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Merge pull request #541 from viperproject/option-for-disabling-global…
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CLI Option for Disabling Support for Global Variables
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ArquintL authored Oct 6, 2022
2 parents 2f1b332 + 4380796 commit 01c38e0
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Showing 6 changed files with 148 additions and 42 deletions.
19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion src/main/scala/viper/gobra/frontend/Config.scala
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Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import viper.gobra.util.{TypeBounds, Violation}
import viper.silver.ast.SourcePosition

import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.util.matching.Regex

object LoggerDefaults {
val DefaultLevel: Level = Level.INFO
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ object ConfigDefaults {
lazy val DefaultAssumeInjectivityOnInhale: Boolean = true
lazy val DefaultParallelizeBranches: Boolean = false
lazy val DefaultDisableMoreCompleteExhale: Boolean = false
lazy val DefaultEnableLazyImports: Boolean = false

case class Config(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,6 +111,7 @@ case class Config(
// branches will be verified in parallel
parallelizeBranches: Boolean = ConfigDefaults.DefaultParallelizeBranches,
disableMoreCompleteExhale: Boolean = ConfigDefaults.DefaultDisableMoreCompleteExhale,
enableLazyImports: Boolean = ConfigDefaults.DefaultEnableLazyImports,
) {

def merge(other: Config): Config = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,6 +153,7 @@ case class Config(
assumeInjectivityOnInhale = assumeInjectivityOnInhale || other.assumeInjectivityOnInhale,
parallelizeBranches = parallelizeBranches,
disableMoreCompleteExhale = disableMoreCompleteExhale,
enableLazyImports = enableLazyImports || other.enableLazyImports,

Expand All @@ -163,10 +167,13 @@ case class Config(

object Config {
// the header signals that a file should be considered when running on "header-only" mode
val header = """\/\/\s*\+gobra""".r
val header: Regex = """\/\/\s*\+gobra""".r
val prettyPrintedHeader = "// +gobra"
def sourceHasHeader(s: Source): Boolean = header.findFirstIn(s.content).nonEmpty

val enableLazyImportOptionName = "enableLazyImport"
val enableLazyImportOptionPrettyPrinted = s"--$enableLazyImportOptionName"

// have a look at `Config` to see an inline description of some of these parameters
Expand All @@ -192,6 +199,7 @@ case class BaseConfig(gobraDirectory: Path = ConfigDefaults.DefaultGobraDirector
assumeInjectivityOnInhale: Boolean = ConfigDefaults.DefaultAssumeInjectivityOnInhale,
parallelizeBranches: Boolean = ConfigDefaults.DefaultParallelizeBranches,
disableMoreCompleteExhale: Boolean = ConfigDefaults.DefaultDisableMoreCompleteExhale,
enableLazyImports: Boolean = ConfigDefaults.DefaultEnableLazyImports,
) {
def shouldParse: Boolean = true
def shouldTypeCheck: Boolean = !shouldParseOnly
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,6 +250,7 @@ trait RawConfig {
assumeInjectivityOnInhale = baseConfig.assumeInjectivityOnInhale,
parallelizeBranches = baseConfig.parallelizeBranches,
disableMoreCompleteExhale = baseConfig.disableMoreCompleteExhale,
enableLazyImports = baseConfig.enableLazyImports,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -583,6 +592,13 @@ class ScallopGobraConfig(arguments: Seq[String], isInputOptional: Boolean = fals
noshort = true,

val enableLazyImports: ScallopOption[Boolean] = opt[Boolean](
name = Config.enableLazyImportOptionName,
descr = s"Enforces that ${} parses depending packages only when necessary. Note that this disables certain language features such as global variables.",
default = Some(ConfigDefaults.DefaultEnableLazyImports),
noshort = true,

* Exception handling
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -715,5 +731,6 @@ class ScallopGobraConfig(arguments: Seq[String], isInputOptional: Boolean = fals
assumeInjectivityOnInhale = assumeInjectivityOnInhale(),
parallelizeBranches = parallelizeBranches(),
disableMoreCompleteExhale = disableMoreCompleteExhale(),
enableLazyImports = enableLazyImports(),
15 changes: 13 additions & 2 deletions src/main/scala/viper/gobra/frontend/Desugar.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3063,7 +3063,17 @@ object Desugar {
// As for imported methods, imported packages are not checked to satisfy their specification. In particular,
// Gobra does not check that the package postconditions are established by the initialization code. Instead,
// this is assumed. We only generate the proof obligations for the initialization code in the main package.
registerPackage(mainPkg, specCollector, generateInitProof = true)(config)
// Note that `config.enableLazyImports` disables init blocks, global variables, import preconditions, and init
// postconditions in the type checker, which means that we do not have to generate an init proof.
registerPackage(mainPkg, specCollector, generateInitProof = !config.enableLazyImports)(config)

if (config.enableLazyImports) {
// early return to not add any proof obligations because we have made sure in the type checker that
// there aren't any global variables, init blocks, init postconditions, and import preconditions (in the
// packages that have been parsed). Note that packages that have been skipped because of the laziness might
// still contain such features.

