This was me, Vishal Gautam and Kyle Khoury's final project for DecodeMTL bootcamp.
A demo video can be found here:
You can also see our presentations slides here:
The backend can be found here:
- Can customize pages using React components
- Drag, drop, resize and modify props
- Can choose from prebuilt components or the built-in Semantic UI library
- Create/remove Categories
- Comprehensive graphs and reports on all marketplace activity
- Customizable dashboard
- Post items for sale, upload images
- Graphs and sales reports
- Order history
- Stripe checkout
- Search all products
- Filter results, with live search, filter by price, category
- Can leave reviews
- Feathers as a backend framework using Express
- How to use more advanced MongoDB queries
- Redux for state management
- Redux thunk for async fetching
- Redux devtools for debuging
- Used React propTypes for most components
- Firebase image upload
- Did not use create-react-app so learned to create customized configurations for:
- Webpack
- Eslint
- Babel (with custom babel plugins)
- Prettier
- Google Oauth2 using JWT for authentication
- Recharts for displaying the charts
- React hot module replacement, for updating a page without having to refresh it
- Redux-persist for persisting state in local storage
- Redux-undo for implementing the Admin Marketplace's undo/redo feature
- Semantic UI for the component library/css framework
- Pdfmake for creating PDF invoices
- Chai/Mocha for testing the backend