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ERC1238 Implementation as Extendable


See the original EIP-1238: ethereum/EIPs#1238 describing Non-transferable Tokens (NTTs).

This repository hosts a conversion of @violetprotocol/ERC1238-token to the Extendable framework.



  • ERC1238Storage: ERC1238's main storage for balances and baseURI.
  • ERC1238ApprovalStorage: Stores the domain type hash to verify EIP-712 signatures in ERC1238Approval
  • ERC1238URIStorage: Stores tokenURIs by token id.
  • ERC1238CollectionStorage: Stores base id balances (see ICollectionLogic).
  • PermissionStorage: Stores the addresses which have been granted different roles (rootController, intermediateController and controller).


Badge.sol is the main Extendable contract, it is responsible for managing the whole lifecycle of non-transferable tokens. It contains custom business logic, specific to Violet and becomes feature-complete after extending it with all the extensions specified below. It uses PermissionStorage, ERC1238Storage and ERC1238ApprovalStorage during construction.

Badge Extensions

ExtendLogic: Default extension from the Extendable Framework that enables extending.

BalanceGettersLogic: Contains the logic to query balances of token owners. It uses ERC1238Storage.

BadgeBaseURILogic: Contains the logic to query and set the base URI associated with tokens by default. It uses ERC1238Storage and has a dependency to the PermissionLogic.

BadgeMintLogic: Contains the logic to mint tokens and how they can be minted. It uses ERC1238ApprovalStorage and ERC1238Storage. It has a dependency to PermissionLogic, TokenURISetLogic and BadgeBeforeMintLogic.

BadgeBurnLogic: Contains the logic to burn tokens and how they can be burnt. It uses ERC1238Storage. It has a dependency to PermissionLogic, TokenURISetLogic and BeforeBurnLogic.

BadgeBeforeMintLogic: Contains custom logic for what happens before tokens are minted. It has a dependency to the CollectionLogic.

BadgeBeforeBurnLogic: Contains custom logic for what happens before tokens are burnt. It has a dependency to the CollectionLogic.

TokenURIGetLogic: Contains the logic to fetch the token URI associated with a token id. It uses ERC1238URIStorage and ERC1238Storage.

TokenURISetLogic: Contains the logic to set the token URI associated with a token id. It uses ERC1238URIStorage and has a dependency to the PermissionLogic.

CollectionLogic: Contains the logic to track balances of token owners for tokens belonging to the same collection, represented by a shared baseId ("semi-fungible" tokens). It uses ERC1238CollectionStorage.

PermissionLogic: Contains the logic to gate execution of some part of the code in other extensions. It uses PermissionStorage.


This repository was generated from Solidity-template, which includes:

  • Hardhat: compile and run the smart contracts on a local development network
  • TypeChain: generate TypeScript types for smart contracts
  • Ethers: renowned Ethereum library and wallet implementation
  • Waffle: tooling for writing comprehensive smart contract tests
  • Solhint: linter
  • Solcover: code coverage
  • Prettier Plugin Solidity: code formatter


Pre Requisites

Before running any command, you need to create a .env file and set a BIP-39 compatible mnemonic as an environment variable. Follow the example in .env.example. If you don't already have a mnemonic, use this website to generate one.

Then, proceed with installing dependencies:

$ yarn install


Compile the smart contracts with Hardhat:

$ yarn compile


Compile the smart contracts and generate TypeChain artifacts:

$ yarn typechain

Lint Solidity

Lint the Solidity code:

$ yarn lint:sol

Lint TypeScript

Lint the TypeScript code:

$ yarn lint:ts


Run the Mocha tests:

$ yarn test


Generate the code coverage report:

$ yarn coverage

Report Gas

See the gas usage per unit test and average gas per method call:

$ REPORT_GAS=true yarn test


Delete the smart contract artifacts, the coverage reports and the Hardhat cache:

$ yarn clean

Deploying a Badge contract

Deploy the contracts to Hardhat Network:

  1. Deploy all required extensions.
TS_NODE_FILES=true HARDHAT_NETWORK=localhost ts-node scripts/deployAllExtensions.ts
  1. Follow the instructions in /tasks/deploy/deployBadge.

  2. Deploy the badge contract.

npx hardhat run --network local deploy:ERC1238-extendable
  1. Extend with any missing extension using the extend hardhat task.

Syntax Highlighting

If you use VSCode, you can enjoy syntax highlighting for your Solidity code via the hardhat-vscode extension.


ERC1238 implementation using the Extendable framework.






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