// check that the postconditions of every package are enough to satisfy all of their imports' preconditions
val src = meta(mainPkg, info)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3121,8 +3131,9 @@ object Desugar {
info.context.getTypeInfo(RegularImport(imp.importPath))(config) match {
case Some(Right(tI)) =>
val desugaredPre =, info))
Violation.violation(!config.enableLazyImports || desugaredPre.isEmpty, s"Import precondition found despite running with ${Config.enableLazyImportOptionPrettyPrinted}")
specCollector.addImportPres(tI.getTypeInfo.tree.originalRoot, desugaredPre)
case e => Violation.violation(s"Unexpected value found $e while importing ${imp.importPath}")
case e => Violation.violation(config.enableLazyImports, s"Unexpected value found $e while importing ${imp.importPath} - type information is assumed to be available for all packages when Gobra is executed with lazy imports disabled")

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Expand Up @@ -7,20 +7,26 @@

import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.util.Messaging.{message, noMessages}
import viper.gobra.GoVerifier
import viper.gobra.ast.frontend.{PExplicitQualifiedImport, PImplicitQualifiedImport, PImport, PNode, PUnqualifiedImport}
import viper.gobra.frontend.Config
import viper.gobra.frontend.PackageResolver.RegularImport

trait ImportTyping extends BaseTyping { this: TypeInfoImpl =>

lazy val wellDefImport: WellDefinedness[PImport] = createWellDef { imp =>
forceNonLazyImport(imp.importPath, imp)
imp match {
(if (config.enableLazyImports) {
imp.importPres.flatMap(importPre => message(importPre, s"Import preconditions are not allowed when executing ${} with ${Config.enableLazyImportOptionPrettyPrinted}"))
} else {
forceNonLazyImport(imp.importPath, imp)
}) ++ (imp match {
case _: PExplicitQualifiedImport => noMessages
case _: PUnqualifiedImport => noMessages
// this case should never occur as these nodes should get converted in the parse postprocessing step
case n: PImplicitQualifiedImport => message(n, s"Explicit qualifier could not be derived")

// This method forces a package to be processed non-lazily - every import can cause side effects,
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,9 @@

import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.util.Messaging.{Messages, error, noMessages}
import viper.gobra.GoVerifier
import viper.gobra.ast.frontend._
import viper.gobra.frontend.Config
import viper.gobra.util.Constants

Expand All @@ -26,19 +28,23 @@ trait MemberTyping extends BaseTyping { this: TypeInfoImpl =>
case b: PConstDecl =>
case g: PVarDecl if isGlobalVarDeclaration(g) =>
// HACK: without this explicit check, Gobra does not find repeated declarations
// of global variables. This has to do with the changes introduced in PR #186.
// We need this check nonetheless because the checks performed in the "true" branch
// assume that the ids are well-defined.
val idsOkMsgs = g.left.flatMap(l => wellDefID(l).out)
if (idsOkMsgs.isEmpty) {
val isGhost = isEnclosingGhost(g)
g.right.flatMap(isExpr(_).out) ++
declarableTo.errors(g.right map exprType, g.typ map typeSymbType, g.left map idType)(g) ++
error(g, s"Currently, global variables cannot be made ghost", isGhost) ++
if (config.enableLazyImports) {
error(g, s"Global variables are not allowed when executing ${} with ${Config.enableLazyImportOptionPrettyPrinted}")
} else {
// HACK: without this explicit check, Gobra does not find repeated declarations
// of global variables. This has to do with the changes introduced in PR #186.
// We need this check nonetheless because the checks performed in the "true" branch
// assume that the ids are well-defined.
val idsOkMsgs = g.left.flatMap(l => wellDefID(l).out)
if (idsOkMsgs.isEmpty) {
val isGhost = isEnclosingGhost(g)
g.right.flatMap(isExpr(_).out) ++
declarableTo.errors(g.right map exprType, g.typ map typeSymbType, g.left map idType)(g) ++
error(g, s"Currently, global variables cannot be made ghost", isGhost) ++
} else {
case s: PActualStatement =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,7 +74,9 @@ trait MemberTyping extends BaseTyping { this: TypeInfoImpl =>

