#Spader Bootstrap
I just do a bunch of stuff when I start a new RoR project, that I realized it is better to make it a gem.
The purpose of this gem is to add HAML and Twitter-Bootstrap to the projects:
Only the gems 'sass-bootstrap' and 'haml'
config/routes.rb: To include 'home#index';
assets/javascripts/application.js: To include twitter bootstrap;
views/layouts/application.html: To include a navigation header, flash messages and translate it to HAML;
assets/stylesheets/bootstrap_and_overrides.css.scss: To import bootstrap;
controllers/home_controller.rb: To include HomeController with an index;
views/layouts/_messages.html.haml: To handle flash messages;
views/home/index.html.haml: To create the default home page;
views/home/_navigation.html.haml: To create a navigation bar;
- public/index.html: To replace the home page;
Include gem 'spader-bootstrap'
to your gem file and run bundle spader-bootstrap install