A wrapper layout which allows easy integration of swipe to refresh and showing progress and messages.
Wrap the content you want to enhance in the EnhancedContentLayout. Kepp in mind that the wrapped views will be invisible when showing a message etc. (e.g. you probably want to wrap toolbars etc.). Example:
If you want to wrap the complete layout (for example in a fragment) you can directly instantiate it. Example:
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
enhancedContent = new EnhancedContentLayout(getContext(), R.layout.some_fragment, container);
wrappedRecyclerView = (RecyclerView) enhancedContent.findViewById(R.id.recycler_view);
return enhancedContent;
enhancedContent.showMessage("Some message");
Useful for showing errors or empty messages (for lists). Hides the content and simply shows a message at the top of the layout.
Hides the content and shows a progressBar in the center of the layout.
Hides all other features (message, progressBar, ...) and shows the original content again (child views of the layout).
enhancedContent.enableSwipeToRefresh(@NonNull OnRefreshListener listener);
Enables swipe to refresh on the layout and calls the onRefresh() method when the the user pulls down the content.
- Make message position customizable (e.g. allow to position it in the center)
- Allow to pass an optional String and OnClickListener to showMessage which then shows a button with the text and calls back on click. E.g. for error messages, this allows to add a "retry" button.
- More customizations (e.g. background color, images, ...)
- ...