I use Vue for my front-end development, while I rely on MongoDB, Express & Node.js on the back-end (MEVN stack).
I use Atom on macOS, with the below settings:
- Soft Wrap At Preferred Line Length: 100 (to match Prettier config)
- UI & Syntax Theme: Atom Material
Plugins used:
- atom-easy-jsdoc
- atom-material-syntax
- atom-material-ui
- busy-signal
- emmet
- file-icons
- intentions
- language-vue
- linter
- linter-eslint
- linter-ui-default
- platformio-ide-terminal
- sublime-style-column-selection
linter-eslint Package Settings:
- Fix errors on save: On
- Lint HTML files: On
- Use Global ESLint installation: On
- Global Node Installation Path: /Users/USERNAME/.config/yarn/global (required if using yarn instead of npm)
Command to install all packages listed above:
apm install atom-easy-jsdoc atom-material-syntax atom-material-ui busy-signal emmet file-icons intentions language-vue linter linter-eslint linter-ui-default platformio-ide-terminal sublime-style-column-selection
- I use ESLint + Prettier to enforce a consistent code style.
- I use JSDoc to document my code.
I use yarn over npm (mostly due to it's superior performance).
- @vue/cli
- eslint
- eslint-config-airbnb-base
- eslint-config-prettier
- eslint-plugin-import
- eslint-plugin-prettier
- jsdoc
- prettier
- nodemon
Command to install all packages listed above:
yarn global add @vue/cli eslint eslint-config-airbnb-base eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-prettier jsdoc prettier nodemon
- I use SCSS as my CSS pre-processor.
- I try to follow the official Style Guide.
- Nodemon - Restarts the app on file changes (useful for development)
- Monogoose - MongoDB object modeling
- Helmet - Set some HTTP headers for improved security
- P2M - Process Management (load balancing, auto-restart, etc)
I use GitHub along with GitFlow.
- Postman - Testing and Documenting my APIs
- Sketch + Adobe Photoshop - Design & Image editing
- Sourcetree - Git GUI
- Jenkins - Continuous Deployment
- FileZilla - FTP Client