private def wellDefIfInitBlock(n: PFunctionDecl): Messages = {
val isInitFunc = == Constants.INIT_FUNC_NAME
if (isInitFunc) {
if (isInitFunc && config.enableLazyImports) {
error(n, s"Init functions are not supported when executing ${} with ${Config.enableLazyImportOptionPrettyPrinted}")
} else if (isInitFunc) {
val errorMsgEmptySpec =
s"Currently, ${Constants.INIT_FUNC_NAME} blocks cannot have specification. Instead, use package postconditions and import preconditions."
val errorMsgNoInOut = s"func ${Constants.INIT_FUNC_NAME} must have no arguments and no return values"
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Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,10 @@

import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.util.Entity
import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.util.Messaging.{Messages, error}
import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.util.Messaging.{Messages, error, message}
import viper.gobra.GoVerifier
import viper.gobra.ast.frontend.{PExpression, POld, PPackage, PProgram, PVarDecl}
import viper.gobra.frontend.Config
import{SymbolTable => st}
import{AssignMode, StrictAssignMode}
Expand All @@ -18,30 +20,34 @@ trait ProgramTyping extends BaseTyping { this: TypeInfoImpl =>

lazy val wellDefProgram: WellDefinedness[PProgram] = createWellDef {
case PProgram(_, posts, imports, members) =>
// Obtains global variable declarations sorted by the order in which they appear in the file
val sortedByPosDecls: Vector[PVarDecl] = {
val unsortedDecls: Vector[PVarDecl] = members.collect{ case d: PVarDecl => d }
// we require a package to be able to obtain position information
val pkgOpt: Option[PPackage] = unsortedDecls.headOption.flatMap(tryEnclosingPackage)
// sort declarations by the order in which they appear in the program
unsortedDecls.sortBy{ decl =>
pkgOpt.get.positions.positions.getStart(decl) match {
case Some(pos) => (pos.line, pos.column)
case _ => Violation.violation(s"Could not find position information of $decl.")
if (config.enableLazyImports) {
posts.flatMap(post => message(post, s"Init postconditions are not allowed when executing ${} with ${Config.enableLazyImportOptionPrettyPrinted}"))
} else {
// Obtains global variable declarations sorted by the order in which they appear in the file
val sortedByPosDecls: Vector[PVarDecl] = {
val unsortedDecls: Vector[PVarDecl] = members.collect{ case d: PVarDecl => d }
// we require a package to be able to obtain position information
val pkgOpt: Option[PPackage] = unsortedDecls.headOption.flatMap(tryEnclosingPackage)
// sort declarations by the order in which they appear in the program
unsortedDecls.sortBy{ decl =>
pkgOpt.get.positions.positions.getStart(decl) match {
case Some(pos) => (pos.line, pos.column)
case _ => Violation.violation(s"Could not find position information of $decl.")
// HACK: without this explicit check, Gobra does not find repeated declarations
// of global variables. This has to do with the changes introduced in PR #186.
// We need this check nonetheless because the checks performed in the "true" branch
// assume that the ids are well-defined.
val idsOkMsgs = sortedByPosDecls.flatMap(d => d.left).flatMap(l => wellDefID(l).out)
if (idsOkMsgs.isEmpty) {
globalDeclSatisfiesDepOrder(sortedByPosDecls) ++
hasOldExpression(posts) ++
} else {
// HACK: without this explicit check, Gobra does not find repeated declarations
// of global variables. This has to do with the changes introduced in PR #186.
// We need this check nonetheless because the checks performed in the "true" branch
// assume that the ids are well-defined.
val idsOkMsgs = sortedByPosDecls.flatMap(d => d.left).flatMap(l => wellDefID(l).out)
if (idsOkMsgs.isEmpty) {
globalDeclSatisfiesDepOrder(sortedByPosDecls) ++
hasOldExpression(posts) ++
} else {

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@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
// Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.

// this is the same file as `globals-simple01.gobra` but additionally provides the `--disableGlobalVars` flag to Gobra.
// ##(--enableLazyImport)

//:: ExpectedOutput(type_error)
initEnsures acc(&A) && acc(&B) && acc(&C, 1/2)
package pkg

//:: ExpectedOutput(type_error)
importRequires true
import "fmt"

import (
//:: ExpectedOutput(type_error)
importRequires true
//:: ExpectedOutput(type_error)
importRequires true
//:: ExpectedOutput(type_error)
importRequires true

//:: ExpectedOutput(type_error)
var A int = 0
//:: ExpectedOutput(type_error)
var B, C = f()
//:: ExpectedOutput(type_error)
var _ = g()
//:: ExpectedOutput(type_error)
var D struct{}

func f() (int, bool)

func g() interface{}

requires acc(&A, 1/2) && A == 1
ensures acc(&A, 1/2)
func testRead() {
var v1 int = A
assert v1 == 1

requires acc(&C) && C
func testWrite() {
C = false

// Variable hiding works correctly, as in Go
func tesVarHiding() {
var A int = 0
assert A == 0

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