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"makaronLab" is currently a bunch of experiments with different CPU emulators and simulators.

Integrated some stuff, played with CPU simulation ...

Currently reimplementng wonderfull Spaghetti logic editor/simulator in Python/PyQT

Early stages in q3 folder - level of simple 6502/6522 simulation following wonderfull Ben's tutorials at

There were few reasons for this project.

First is wonderfull series of videos from Ben Eater on building 8bit cumputer from scratch.

It was an inspiration for me to try and do the same using some simulation.

Trying to simulate Ben's series I haven't found anything that would be really usable.

Closest was wonderful simulator "Spaghetti" by Artur Wyszyński (aljen)

I had to tune it a little bit, add some additional features and to prepare a library of specialised components to simulate CPU.

Other reasons

Here are some screenshots from my build and detailed description of steps I've took.


Getting started

Currently makaronLab is Linux based - I think that in the era of docker this is no longer any problem.

If You're stucked with Windows (like I was for many years ...) it's really a good occasion to leave the cave ...

You can simply run it using docker image containing Linux Mint Desktop and makaronLab (release version) preinstalled:

sudo docker run -d -p 6389:3389 --rm --name mlab-usr virtimus/mlab-usr

Running container "mlab-usr" can be accessed by standard rdp client (like mstsc under Windows) on port 6389

Default user/password is "ths/pass"

If You prefer to go deeper - compile it Yourself under Ubuntu 18.04 or Linux Mint - it is as simple as:

mkdir -p /src && cd /src && git clone && cd makaronLab/install && ./

or (directly using shell bootstrap script):

curl -sSL | sudo bash

You can also use standarised development environment available as Docker container:

sudo docker run -d -p 5389:3389 --rm --name mlab-dev virtimus/mlab-dev

it is ok to make a volume at /src (and/or /home dir) and clone fresh sources from github