The key features of this Module are:
VPC: Creates a new VPC with specified CIDR range.
VSwitchs: Creates 3 types of VSwitch (App, DB, Misc). App and DB are multi AZ.
NAT Gateway: Creates NAT Gateway with EIP attached for internet access to VSwitches.
Use below snippet in tf file to create a VPC in Aliyun.
module "aliyun_vpc" {
source = "./modules/vpc"
prefix = "myproject_or_environment" // "${terraform.workspace}"
availability_zone_a = "enter_value_of_availability_zone_a"
availability_zone_b = "enter_value_of_availability_zone_b"
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
app_route_table_name | APP VSwitch route table name | string | app_route_table |
no |
app_vswitch_cidr_az_a | APP VSwitch AZ first cidr range | string | |
no |
app_vswitch_cidr_az_b | APP VSwitch AZ second cidr range | string | |
no |
app_vswitch_name_az_a | APP VSwitch AZ first name | string | app_vswitch_a |
no |
app_vswitch_name_az_b | APP VSwitch AZ second name | string | app_vswitch_b |
no |
availability_zone_a | Availibility zone first | string | - | yes |
availability_zone_b | Availibility zone second | string | - | yes |
db_route_table_name | DB VSwitch route table name | string | db_route_table |
no |
db_vswitch_cidr_az_a | DB VSwitch AZ first cidr range | string | |
no |
db_vswitch_cidr_az_b | DB VSwitch AZ second cidr range | string | |
no |
db_vswitch_name_az_a | DB VSwitch AZ first name | string | db_vswitch_a |
no |
db_vswitch_name_az_b | DB VSwitch AZ second name | string | db_vswitch_b |
no |
misc_route_table_name | Misc VSwitch route table name | string | misc_route_table |
no |
misc_vswitch_cidr_az_a | Misc VSwitch AZ first cidr range | string | |
no |
misc_vswitch_name_az_a | Misc VSwitch AZ first name | string | misc_vswitch_a |
no |
nat_gateway_eip_name | NAT gateway EIP | string | gateway_eip |
no |
nat_gateway_name | NAT gateway name | string | gateway |
no |
nat_gateway_specification | NAT gateway specification | string | Middle |
no |
prefix | Prefix for each resource created | string | - | yes |
vpc_cidr | VPC CIDR range | string | |
no |
vpc_name | VPC name | string | vpc |
no |
vpc_description | VPC description | string | Alicloud VPC |
no |
Name | Description |
app_route_table_id | APP VSwitch route table id |
app_vswitch_az_a_cidr_block | APP VSwitch AZ first cidr range |
app_vswitch_az_a_id | APP VSwitch AZ first id |
app_vswitch_az_a_name | APP VSwitch AZ first name |
app_vswitch_az_b_cidr_block | APP VSwitch AZ second cidr range |
app_vswitch_az_b_id | APP VSwitch AZ second id |
app_vswitch_az_b_name | APP VSwitch AZ second name |
db_route_table_id | DB VSwitch route table id |
db_vswitch_az_a_cidr_block | DB VSwitch AZ first cidr range |
db_vswitch_az_a_id | DB VSwitch AZ first id |
db_vswitch_az_a_name | DB VSwitch AZ first name |
db_vswitch_az_b_cidr_block | DB VSwitch AZ second cidr range |
db_vswitch_az_b_id | DB VSwitch AZ second id |
db_vswitch_az_b_name | DB VSwitch AZ second name |
misc_route_table_id | Misc VSwitch route table id |
misc_vswitch_az_a_cidr_block | Misc VSwitch AZ first cidr range |
misc_vswitch_az_a_id | Misc VSwitch AZ first id |
misc_vswitch_az_a_name | Misc VSwitch AZ first name |
nat_gateway_id | NAT gateway id |
nat_gateway_ip | NAT gateway EIP |
nat_gateway_name | NAT gateway name |
vpc_id | VPC id |
vpc_name | VPC name |
vpc_description | VPC description |