An App that helps to deliver latest news on the go.
Following are key features of the App:
- List of all trending news.
- Ability to filter feed based on your interest.
- Search out any news across the globe.
- Click on any news feed to read more about it.
- Useful information on individual feed -
- Title & Description of the headline news
- Every news carry a Representative image
- Every feed consists of the Author, Source & Publication time of the news
Following are the technologies used to design and develop the Newsville application -
- Language - Swift4.0
- Architecture - MVVM
- Reative Framework - RxSwift
- Networking - Alamofire
- JSON Mapping - Object Mapper
- Image Loading - SDWebImage
Following are the list of all third party libraries used in the project -
- Paper OnBoarding by Ramotion (Link)
- SWRevealViewController by John Lluch (Link)
- ReactiveX for Swift (Link)
- HTTP Networking by Alamofire (Link)
- JSON Object Mapping by tristanhimmelman (Link)
- Asynchronous Image loading by SDWebImage (Link)
- Interavtive Web browser by dfmuir (Link)
- Shimmer Effect by markiv (Link)
Following is used to fetch all news in the project-