A simple bot which replies with the choiciest sledges when summoned.
To build, develop and run the bot yourself, all you need is a working version of Python and an internet connection. Conda is installed locally, an environemnt is created and the required dependencies are pulled.
All you need to get started is a working Python on your machine
Just run the build.py present inside the scripts directory
cd mc_bc_bot
python scripts/build.py
This should create a conda environment in the same directory, and pull the requirements necessary for running the bot. Finally, it should start the bot.
Unittests have not been created yet.
Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system
- Praw - The Python API for Reddit
- Vikramaditya Gaonkar - vikramaditya91
This project is licensed under the Beer-ware License.
- This was inspired by the bobby b bot
- The sledges are sourced from