A ruby program to manage my fiction writings.
Install gem requirements, do:
$ bundle install
Then add bin/fiction to your PATH
$ fiction new "Your Story Title"
$ cd your_story_title
$ fiction chapter "New Chapter"
$ fiction generate
$ fiction serve [port]
That will create new story with Your Story Title
, then enter the fic directory, create new chapter, then generate it into html, and finally serve it on localhost:4000.
new "Story Title"
: Generate new storychapter "Chapter title"
: Create new story (inside story folder)doc
: generate empty documentationgenerate
: compile the story into HTMLgeneratedoc
: compile the documentation into HTMLserve [port:4000]
: create local server to preview the generated HTML, by default: localhost:4000backup
: create backup zip file of the story and documentation. Generated HTML is not included