some collision detection/AR stuff by hand so I can learn how it works. I'm also gonna gloss over some of the difficult server sync-ing problems, at least in the short term, in favour of working out if the web platform can handle the basics!
- Vizicities for displaying local area
- geolocation with watchLocation to track player position
- "randomly" display pokemon within camera frustum on map
- Html5 Media API to read camera
- Pipe it through to a canvas to overlay images of pokemon and pokeball
- Then need to use mouse/touch gestures to move the pokeball - hammer.js?
- Can use mouse/touch event x+y for canvas picking, to only move pokeball with mouse gesture
- Will probably need third party library for the throw/bounce physics stuff
If there's a way of getting some Project Tango goodness into it, possibly making the AR catch-view fancier/more realistic, I will find it :P